How to make perfect-closing screen doors







4-in-1 screwdriver

Snap-on locking pliers if required

We’ll show you how to adjust a screen door so it closes perfectly. By simply turning a screw, you can fix the door so it won’t slam shut or be hard to pull closed. If you can use a screwdriver, you can fix this problem.


1. Lock the door open with the hold-open washer to release the tension on the pin. Remove the pin. Move the connecting pin to the inner hole to make the door close harder. For a softer close, use the outer hole.


2. If moving the pin makes matters worse, return it to its original position and try the adjustment screw. Turn it clockwise for a softer close, counterclockwise for harder. Make a quarter turn, test the door and continue making quarter turns until the door closes just right. If your door has two closers, treat them exactly alike. Adjust both screws equally and make sure their pins are in the same position.

pro tips!

If your hold-open washer won’t work, open the door and snap on locking pliers (such as a Vise-Grip pliers) onto the closer shaft to hold the door open.

To repair the washer, slip it off the shaft, put it in a vise and make a sharper bend in it using a hammer or take the entire closer to a hardware store and find a similar replacement. Some closers mount a little differently from the one we show. For example, you may find that the door bracket, rather than the closer, has two pinholes.