312 1 bird much disputed, but not certainly identified 2 sole unique 3 trumpet trumpeter 5 shriking harbinger screech-owl 6 precurrer* forerunner 7 Augour augurer, prophet fevers end death 9 interdict exclude, forbid 12 obsequie funeral rite 13 Surples surplice 14 defunctive* pertaining to death, funereal can knows, is skilful in 15 death-devining since it was thought swans sing before they die, they divine, know, when this will be 16 his right what is properly owing to him; his rite, liturgical ceremony (?) 17 treble dated living three times as long as man 18 sable black gender engendering, getting of children 19 crows, as well as living longer than men (1.17), were traditionally thought to breed by their billing
312 24 mutuall joint, common 26 essence life, existence 27 distincts* separate things; merely verbal differences Division real difference 28 Number two become one and one is not a number (cp. no. 99 1.255); the grammatical form expressing how many persons or things are spoken of 32 But in them except in their case 37 Propertie ownership, possession; essential quality 44 Simple unmixed, single 45 it Reason 46 concordant harmonious, unanimous 48 parts leaves; separates
312 49 Threne threnos, funeral song, dirge 51 Co-supremes* holders of joint supremacy 53 Raritie fineness of character 55 Here the urn of 1.65 60 infirmitie inability, impotence