Discussion Questions

  1. Just when all of Jett’s dreams seem to fall into place, he is forced to take on the responsibility of his niece and two nephews. Have you ever had to carry a friend’s or family member’s burdens? How did you react? What gave you the strength to carry on?
  2. Some of life’s biggest gifts come in the smallest of packages. What is a blessing in your life that initially came as an unwanted surprise? Why?
  3. Both Cassie and Jett were affected by the foster care system, and statistics show that on any given day, over 443,000 children live in foster care in the United States.* There are many ways to help in this crisis. What is one way to care for someone affected by abuse or neglect today?
  4. Both Jett and Cassie hold off talking about the kids in their care for fear of overwhelming the other person. Have you ever purposefully miscommunicated about something to another friend, spouse, or employer in hopes of avoiding conflict? Has it ever backfired, and if so, how?
  5. Star’s reaction to the news that she could be adopted isn’t cut and dry. What emotions might she be feeling? Why do you think she’d feel each one?
  6. This book demonstrates the power of family, however they come to be. Sometimes family includes friends, neighbors, and other people patchworked into our lives. Who do you consider family? Why?
  7. At the start of the book, we see Cassie struggling with unfulfilled dreams. Do you have a battle you find yourself fighting day after day, week after week? What encourages you to persevere? Whom do you seek for support?
  8. Both Cassie and Jett make sacrifices for the sake of the children in their care. When have you ever sacrificed your dreams for someone else? Why? What was the consequence?
  9. The support of Sarah and Sunny was imperative to Jett as he started wading into the waters of parenthood. Likewise, Cassie relied on her mother and best friend. Who do you turn to for support? Who turns to you when they need an extra hand?
  10. Jett struggled with a roller coaster of emotions as he helplessly watched his sister battle drug addiction—something over thirty-one million people around the world deal with every day.* What are some practical things you can do when you see a friend or family member dealing with an addiction?
  11. In the first half of the book, Donna Gene and Edie keep the television on loudly throughout the day. Have you ever used technology to keep yourself distracted from unwanted feelings like loneliness or isolation? Why? What are healthier ways to pull those problems up at the roots?
  12. Why do you think Cassie and Jett waited a year to get married? What sorts of things do you imagine they learned about each other in that time?