171 5 Magnanimous great in courage 10 extended stretched out fixt intent, fastened 11 cp. Horace, Odes 1.35.17—18 ‘Before you your servant Necessity stalks with spikes and wedges in her brazen hand’ 12 crouds pushes, shoves 14 close join, unite, combine 19 the celestial or terrestrial world revolves around the axis which goes through the two poles 20 by themselves by each other; on their own
171 24 be compressed, squeezed into a chart formed by the projection of a sphere on to a plane 25 oblique inclined at any angle other than a right angle 26 greet meet, intersect 31 Conjunction the presence of two heavenly bodies in the same sign of the zodiac; union 32 Opposition the position of two heavenly bodies exactly opposite each other when seen from the earth; antagonism, resistance