

The page numbers in this index refer to the print edition of this book.

Dr. Anderson Ruffin, 75, 80, 81,
86, 99, 125, 128, 132, 205, 238
Ellen (Toyer), 99, 125
Wilson Ruffin, 125

Abolition, abolitionists, 9, 17, 18,
29, 30, 40–43, 48, 49, 51, 53,
56, 58, 61, 67, 72, 75, 77,
82, 87–89, 91, 95–97, 100,
103,118–20, 122, 124, 126,
127, 130, 131, 138, 146, 148,
154, 157, 158, 169, 171, 174,
175, 179, 180, 184–88, 191,
204, 208, 209, 211, 215,219,
224, 236, 239, 240, 248, 251

Abolition of Slavery Bill (1933), 17,
26, 134

Acadia, 18, 173, 180

Act to Limit Slavery (1793), 39, 41,
108, 146

Act to Prevent the Clandestine
Landing of Liberated Slaves
(1833), 175

ADAH Chapter No. 7 Scenic City
Lodge 22, 202

Adventure Cycling Association, 223

African Abolition Society (AAS),

African Baptist Chapel (Halifax), 177

African Enterprise Society, 61

African Methodist Episcopal Church
(AME) (Windsor), 61

African Methodist Epsicopal Church
(St. Paul’s, Hamilton), 115

African Methodist Episcopal Church
(Toronto), 125, 137

African Rifles (Victoria Pioneer Rifle
Company), 192, 255

African School House (Halifax), 177,

African Staff Company (York County
Militia), 183

Africville (Halifax), 19, 173, 214

Agriculture Park (Cockshutt Park,
Brantford), 112, 113

Akin, Adam, 108

Alabama, State of, 25, 65, 69, 125,
223, 237

Alabama Christian Movement, 237

Alexander, Joe, 75

Alexander, John H., 53, 235

Alexander, Honourable Lincoln, 92, 153

Alexander, Nancy, 195

Alexandra Park (Brantford), 112

Allen, Emily, 191

Allen, Justice Beth, 16, 217

Allen, Reverend J. E., 235

Allen-Jones, Genevieve, 201

All Saints Anglican Church (Windsor),

American Civil War, 32, 114, 170,
172, 205

American Missionary Association
(AMA), 49

American Presbyterian Church
(Montreal), 172, 251–52

American Revolution, 62, 113, 167,
173, 180, 231

Amherstburg, Ontario (see also Fort
Malden), 18, 19, 47–55, 57,
60, 62, 63, 72, 111, 120, 128,
234–36, 249

Amherstburg Community Club, 68

Amherstburg Cornet Band, 51

Amherstburg Echo, 51

Amherstburg Town Hall, 51, 53

Ancaster, Ontario, 115, 122, 156, 203,
224, 243, 246

Anderdon, Ontario, 235

Anderson, James, 108

Anderson, John, 110, 126, 169, 243

Anderson, Osborne, 75

Anderson, Roy, 102

Angélique, Marie-Joseph, 39, 168, 232

Anglin, Timothy Warren, 183

Antigua, West Indies, 10, 42

Anti-Slavery Activities, 18, 19, 29, 30,
40, 48, 57, 61, 63, 74, 75, 88, 89,
95, 122, 126–29, 146, 169–72,
174, 178, 190, 206, 224, 241–
42, 247, 254

Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, 61,
96, 170, 236, 251–52

Arabian (steamer), 131

Armstrong (steamer), 159

Arnott, Ted, 256 –57

Articles of Capitulation (Treaty of
Paris), 167, 251

Athletic Park (Brantford), 104, 106

Atkin, Gore, 52

Auchmar Estate (Hamilton), 110, 116,
122, 244–45

August Lodge, 100

Augusta, Dr. Alexander, 128

Baby, James “Jacques,” 55

Bahia Rebellion, Brazil, 40

Balfour, W.D., 52

Ball, Reverend R.R., 100

Barbados, West Indies, 10, 43, 143,

Barnswell, Mary Lowe, 195

Baseball, 54, 85, 110, 112, 113, 158,
162, 209, 212, 244

Bates, Daisy, 69, 237

Baynes, William Craig, 169, 171, 172

Bayview Park (Hamilton), 121

Bedford Basin, 178

Belmont House (Hamilton), 177

Benevolent Societies, 29, 75, 99, 125,
173, 200, 202, 219, 245

Bennett, Prime Minister Robert
Borden, 65

Berbice Slave Rebellion, British
Guiana, 40

Beth Emanuel BME Church
(London), 15, 96, 242

Bethune, Mary McLeod, 69, 200, 201,

Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona
Beach), 237

Berlin, Ontario (now Kitchener), 104,

Berlin Band, 157, 158

Bermuda, 42, 43, 189

Best, W.R., 161

Bibb, Henry, 9, 19, 34, 55, 56, 58, 61,
63, 246

Bibb, Mary, 9, 10, 19, 55–57, 61

Biddulph Township (Middlesex
County), 94

Big Picnic, 70, 123, 148, 149, 150,

Bill 111 (Ontario), 223, 256–57

Birchtown, Nova Scotia, 19

Bixel, Leonard, 104

Bixel, Max, 104

Black Loyalists, 18–20, 47, 55, 128,
132, 144, 175, 180, 231

Blacks on the Border, 174

Blakelock, Thomas, 123

Blenheim, Ontario, 103

Bonaventure Hall (Montreal), 169–72

Bond, Willis, 195

Booth, Julia Ann, 191

Booth, Samuel, 195

Bothwell, Ontario, 80, 85, 91

Boyd, Grandison, 79

Boyd’s Block (Chatham), 79

Boylston, John, 108

Brant, Joseph, 108, 156, 243

Brantford, Moses Jr., 53

Brantford, Ontario, 18, 84, 102, 104,
106, 108–13, 115, 119, 121, 128,
156, 158, 212, 234, 242, 243,

