36 Upon the sudden Restraint of the Earle of Somerset, then falling from favor
Dazel’d thus, with height of place,
Whilst our hopes our wits beguile,
No man markes the narrow space
’Twixt a prison, and a smile.
5 Then, since fortunes favours fade,
You, that in her armes doe sleep,
Learne to swim, and not to wade;
For, the Hearts of Kings are deepe.
But, if Greatness be so blind,
10 As to trust in towers of Aire,
Let it be with Goodness lin’d,
That at’least, the Fall be faire.
Then though darkned, you shall say,
When Friends faile, and Princes frowne,
15 Vertue is the roughest way,
But proves at night a Bed of Downe.