223 3 presse crowd, throng; trouble, tribulation 5 cloke perhaps of virtue; cp. Horace, Odes 3.29.54–5 ‘and clad in my manhood pay court to honest Poverty, though she brings no dowry’ 7 moke mock 10 trwe true 12 intent thought, way of looking 13 resort retire, withdraw; dwell 14 fyar fire 15 my lyst not I do not like to 15–16 reportlblame talk censoriously 18 liars cannot be dyed any blacker than they already are (?) 19 fayne feign 20 to… praisse flatter
223 27 sely simple, innocent 32 willes wiles, tricks, deceits 33 call… counsell call dishonest cunning sound advice paint fawn, flatter 37 alow praise, commend 38 dam condemn 39 gate way 40 lyve Livy 42 aplye devote himself to 48–9 say… manyfolld as Midas did 50 syr thopias the narrator’s own tale, a travesty of courtly romance, in Chaucer’s The Canterbury tales 55 lust wish, desire, inclination 56 poyntes courses; Pointz frame suit
223 59 colours of devise clever shifts; rhetorical figures (for this strategy, cp. Rhetorica ad Herennium III.3.6) 62 pourpose chance, opportunity 67 favell often a personification of flattery 72 rekles to heedless of 78 hang… slevis** to depend or rely upon way weigh 83 goo walk 84 lusty flourishing lees meadows 85 newes novelties 86 clogg block attached to a prisoner’s leg; probably referring to restrictions placed on Wyatt’s freedom of movement by the King 87 no… that it is no matter 90 saffry savoury delicates dainties, délicates fele taste
223 94 chiere cheer, food, entertainment letteth hinders, stops deme judge 100 Kent… christendome proverbial, but the Wyatt family’s home was at Allington Castle in Kent