Brantford Expositor, 110

Brantford Independent Band, 98

Brazil, 40, 143

Brien, Dr. James, 52

British American Association of
Colored Brothers (BAACB), 65,
68, 212, 237

British American Institute (Dresden),
74, 87

British and Foreign Anti-Slavery
Society, 88

British Colonist (Halifax), 175, 176

British Colonist (Victoria), 190

British Columbia Association for the
Advancement of Coloured People
(BCAACP), 195

British Emancipation Act/
Emancipation Act (1833) (see also
Slavery Abolition Act), 85, 130

British Guiana (now Guyana), 10, 40,
43, 189, 231

British Loyalists, 47, 113, 124, 181

British Methodist Episcopal Church
(BME), 48, 61, 74, 78, 115,
123, 125, 137, 149, 153, 154

Brode, Patrick, 245

Broken Shackles, 154, 249

Bronte, Ontario, 119, 121, 123, 245

Brooks, Henry, 147

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters,

Brotherly Union Society, 118, 245

Brown, George, 40, 127

Brown, Jesse, 112

Brown, John, 58, 103, 169, 172, 238,

Brown, Paola, 114, 244

Brown, Thomas (Oxford County), 104

Brown, Thomas (Essex County), 210

Brown-Kubisch, Linda, 250

Browne, Mario C., 155

Brown’s Wharf (Toronto), 131

Bruce, County of, 151, 156

Bruce, Right Honourable James, 131

Buchanan, Honourable Isaac, 114–16,

Buffalo, New York, 23, 25, 112, 120,
121, 144, 149

Burnette, Hugh, 94, 240

Butler, Reverend William, 119, 123, 245

Cadboro Bay (Victoria Island),

“Cadboro Bay: Index to an Incomplete
History,” 194

Cakewalk, 65, 106, 112, 121, 133,
134, 158, 212, 242

California, State of, 11, 20, 188–90

Cambridge, Ontario (see Galt)

Camden, Ontario, 128

Campbell, Archibald, 85

Campbell, Professor ___, 106

Campbell Block (Ingersoll), 106

Campbell Chapel AME Church
(Chatham), 74

Canadian Anti-Slavery Baptist

Association, 48, 75

Canadian Caribbean Association of
Halton (CCAH), 124, 246

Canadian League (Association) for the
Advancement of Coloured People
(CAACP), 93, 101, 241–42

Canadian Race Relations Act, 92

Captain Runchey’s Company of
Coloured Men, 145

Caribana Festival, 12, 20, 43, 143

Caribbean, 11, 14, 20, 26, 27, 35, 38,
40, 41, 43, 124, 135, 289, 206,
217, 223, 231, 232

Cariboo Gold Rush, 189

Carleton, New Brunswick, 180

Cary, George, 9, 57

Cary, Mary Ann Shadd (see also Mary
Ann Shadd), 88, 94, 125

Cary, Thomas F., 125

Center for Minority Health, University
of Pittsburgh Graduate School of
Public Health, 155, 223

Ceylon, Ontario, 151

Chambers, Pastor S.C., 118

Charity, Cornelius, 195

Charity Block (Chatham), 74

Chatham, Ontario, 13, 19, 20, 51, 52,
56, 72–88, 91, 92, 95, 99, 110,
120, 128, 205, 206, 237–40

Chatham Board of Health, 86

Chatham Literary and Debating
Society, 72, 75, 81, 83

Chatham Planet, 77

Chicago, Illinois, 25, 58, 119, 120,
159, 181, 243–44

Chicago Bar Association, 119

Chippawa, Ontario, 144

Christ’s Church Anglican (Dresden),

Christ’s Church Cathedral (Hamilton),
115, 116

Christian, Elder Washington, 125

Christian Recorder (Philadelphia), 90

Church of England (Montreal), 168

Cincinnati, Ohio, 25

Civic Holiday (August 1st), 223, 224

Civil War (see American Civil War)

