369 3 limb’d limned, painted measur’d metrical 4 Numbers poetry, poems 5 Musings… Field in 1643 Wither had published Campo-musae: or the field-musings of Captain George Wither
369 16 Informations instructions, communications 23 Arrant errand, message 26 shent blamed, reproved 31 Cisterne reservoir, tank; the fourth ventricle of the brain 44 Enthusiasme possession by a god, supernatural inspiration, poetic frenzy
369 65 ought aught, anything 72 crazie old, broken 74 working lively 80 Festivall Parliament had abolished Christmas festivities and in 1644 one of the prescribed monthly fasts was held on 25 December
369 94 dilated spread abroad 98 curelesse incurable 112 warrantize sanction, authorize