I am grateful to Denise Stern for her research assistance and to Raulandre Thompson and Breanna Henry for their help. I would like to express sincere gratitude to the people and organizations that assisted me with this project:
Ann Marie Langlois, Archives of Ontario, archivist at Osgoode Hall Library; Afua Cooper, Adrienne Shadd, and Karolyn Smardz Frost; the Chatham-Kent Museum; Anne Jarvis, historical interpreter of Griffin House/Fieldcote Museum and Memorial Park; the St. Catharines Museum; the Norval Johnson Library Collection at the St. Catharines Central Library; Karen Foster, archivist, Grey Roots Archives and Museum, Owen Sound; Chatham-Kent Historical Society; Buxton Museum; Dr. Delta McNeish, Beth Emanuel BME Church; University of Western Ontario; London Public Library; British Columbia Archives; Gary Shutlak, Nova Scotia Archives and Record Management; Margaret Houghton, archivist, Hamilton Public Library; Toronto Public Library; Janie Cooper-Wilson, executive director of the Silvershoe Historical Society; Nancy Mallett, archivist, The Cathedral Church of St. James; the Marsh Collection Society; John Hennigar-Shuh, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic; David States, Parks Canada Atlantic Service Centre; the Oakville Historical Society; the Oakville Museum at the Erchless Estate; the Canadian Caribbean Association of Halton; the Elmira Public Library; the Doon Heritage Crossroads; the York University Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections; Lezlie Wells of Niagara Bound Tours; and O’Neil and Marlon McLean of Kaimera Design.
Special thanks also goes to Kenn Stanton, curator of North American Black Historical Museum; Dr. Henry Bishop, executive director of the Black Cultural Centre of Nova Scotia; Justice Beth Allen, Justice Romain Pitt, and Justice George Strathy, all of the Superior Court of Justice; Marcus Snowden; Dennis and Lisa Scott of Owen Sound; Melinda Mollineaux; and the many others I contacted for providing invaluable information, photos, and other resources and for providing research leads and suggestions. A special thank you goes to Hilary Dawson, historical researcher of Toronto, Ontario, for the background on Joshua Glover.
I would like to thank Barry Penhale and Jane Gibson of Natural Heritage Books for approaching me with this project, for their confidence in my abilities, and for providing encouraging editorial support. Thanks also to my copy editor, Jennifer McKnight, for her thorough work and helpful feedback.
The support, patience, time, understanding, and encouragement of my family and close friends helped me through this project. Thank you to Rawle Thompson, my sisters Simone and Nicole, my brothers Desroy and Gary, my nephews and nieces, and other extended family members. Finally, I would like to extend a heartfelt appreciation to my mother Nancy Whynter, my daughter Jamaya Dixon, and my life partner Fitzroy Dixon.