Clairmont Park (Hamilton), 115, 116

Clancy, James (MP), 85

Clarke, Reverend William F., 95, 96,
103, 104, 190, 191, 241

Clarkson, Thomas, 40

Cleveland, Ohio, 78, 98, 104

Cockshutt Park (Brantford), 111, 112

Coffin, Levi, 40, 49, 58, 234

Colchester, Ontario, 49, 51, 52, 128,

Colchester, Township of (Essex
County), 19

Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, 179

Collingwood, Ontario, 18, 71, 104,
108, 152–55, 158–63, 202

Colonial Church and School Society
(Anglican Church), 90, 241

Colonial Missionary Society, 190

Colored American (New York), 130

Coloured Corps (see also Captain

Runchey’s Company of Coloured
Men), 138, 140

Coloured Baptist Church (Hamilton),

Coloured Citizen’s Band (Brantford),
111, 112

Coloured Wesleyan Methodist Church
(Toronto), 125

Commercial Hotel (Toronto), 129

Commodore (steamer), 189

Common Schools Act (1850), 80, 234

Community Family Club (London),
101–03, 242

Conestoga, Ontario, 156

Confederation (1867), 172, 177–79,
190, 193, 205

Conservative Party, 79, 85, 128, 129,

Cook, Thomas, 172

Cooley, Chloe, 233

Cooper, Afua, 14, 15, 94

Cooper, E.C., 72, 79, 81

Cooper, Joseph, 159

Cooper-Wilson, Janie, 15, 71

Cornwallis Street Baptist Church
(Halifax), 252

Cosley, John, 122

Court House Square (London), 98

Craven, John, 195

Cridge, Edward, 190, 191

Crosby, William, 88

Crystal Palace (Hamilton), 114, 119,

Crystal Palace (London), 98

Crystal Palace (St. Catharines), 148

Curtis, Beluah, 111

Cutten, Joseph, 235

Daly, Absalom, 104

Daly House Stables (Norwich), 104

Damascus Commandery No. 4, 54

Damrell, H., 88

Dandridge, Dorothy, 66

Darby, Dorothy, 201, 202, 238

“Darkey Hollow” (Oro), 160

Daughters of Samaria, 99, 200

Dawn of Tomorrow, The, 101, 232,

Davis, Delos Rogest, 50, 51, 53, 85,

Davis, George, 171, 172

Davis, Reverend ___, 90

Davis Jr., Sammy, 66

Dawn Settlement (Dresden), 18, 62,
74, 87, 88, 91, 239, 240

Dawson, Hilary J., 246

Dawson, Marjorie, 150

Day Hotel (Brantford), 111

Delany, Martin, 75, 80

Delisle, Reverend David Charbrand,

Demarest, Sylvanus, 95

Denman, Admiral Joseph, 188

Dennis, Mayor Ray A., 102

Dereham, Ontario, 103

Dett, Robert Nathaniel, 251

Digby, Nova Scotia, 173

Diggs, Alex, 182

Dillon, Reverend Marmaduke Martin,
96–98, 241

Discrimination, 20, 27–29, 33, 49, 50,
51, 68, 74, 76, 79, 81, 83–86, 90,
91, 94, 95, 100, 101, 114, 127,
128, 136, 148, 174, 183, 190–92,
196, 205, 214, 237, 241–42

Donnelly, Edward, 59

Doston, Alexander, 245

Doty, Edwin, 104

Dougall, John, 169–72, 251

Douglas, Governor James, 186–92

Douglass, Frederick, 34, 40, 88, 126,
209, 210, 233, 239, 254

Dover, Ontario, 82

Dresden, Ontario, 18, 20, 74, 87–93,
116, 120, 136, 221, 239, 240, 242

Drew, Benjamin, 243

Drill Hall (Brantford), 112

Drill Hall (Victoria), 192, 255

Drill Shed (Chatham), 78, 82, 86

Drinkwater, Reverend Charles Henry,
116–18, 245

Drummondville, Ontario, 119,
144,145, 147, 148, 248

Dufferin, County of, 156

Dunn, James, 236

Dunn, Mr. ___, 62

Dunn, Robert, 58, 64, 236

Duval, Pleasant, 159, 160

Duval, Mariah Jane, 160

d’Youville, Mother Marie, 168

Eastern Star Lodge, 98, 138, 155

Edgar AME Church (Simcoe), 160

Edward, William H., 130

Elgin, Lord (Governor General), 114,

Elgin Association Fraud, 79

Elgin Settlement (Buxton Mission),
19, 77, 79, 251

Elk Lake (Vancouver Island), 193

Elliot, Colonel Matthew, 47

Elm Hill, New Brunswick, 180

Elmira, Ontario, 156–58

Elmira Exhibition Grounds, 158

English Congregationalist Union
Church, 190

Emancipation Legislation:
British Emancipation Act (1833),
10–12, 42, 43, 51, 85, 86, 101,
110, 112, 142, 156, 168, 175,
185, 187, 188, 204, 251

Emancipation Proclamation
(1865), 43, 126, 171

Equiano, Olaudah, 40, 233

Esquimalt, British Columbia, 188, 189

Esquimalt Harbour, 187

Essex, County of, 47, 51–55, 64, 65,
68, 128, 210–12

Essex Militia, 62

Estes, Howard, 189

Eureka Commandery No. 1, 84

Eureka Lodge No. 20 Free and
Accepted Masons, 137

Evers, Medgar, 69, 237

Evers, Myrlie, 69, 237

Exhibition Grounds (London), 98

Exhibition Park (Toronto), 134

Fair Accommodation Practices Act
(1954), 93, 232

Feinburg, Rabbi Abraham, 143

Ferguson, Peter, 161

Ferguson, Honourable Robert, 91

Fifth Gore Militia, 113

First Baptist Church:
(AME) Malden, 48
Chatham, 74
Sandwich, 10, 57
Toronto, 125
Windsor, 61, 210

First World War, 32, 162, 140, 183

Fisher, J.J., 9, 57, 250

Fitzgerald, Captain James, 122, 254

Flesherton, Ontario, 151

Fort Erie, Ontario, 144, 145

Fort Malden (see also Amherstburg),
18, 47, 48

France, 11, 37, 141

Francis, Eddie, 217

Francis, Sydna E.R., 191

Fraser River Gold Rush, 20, 188, 189

Frederick Douglass’ Paper, 88

Fredericton, New Brunswick, 19, 180,

Frost, Karolyn Smardz, 15, 232, 242

Frost Jr., John, 154, 249

Fry, James, 47

Fugitive Slave Chapel (see Beth

Emanuel BME Church)

