338 Voce mea ad Dominum Psalm 142
My voice to thee it self extreamly strayning,
cries prayeng, lord; againe it cryeng praieth.
before thy face the cause of my complayning,
before thy face my cases mapp it laieth
5 wherein my soule is painted
in doubtfull way a stranger:
but, Lord, thou art acquainted,
and knowst each path, where stick the toiles of danger:
for me, mine ey to ev’ry coast directed
10 lights, not on one that will so much as know me:
my life by all neglected,
ev’n hope of help is now quight perish’d from me.
Then with good cause to thee my spiritt flieth,
flieth, and saith: ô lord my safe abiding
15 abides in thee: in thee all-only lieth
lott of my life, and plott of my residing.
alas then yeeld me heiring,
for wearing woes have spent me:
and save me from their tearing,
20 who hunt me hard, and daily worse torment me.
ô change my state, unthrall my soule enthralled:
of my escape then will I tell the story:
and with a crown enwalled
of godly men, will glory in thy glory.