A washing machine that takes forever to fill may have an inlet screen clogged with mineral deposits and tiny particles of debris. These screens catch debris in the water supply and protect a washer’s internal parts. Often, screens clog after a remodeling project or after work by city crews on water mains. Any work on water lines can loosen sediment in pipes and lead to plugged screens.
Cleaning the screens is a simple job. The only tricky part is removing the screens without wrecking them (Photos 1 and 2). Don’t just yank them out. Gently squeeze and twist as you pull. You’ll distort the screens a little, but you can mold them back into shape with your fingers. If your screens are cemented in place by mineral deposits, you may not be able to remove them without damage. New screens are inexpensive and are sold at appliance parts stores.
1. Disconnect hoses. Turn off the hot and cold water supplies and disconnect the hoses. Use a pair of needle-nose pliers to gently remove the screens for cleaning.
2. Clean the dirty inlet screen with running water or blow out debris with an air compressor.
3. Reinsert the screen. Work the clean screen back into the inlet by pressing around the rim of the screen with a small screwdriver.
4. Check your washer supply hoses, too. Some contain screens that can be removed and cleaned just like inlet screens. Reconnect the hoses, turn on the water and check for leaks.