Fugitive Slave Law (1793), 42, 233

Fugitive Slave Law (1850), 124, 169,
174, 180

Fugitives Union Society, 57

Gagetown, New Brunswick, 180

Gallego, Peter, 128

Galley, Sarah, 111

Galt, Ontario (now Cambridge), 156

Gant, Catherin, 191

Garrett, Henry, 147, 248

Garvey, Amy, 221

Garvey, Marcus, 108, 213

Gauthier, John, 236

Geddes, Reverend John Gamble, 115,

George’s Square (Oakville), 123, 124

Georgian Bay, 18, 151, 154, 159, 162

Georgian Bay Park (Collingwood), 154

“Get Off the Track!,” 184, 228, 230,

Gibbs, Maria, 191

Gibbs, Mifflin Wistar, 190, 191, 195

Gibbs, Rebbecca, 195

Giscome, John, 189, 254

Giscome Canyon, 254

Giscome Portage, 254

Giscome Rapid, 254

Glen Allan, Ontario, 156

Glover, Joshua, 125, 246

Government Grounds (Toronto), 131

Government House (Halifax), 177,

Government House (Toronto), 131

Grace Anglican Church (Brantford),
171, 243–44

Grafton, Francis E., 171, 252

Grand Truck Railway, 77

Grand United Order of Oddfellows
(GUOOF), 99, 100, 134, 137

Grant, Ab, 112

Grant, Anthony, 168, 251

Grasett, Reverend Henry James,
129–34, 247

Gray, Henry, 146, 248

Great Western Railway, 60, 95, 132

Green, Mrytle, 153

Green, Pearl, 153

Green, Reverend James, 171

Green Lawn (Dawn), 87

Grenada, West Indies, 40, 48

Grey, County of, 151, 153, 156

Grey Roots Museum and Archives, 15,

Griffin, Enerals, 122, 245–46

Griffin House (Ancaster), 122, 245–46

Griffin House/Fieldcote Memorial

Park and Museum, 15, 203, 224,

Grizzle, Stanley, 138

Guelph, Ontario, 96, 98, 111, 112,
120, 121, 156, 222

Guelph University (see University of

Guyana (see also British Guiana), 40,
43, 143, 189

Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, 179

Hackett, Nelson, 75, 238

Hackley, Reverend A.W., 86

Haiti, 11, 12, 40, 239

Haitian Revolution, 11, 40

Halifax, Nova Scotia, 18–20, 173–80,
212–14, 234, 245, 252, 253

Halifax Harbour, 178

Hall, Dr. W.R., 85, 86

Hall, John “Daddy,” 154, 249

Hamilton, Ontario, 18, 20, 65, 78,
86, 91, 92, 98, 99, 110–23, 128,
131, 133–35, 158, 162, 200, 201,
234, 244–45

Hamilton Black Abolitionist Society,

Hamilton Cemetery, 244

Hamilton Conservation Authority, 122

Hamilton Mountain, 113, 116

Hamilton Spectator, 122, 224

Hammond’s Plains, Nova Scotia, 173

Happy, Jesse, 114, 244

Harper, Harry, 150

Harper’s Ferry (Virginia), 169, 238, 240

Harris, Clayborn, 62

Harris, Labalinin, 60

Harris, Mr. ___, 159

Harris, Thomas, 53

Harris, W.H., 130

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 119

Harrison, Elizabeth, 153

Harrison Park (Owen Sound), 154–56

Harvey, Al, 123

Harvey, Bob, 123

Harwich, Ontario, 128

Hatt, Samuel, 156, 243

Haviland, Laura, 58

Hawkesville, Ontario, 156–57

Hawkins, Bishop Walter, 53, 78

Hayes, Esther, 138

Henson, James “Old Man,” 154, 253

Henson, Reverend Josiah, 62, 87, 92,
144, 239, 246, 249

Hepburn, Premier Mitch, 65

Highgate, Aaron, 88, 240

Higman, B.W., 213, 256

Hill, Dr. Daniel, 60, 127, 233

Hill, Dennis, 91

Hill, James Wesley, 122, 246

Hill, Reverend C.P., 235

Holden, Isaac, 78, 80, 82–84, 86, 239

Holden, Reverend R.L., 78, 83, 99

Holland, 37

Holland Centre, Ontario, 151

Hollinsworth, James, 88, 239, 240

Holloway, Edith, 141

Holly, James Theodore, 236

Holton, L., 172

Home Comfort Club, 138

Hôpital-Général (Montreal), 168

Hotel Dieu Hospital (Windsor), 136

Hour-A-Day Study Club, 201

Household of Ruth, 99, 121, 137,

Howe, Joseph, 177

Howe Jr., John, 177

Howson, Christine, 101, 103

Hubbard, William Peyton, 128

Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC), 185,
187, 188, 190

Hughes, Orra L.C., 119, 120

Hughes, Reverend Thomas, 89, 90

Hulmes, Reverend ___, 154

Hurst, Charles, 210

Hurst, John, 61

Hutchinson, John, 254

Hutchinson Family Singers, 228, 254

Hutchinson Jr., Jesse, 228, 254

Ibbotson, Heather, 110

Illinois, State of, 25, 120

Indiana, State of, 64

Ingersoll, Ontario, 98, 103, 106

Irish Emancipation Act of 1829, 81

Irish New Connexion Methodist
Chapel (London), 95

Jackson, General Andrew “Stonewall,”

