361 Title Henery Reynolds see the textual note

361 36 Mantuan Johannes Baptista Spagnolo of Mantua (1448–1516), whose Latin eclogues were widely read in Renaissance schools (see no. 174) 40 by-clift bicleft, split in two 42 William Elderton (?–1592?) ballad-writer 47 Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer (1343?– 1400), author of The Canterbury tales, Troilus and Criseyde etc. 57 Gower John Gower (1330?– 1408), author of the Confessio amantis and other poems

361 63 Surrey Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, see Appendix 4 66 Wyat Sir Thomas Wyatt, see Appendix 4 67 Brian Sir Francis Bryan (?–1550), courtier and diplomat; the nature of his contribution to Tottel’s Songes and sonettes is uncertain 69 makers poets 71 songs and sonnets the title of the important collection of poems published by Richard Tottel in 1557 73 Gascoine George Gascoigne, see Appendix 4 Churchyard Thomas Churchyard, see Appendix 4 79 Spencer Edmund Spenser, see Appendix 4 81 blind Bard Homer 85 Sidney Sir Philip Sidney, see Appendix 4 86 numbers poetry, metrical compositions 90 Lillies John Lyly (1554?–1606), playwright whose prose romance Euphues (1578 and 1580) made the euphuistic style popular

361 93 Apes unthinking imitators Zanies mimics 97 Warner William Warner (1558?– 1609), poet most famous for his long poem Albions England, 1586 98 lim’d given limbs, articulated 105 Marlow Christopher Marlowe, see Appendix 4 106 translunary* beyond or above the moon, ethereal, visionary 111 Nashe Thomas Nashe, see Appendix 4 Proser* writer of prose 119 Shakespeare William Shakespeare, see Appendix 4 120 socke light shoe worn by comic actors in ancient Greece and Rome, comedy 122 trafiqu’d had dealings

361 123 Samuel Daniel see Appendix 4 129 Johnson Ben Jonson, see Appendix 4 136 Buskin thick-soled boot worn by actors in ancient Greece in tragedies 151 Silvester Josuah Sylvester, see Appendix 4 152 Bartas Guillaume de Salluste, Seigneur du Bartas (1544 – 90), French poet most famous for his epic of the creation La semaine, 1578, which Sylvester translated (see no. 343)

361 157 Sands George Sandys (1578 – 1644); the first five books of his translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses were published in 1621, the complete work in 1626 161 Jetting strutting, boastful, vain 166 Alexander Sir William Alexander of Menstry (1567?–1640), Earl of Stirling, Scottish poet and friend of Drayton’s; author of Aurora, 1604 and Doomsday, 1614 171 Drummond William Drummond, see Appendix 4 175 two Beantounts Francis Beaumont (1584–1616), playwright (often with John Fletcher), and his brother Sir John Beaumont (1583 – 1627), author of The metamorphosis of tobacco, 1602, and Bosworth Field, 1629 Browne William Browne, see Appendix 4

361 188 incloistered shut in, confined 189 transcription copying 191 composures compositions 193 cry them up praise them 195 passe care 198 bayes laurel wreaths