Because running is a primitive survival activity, we have all of the capabilities and potential adaptations to run without injury or pain. When we have a correct balance of stress and rest, with gentle increases, we can continue to improve, and enjoy our runs. The single greatest reason for improvement in running is not getting injured.
But, inside each human is a personality trait that can compromise running enjoyment. I call this the “Type A overworker syndrome.” Even those who feel they have no competitive urges and no athletic background need to be on guard. Once a new runner has achieved a certain level of fitness, there is a tendency to push more or rest less. At first, the body responds. When the runner keeps pushing, the body breaks at one of the “weak links.”
Be sensitive to weak links
Each of us has a very few areas that take on more stress, and tend to get most of the aches, pains and injuries. The most common areas are the knees, the foot, the shins, and the hip. Those who have been running for a year or more will usually know their own weak links. If you have a particular place on your knee that has been hurt before, and it hurts after a run, take an extra day or two off, and follow the suggestions on treating an injury listed below.
How do you know that you are injured?
The following are the leading signs that you have an injury. If you feel any of the three below, you should stop your workout immediately, and take some extra rest days (usually 2-3). Running (and sometimes even walking) at the early stages of an injury creates a dramatically worse injury—even on one run. If you take 2-3 days off at the first symptom, you may avoid having to stop exercise for 2-3 months when running on the injury. It is always safer to err on the side of taking more time off.
1. | Inflammation—any type of swelling |
2. | Loss of function—the foot, etc., doesn’t work correctly |
3. | Pain—that does not go away when you walk for a few minutes |
Losing conditioning
Studies have shown that you can maintain conditioning even when you don’t exercise for 5 days. Surely you want to continue regular running, but staying injury free has an even higher priority. So, don’t be afraid to take up to 5 days off when a “weak link” kicks in. In most cases, you will only stop for 2-3 days.
It is always best, at the first sign of injury, to see a doctor (or with muscle injury a massage therapist) who wants to get you out there running as soon as possible.
The better doctors will explain what they believe is wrong (or tell you when he/she cannot come up with a diagnosis) and give you a treatment plan. This will give you great confidence in the process, which has been shown to speed the healing.
Treatments while you are waiting to see a doctor
Unfortunately, most of the better doctors are so booked up that it takes a while to see them. While waiting for your appointment, here are some things other runners have done with success when one of the weak links shows inflammation, loss of function or pain:
1. | Take at least 2-5 days off from any activity that could irritate it. |
2. | If the area is next to the skin (tendon, foot, etc.), rub a chunk of ice on the area(s)—constantly rubbing for 15 minutes until the area gets numb. Continue to do this for a week after you feel no symptoms. |
3. | If the problem is inside a joint or muscle, call your doctor and ask if you can use prescription strength anti-inflammatory medication. Don’t take any medication without a doctor’s advice—and follow that advice. |
4. | If you have a muscle injury, see a very successful sports massage therapist. Try to find one who has a lot of successful experience treating the area where you are injured. The magic fingers and hands can often work wonders. |
Preventing injury
Having had over a hundred injuries myself, and then having worked with tens of thousands who have worked through aches and pains, I’ve developed the suggestions below. They are based upon my experience in advising as one runner to another. I’m proud to report that since I started following the advice that I give others, I’ve not had an overuse injury in over 25 years.
Take 48 hours between runs
Running puts a lot more stress on the muscles than walking. Allowing the running muscles to rest for two days will provide a magic time period for recovery. Stair machine work should also be avoided during the 48 hour rest period (stair work uses the same muscles as running). Also avoid any other activities that seem to irritate the tendon.
Don’t stretch!
I’ve come full circle on this. A high percentage of the runners who report to me, injured, have either become injured because they stretched or aggravated the injury by stretching. When they stop stretching, a significant percentage report that the injury heals enough to run in a relatively short period of time.
The exception to this rule is when you have Ilio-tibial band injury. For this injury alone, stretching the I-T band seems to help runners continue to run while they heal.
Do the “toe squincher” exercise
This exercise can be done 10-30 times a day on both feet (one at a time). Point the toes and squinch them until the foot cramps (only a few seconds). This strengthens the many little muscles in the foot that can provide a platform of support. It is particularly effective in preventing plantar fascia.
Don’t increase total mileage more than 10% a week
Monitor your mileage that you run (walking is usually OK) in a log book or calendar. If you exceed the 10 per cent increase on a given week, take an extra day off.
Drop total mileage in half, every 3rd or 4th week
This is helpful even when increasing by no more than 10% per week
Your log book can guide you here also. You won’t lose any conditioning and you’ll help the body heal itself, and get stronger. A steady increase, week after week, does not allow the legs to catch up and rebuild.
Avoid a long stride—both walking and running
Running with more of a shuffle (feet close to the ground) reduces the chance of many injuries. Even walking with a long stride can irritate the shin muscles. Read the “Running Form” section for more information on developing an efficient running form.