Jackson, Harvey C., 103

Jackson, Mayor Ovid, 55

Jackson, Mississippi, 237

Jackson, Ruby West, 246

Jackson Park (Windsor), 36, 66–69,
72, 73, 201, 212, 238

Jamaica, West Indies, 10, 11, 40, 43,
118, 129, 143, 189, 231

Janes, D.S., 169, 170, 172, 251

Jarvis, Anne, 15, 122, 203, 224, 246,

Jarvis, Sheriff William, 124

Jarvis Hall (Ingersoll), 106

Jenkins, Dr. ___, 118

Jenkins, James F., 101, 232, 241–42

Jim Crow Laws, 20, 68, 232

John Brown Convention (Chatham),

John Henry Valentine Lodge No. 740,

Johnson, Evelyn (Howson), 103

Johnson, Jack, 13, 65, 237

Johnson, John W., 99

Johnson, Mr. ___, 9

Johnson, Mr. J.O., 51

Johnson, Viola, 153

Jones, Aby Beckford, 96, 241

Jones, Alfred, 96, 241

Jones, Jehu, 130

Jones, Josiah, 77

Jones, J.M., 79

Jones, Ronnie, 217

Jones, Reverend W.H., 77, 119, 238

Jones, William, 61

“Jones” Brass Band, 78

Jubilee Singers, 53, 109, 111, 121, 234

Kachun, Mitchell, 59, 85, 206

Keith, Marion (Martha Graham), 250

Kemp, Reverend Alex F., 171, 172

Kent, County of, 73–94, 128, 210,

Kent County Civil Rights League
(KCCRL), 82–83

Kentucky, State of, 25, 61, 64, 114,
241, 243–44, 249

Kerr, Reverend ___, 154

Kerr-Ritchie, J.R., 128, 132

Kilmaster, William G., 112

King, Reverend William, 77, 79, 80,
88, 238

King, Violet, 142, 200, 247

King Jr., Dr. Martin Luther, 37, 69,
173, 208, 215

King Street School (Amherstburg), 48,

Kingsville, Ontario, 49

Kinnaird, Reverend Thomas, 118

Kitchener, Ontario (see also Berlin),
104, 120, 158

Knights of Pythias, 99

Knights Templar, 54, 84

Labadie, Antoine Descomptes, 55

Ladies Freedman’s Aid Society, 125

Lagoon Park (Sandwich), 59, 64, 65,
210, 236

Lakeside Park (Port Dalhousie), 149, 150

Lampton, William, 76

Larwill, Edwin, 76, 80

LeBurtis, Susan, 104, 159

LeDuc’s Tavern (Sandwich), 56

Lee, Archy, 189

Leith, Ontario, 154

LeJeune, Olivier, 233

Leonard, Elizabeth, 195

Leonard, Major Elijah, 95

Lester, Nancy, 191

Lester, Sarah, 195

Lewis, Mr. ___, 51

Lewis, Paul “Dad,” 102, 242

Lewis, Ray, 65

Lewis, Reverend ___, 96

Lincoln, President Abraham, 123, 126,
171, 185, 193

Lincoln Lodge No. 8, 49, 53, 54

Little, Mayor John William, 100

Little Africa (Fort Erie), 145

Little Africa (Hamilton), 113, 114

Little Miss Sepia Pageant, 70

Little Rock, Arkansas, 237

Little Rock Nine, 237

Little Zion BME Church (Owen

Sound), 152, 153, 234

Loch Lomond, New Brunswick, 180,

London, Ontario, 18–20, 31, 32, 78,
93, 94–103, 113, 118, 120, 123,
135, 158, 190, 200, 232, 240,
241–42, 244, 248

London Colored Stars, 244

Louis, Joe, 66

Lovell, Mayor Ruth, 155

L’Overture, Toussaint, 40

Lucan, Ontario, 94, 98

Lucas, Andrew, 243

Lucas, C.P., 130

Lucas, J., 111, 243

Lucas, Solomon, 112

Luke, Phillip, 167

Lundy’s Lane (Drummondville), 148

Lyle, Reverend John, 64

Mackenzie, William Lyon, 56, 145

Mackenzie Rebellions (see also

Rebellion of 1837–38), 48, 75,
113, 145

Maidstone, Ontario, 58

Malden, Ontario, 58

Malden Township (Essex County),

Malot, John, 102

Manitoulin Island, 235

Maritimes, 19, 41, 173–84

Market Square:

Brantford, 112

Chatham, 77

London, 98–99

Market Square (Owen Sound), 153

Marley, Bob, 213, 256

Marson, Jim, 138, 141

Martin, Mayor S.T., 84–85

Martin, Shadrach “Shack” Quarles, 97,
100, 241

Maryland, State of, 19, 87, 110, 154,
239, 247

Mason, Mayor Clarence, 58, 64, 210

Mason, Mayor John James, 32, 49, 54,
67, 75, 79, 120, 137, 155, 163

Masonic Lodges, Masons, 32, 49, 54,
67, 75, 79, 120, 137, 155, 163

Massachusetts, State of, 63, 120

Masterson, Reverend J.S., 52, 98

McClure, Reverend William, 95–97,

McCurdy, Alvin, 68, 235

McCurtis, John, 112

McDame, Henry, 189, 254

McDame Creek, 254

McFarquhar, Colin, 58, 84, 85, 207,
211, 236

McGill, James, 168

McGill University (College), 168, 169,

McKellar, MP Archibald, 79–80

McKillican, Reverend John, 170

McKivigan, John R., 209, 256

McLean, Reverend John, 98

McVicar, Reverend John, 170

Mechanics’ Institute Hall (Hamilton),

Mechanics’ Institute Hall (Saint John),

Melville Island, Nova Scotia, 178, 253

Merritt, William Hamilton, 40, 248

Mic Mac Park (Windsor), 72, 236

Middle Passage (Slave Trade), 37, 38, 79

Middlesex, County of, 94–103

Miller, Benjamin, 241

Miller, Father Thomas Henry, 152–54,

Mills, David, 91

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 125, 159

Mineral Springs (see Lagoon Park)

Minkins, Shadrach, 169, 251

Miss Sepia International Pageant, 66,
69–72, 202

Missionary Messenger, 81

Mohawk Institute (Six Nations
Reserve), 110

Mohawk Park (Brantford)), 112

Mollineaux, Melinda, 16, 194

Montgomery, Thomas, 125

Montgomery, William, 125

Montgomery Bus Boycott, 69

Montreal, Quebec, 20, 39, 167–72,
203, 213, 224, 251–52

Montreal Gazette, 169

Montreal Witness, 169, 171

Moore, Donald, 136, 138, 139

Moore, J.J., 195

Morden, Captain George Hardy, 122

Moresby, Admiral John, 188

Morris, E.H., 119, 120

Morton, George, 120, 245

Morton, Nancy, 40, 233

Moseby, Solomon, 244

Moses, Sarah Jane Douglas, 195

Moton, Robert R., 65, 237

Mount McDame, 254

Mount Brydges Lodge No. 1865, 98,
120, 121, 134

Murdoch, William, 56

Mutual Improvement Society
(Windsor), 61

Myrie, Evelyn, 224

Nanaimo, British Columbia, 189

Naomi Chapter No. 8 Order of
Eastern Star, 137–38

Nathan Phillip Square (Toronto), 143

Nathaniel Dett Chorale, 248

National Joint Action Committee of
Trinidad and Tobago, 223

National Unity Association
(Chatham), 240

Nazrey AME Church (Malden), 48,
53, 54

Negro Creek (Grey County), 151

Nenagh, Ontario, 151

Nettleton, John, 151, 162, 250

Newark (see Niagara-on-the-Lake)

