357           To the Translator

          Had Lucan hid the truth to please the time,

          He had beene too unworthy of thy Penne:

          Who never sought, nor ever car’d to clime

         By flattery, or seeking worthlesse men.

5    For this thou hast been bruis’d: but yet those scarres

          Do beautifie no lesse, then those wounds do

          Receiv’d in just, and in religious warres;

          Though thou hast bled by both, and bearst them too.

          Change not, to change thy fortune tis too late.

10          Who with a manly faith resolves to dye,

          May promise to himselfe a lasting state,

          Though not so great, yet free from infamy.

               Such was thy Lucan, whom so to translate

               Nature thy Muse (like LUCANS) did create.