58 [To luve unluvit it is ane pane]
To luve unluvit it is ane pane
For scho that is my soverane
Sum wantoun man so he hes set hir
That I can get no lufe agane
5 Bot brekis my hairt and nocht the bettir
Quhen that I went with that sweit may
To dance to sing To sport and pley
And oft tymes in my armis plet hir
I do now murne both nycht and day
10 And brekis my hart and nocht the bettir
Quhair I wes wont to se hir go
Rycht trymly passand to and fro
With cumly smylis quhen that I met hir
And now I leif in pane and wo
15 And brekis etc.
Quhattane ane glaikit fule am I
To slay my self with malancoly
Sen weill I ken I may nocht get hir
Or quhat suld be the caus and quhy
20 To brek etc.
My hairt sen thou may nocht hir pleis
Adew as gud lufe cumis as gais
Go chus ane udir and foryet hir
God gif him dolour and diseis
25 That brekis thair hairt and nocht the bettir