New Road (North Preston), Nova
Scotia, 179, 253

New York, State of, 25, 63, 64, 88,
103, 120, 122, 148, 150, 223,
233, 236

New York City, 69, 251

Newman, William P., 90, 127, 252

Niagara Chronicle, 147

Niagara Falls, Ontario, 18, 41, 115,
120, 128, 144–46, 242, 243,
248, 249

Niagara-on-the-Lake (Newark),

Ontario, 144, 145, 146

Nigger Hole (Dresden), 91

Nigger Hollow (London), 95

92nd West India Regiment, 132

Norfolk, County of, 103

North, Reverend E., 52

North American Black Historical

Museum (NABHM)
(Amherstburg), 16, 54, 55, 235,
238, 255

North American Convention of

Coloured People, 126, 246

North American Hotel (Collingwood),

North American League, 31, 63, 236

North Buxton Maple Leaf Band
(Chatham), 67, 91

North Farm (Halifax), 177

North Preston (see New Road)

North Star Band (Chatham), 91

Northumberland (steamer), 149

Norwich, Ontario, 103–06, 244

Novascotian, 175, 177, 183

No. 2 Construction Battalion (First
World War), 62

Oakville, Ontario, 108, 119, 121

Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate,
15, 124, 249

O’Banyoun, Reverend Josephus, 34,
52, 53, 84, 91, 109, 119, 121,
153, 234, 243, 245

O’Banyoun Jubilee Singer (see Jubilee

O’Banyoun, Peter Simeon, 110, 243

Ohio, State of, 9, 25, 40, 51, 64, 78,
95, 103, 104, 106, 201

Ohio Black Codes, 104

Okley, Jerry, 113

Old Durham Road Pioneer Cemetery

(Grey County), 151–53

Ontario Black Historical Society
(OBHS), 143

O’Reilly, Mrs. Deborah, 42

Oro, Ontario, 158, 250

Oro-Medonte Township (Simcoe
County), 158–62

Osgoode Hall (Toronto), 110, 126, 132

Otnabog, New Brunswick, 180

Otterville, Ontario, 103, 115

Overstreet, F.R., 121

Owen Sound, Ontario, 18, 20, 55,
151–56, 159, 160, 162, 202, 203,
214, 221–24, 234, 249

Owens, Jesse, 66

Oxford, County of, 103, 104, 242

Panis (Pawnee Nation), 167, 251

Pardo, MP Thomas Letson, 85

Patton, John, 168

Pawnee (see Panis)

Pearson, Dr. Daniel “Doc,” 49, 51, 53,

Pearson, Honourable Lester B., 139

Pennsylvania, State of, 89, 119, 19-0

Perry, Reverend Dr. W. Constantine,

Perry, Walter, 55, 65–68, 136, 212,

Peter Ogden Lodge No. 812
(Toronto), 98, 134, 135, 137

Pettigrew, Joyce A., 104, 106, 244

Phillips, Mayor Nathan, 139

Piecraft, Elizabeth, 159

Pioneer Hall (Victoria), 192–93

Pioneer 104th Regiment, 183

Pitt, Bertrand Joseph Spencer, 123,
148–50, 213, 249

Pointer, Nathan, 195

Pointer, Sarah, 191

Pollytown (Drummondville), 145

Pooley, Sophia, 108, 156, 243

Port Burwell, Ontario, 103

Port Dalhousie, Ontario, 135, 148–50

Port Robinson, 144

Portugal, 37

Powell, Edmund “Ted,” 54, 55

Powell, Major John, 129

Powell, William Dummer, 55, 235

Powell Jr., Adam Clayton, 69

Presque Isle (Georgian Bay), 154

Preston, Nova Scotia, 173

Preston, Reverend Richard, 174, 178,
179, 252, 253

Priceville, Ontario, 151

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Chicago,

Prince Hall Masonic Order, 49

Prince Hall Order of the Eastern Star, 99

Prince, C.W., 77

Prince, Colonel John, 56, 58, 80, 127,

Prince’s Grove (Sandwich), 51, 59

Princess Street School (Amherstburg),

Progress, 67, 136

Prosser, Gabriel, 40

Provincial Freeman, 19, 74, 88, 89,
127, 131, 200, 227, 236, 238

Provincial Union Association, 75, 125

Puce, Ontario, 94

Quakers, 103

Queen Victoria Benevolent Society,
99, 125

Queen’s Bush, 109, 151, 156-58, 244

Queen’s Bush Settlement, 156, 243, 250

Queen’s Park (London), 99

Queen’s Park (Toronto), 143

Racism, 12, 20, 30, 60, 62, 68, 69, 79,
84, 86, 92, 96, 100, 109, 114,127,
136, 139, 181, 185, 189, 192,
195, 205, 211, 218, 222

Raleigh Township (Kent County), 80

Ramsay, Samuel, 195

Ray, Charles B., 130

Reade, John Collingwood, 138

Rebellion of 1837–38 (see also
Mackenzie’s Rebellion), 32, 48, 75, 145, 235

Redpath, John, 169

Reform Party (Liberals), 79, 80

Refugee Home Society, 19, 55, 58,
61, 251

Reuther, Walter P., 68

Rex, Abraham, 56

Rice, Reverend Isaac, 49

Richard, Fortune, 192, 195

Richards, Captain Jack, 134

Richards, James C., 82

Richards, John, 51

Ringo, Samuel, 195

Roberts, Reverend J.B., 245

Robertson, James, 47

Robinson, Chief Justice John Beverley,
91, 126

Robinson, Henry Wilkinson, 189

Rochester, New York, 25, 88, 120,
148, 149, 233

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 69, 201

Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 69,
200, 201, 237

Ross, Diana, 13, 66

Ross, Dr. Alexander, 40

Ross, George William, 80

Russell, Peter, 124

Ryerson, Eggerton, 91

S.S. #18 (Wilberforce), 94

Saanich, British Columbia, 189

Sadlier, Rosemary, 73, 143

Saint John, New Brunswick, 18–20,
180–83, 253

Saint John Harbour, 181

Saint John Regiment, 183

Saint John Weekly Freeman, 183

Salem Chapel BME Church (St.
Catharines), 145, 146, 149

Salt Spring Island, 20, 189

Sam Sharpe Rebellion (Jamaica), 40

Samuel R. Memorial Church
(Brantford), 109

San Francisco, California, 96, 188,
189, 192

Sandwich, Ontario, 9, 18, 19, 49, 51,
55–65, 128, 210, 238

Sandwich Township (Essex County), 64

Sandwich First Baptist Church, 57

Sarawak Township (Grey County), 154

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 159

Scoble, John, 77, 88, 116

Scott, Amanda, 191

Scott, Dennis, 16, 155

Scott, Josephine, 153

Scott, Lisa, 16, 155, 203

Scott, Samuel, 147

Second Baptist Church:
Chatham, 77
North Preston, 179
London, 96, 143

Second World War, 32, 68, 124, 138,
140, 141

Segregation, 20, 78

Shadd Family: 74, 95
Adrienne, 15, 94, 233
Emaline, 128
Garrison, 84
Ira T., 67
Isaac, 74
Israel, 74
Mary Ann (see also Mary Ann
Shadd Cary), 19, 57, 61, 75, 131,
200, 238

Shanty Bay (Oro Township), 159

Sharpe, Sergeant Aubrey, 138, 140

Sharpe, Granville, 12

Sheffield, Abraham, 159

Sheffield, Howard, 159

Sheffield Park History and Cultural
Museum (Collingwood), 160

Shelburne, Nova Scotia, 173

Shuttlesworth, Reverend Fred, 69, 237

Silverman, Jason H., 209

Simcoe, County of, 158–63

Simcoe, Lieutenant-Governor John
Graves, 41, 108, 146, 223, 224,

Simmons vs. Chatham (1861), 238

Simpson, Mayor James, 65

Simpson, Melville “Mac,” 235

Six Nations Reserve, 110, 113

Slavery Abolition Act (1833) (see also
British Emancipation Act), 26, 42

Smallwood Sr., Thomas, 131, 246

Smith, David, 88

Smith, Jasper, 112

Smith, Lavinia Lodice, 161

Smith, Mayor T.A., 86

Smith, Parker, 90

Smith, Stephen, 240

Snowden, Charles W.F., 111, 113,
243, 244

Snowden, Julia L., 111

Snowden, Marcus, 16

Snowden, Thomas, 111

Society for the Protection of Refugees,

Somerville, Alexander, 118

Sons of Temperance Hall
(Amherstburg), 51

Sons of Union, 63

Sorrick, Reverend Richard, 160, 162

South Africa, 42, 43, 223

South Carolina, State of, 40, 191

Spain, 11, 37

Sparrow, Cornelius, 181

Spirit of the Age, The, 162

Springbank Park (London), 101–03

S.S. Dalhousie City (steamer), 149

St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
(Ancaster), 246

St. Anne’s Market (Montreal), 168

St. Antoine’s Ward (Montreal), 169

St. Armand, Quebec, 167

St. Catharines, Ontario, 18, 20, 56,
72, 98, 119, 120, 123, 128, 135,
144–50, 163, 199, 205, 206,
209, 213

St. Catharines Journal, 146

St. Gabriel Street Free Church
(Montreal), 173

St. George’s Inn (Montreal), 169

St. George’s Square (Oakville), 124

St. James’ Cathedral (Toronto), 129–
31, 133, 134

St. John’s Lodge No. 9 (Chatham), 78

St. Lawrence Hall (Toronto), 88, 126

St. Lawrence Market (Toronto), 129

St. Paul’s AME Church (Hamilton)
(see also Stewart Memorial
Church), 115, 118, 121, 235, 245

St. Paul’s Anglican (Episcopal) Church:
Halifax, 253
Hamilton, 86
London, 96, 97, 98, 241

St. Philip’s AME Church (Saint John),

St. Thomas, Ontario, 98

St. Thomas Church (Hamilton), 116

St. Thomas United Baptist Church
(North Preston), 253

St. Vincent, West Indies, 40, 231

Star of Calanthe, 200

Stark, Emma, 195

Steven, Nelson, 114, 244

Steven’s Lodge of Oddfellows, 54

Stewart, Pricilla, 195

Stewart Memorial Church, (see also St.
Paul’s AME Church), 118

Stone Barracks (Sandwich), 9, 56, 57,

Strachan, Archdeacon John, 129

Strictly Rhythm Hip Hop, 222

Stuart, Captain Charles, 19, 48, 232

Summerville, Ontario, 103

Summerville School (Wilberforce), 94

Sunset Point Park (Georgian Bay),
159, 162

Sunter, George, 110

Supremes, 66

Tanner, Jonathan “John,” 112

Taylor, Dan, 182

Taylor, George, 54

Taylor, Lindsay, 76

Taylor, Thomas, 100

Tecumseh Park (Chatham), 76, 77, 82,
84–86, 210, 230

Telford, W.P., 154

Temperance Island (Conestogo River),

Temperance Society:
Hawkesville, 157

St. Catharines, 209
Windsor, 61

Temptations, 66

Thayendinaga (see Joseph Brant)

Thomas, Isaac, 147

Thomas, John, 108

Thompson, Pastor E.E., 210

Thompson, W., 13

Toronto, Ontario, 9, 12, 18–20,
40, 43, 56, 57, 65, 72, 78, 88,
98–100, 110, 112, 115, 118–21,
123–43, 148, 149, 158, 200,
201, 213, 221, 227, 241–42,
246–47, 249

Toronto Abolition Society, 129, 130

Toronto Emancipation Committee
(TEC), 136, 137, 140

Toronto Globe, 127

Toronto Negro Band, 142

Toronto Negro Colour Veterans
Association, 138, 140, 141

Toronto Negro Women’s Club, 138

Toronto Veterans Colour Guard, 138,

Transatlantic Slave Trade, 37, 38, 40,
41, 67, 188

Treaty of Paris (1760), 167

Trinidad, West Indies, 42, 43, 143, 223

Tri-Weekly Planet (Chatham), 80

True Band Society, 49, 75

Tubman, Harriet, 18, 28, 40, 144

Tuckett, George Elias, 120

Turner, Bishop Henry, 123

Turner, Nat, 40

Turner, Reverend Daniel A., 96, 241

Turner, William, 103

Turner AME Church (Oakville), 123,

Tuskegee College (Alabama), 65, 237

Tuskegee Veteran’s Administration

Hospital, 237

Uncle Tom’s Cabin Historic Site
(Dresden), 92–94, 221

Underground Railroad, 10, 18, 19, 28,
48, 49, 55, 57, 58, 60, 65, 73, 87,
95, 113, 122, 124, 125, 144, 151,
155, 159, 223, 240, 241, 248,
249, 251–52

Underground Railroad Celebration

Ride, 223

Union Army, 114, 171, 184, 244

Union Jack, 30, 100, 119, 132, 191

United Auto Workers-Congress of

International Unions (UAW-CIO),

Universal Negro Improvement

Association (UNIA), 138, 149,
172, 203, 213, 221

University of Guelph, 126

University of Waterloo, 58

Van Bommel, MPP Maria, 257

Van Patter, Peter, 104

Vancouver, British Columbia, 187, 214

Vancouver Island, 20, 96, 185, 188,
189, 192, 194, 255

Vesey, Denmark, 40

Victoria, British Columbia, 20, 96–98,
188, 190, 192, 193, 206, 255

Victoria, Queen, 33, 64, 118, 130,
131, 226

Victoria Chapel (BME Church,

Chatham), 74, 78

Victoria Company No. 3 (Chatham),

Victoria Hall (Toronto), 134

Victoria Lodge (Toronto), 134

Victoria Memorial Park (Toronto),
138, 139, 141, 142

Victoria Park:
Hamilton, 119
London, 98, 241
Oakville, 123

Victoria Pioneer Rifle Company
(African Rifles), 190, 192

Victoria Public School (Collingwood),

Victoria Square (Montreal), 170

Victoria Square (Toronto), 140

Victorian Reform Benevolent Society
(Chatham), 75, 77

Virginia, Ontario (see Ceylon)

Virginia, State of, 40, 181, 233, 238,
244, 245, 248, 251, 252

Voice of the Fugitive, 9, 19, 56, 57, 61,

Wallenstein, Ontario, 156–58

Walls, Bryan, 94, 242

Walls, John Freeman, 94

War of 1812, 10, 32, 48, 94, 138, 140,
143, 173, 180, 235, 243, 253

Ward, Robert, 61

Ward, Samuel Ringgold, 9, 19, 57, 95,
127, 236

Washington, George B., 245

Waterloo, County of, 156–57

Waterloo, Ontario, 156

Waterloo Park, 158

Watkins, John, 171, 172

Watkins, William J., 148

Watt, Charles, 80

Weaver, Henry, 85

Welland Canal, 145, 248

Wellesley (flagship), 177

Wellington, County of, 156

Wells, George Dupont, 131, 132

West Africa, Africa, 37, 38, 76, 177,
178, 180, 188, 223, 246

Western Fair (London), 99

Whetsel, Robert, 181, 183

Whipper, William, 89, 239

White, Henry, 55

White, Professor ___, 104

Whitfield, Amani Harvey, 174, 252,

Whitley, Stephen, 195

Whitney, Charles, 112

Wilberforce, William, 40, 106

Wilberforce Educational Institute
(Chatham), 74

Wilberforce Settlement (Middlesex
County), 94, 98

Wilkes, Reverend Henry, 170

Willow Grove, New Brunswick, 180

Willow Grove Baptist Church, 183

Wilson, Captain Robert, 122, 123

Wilson, Carolyn, 160

Wilson, Charles, 172

Wilson, Hiram, 241

Wily, Thomas, 169

Windsor, Ontario, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19,
30, 32, 36, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55,
57–73, 77, 78, 81, 90, 94, 95, 99,
128, 136, 163, 200–03, 206, 210–
12, 219, 221, 236, 237, 251, 256

Windsor Council of Elders and

Emancipation Planning
Committee, 72, 221

Windsor Evening Record, 58

Winks, Robin, 91

Wintermeyer, John, 139

Women of the Eastern Star, 100

Wonder, Stevie, 66

Woodland Cultural Centre (Six
Nations), 110

Woodstock, Ontario, 98, 103–06, 112

Woolwich Township (Waterloo
County), 157, 244

Wright, Cecile, 136

Wright, Samuel, 108

Yonge Street Wharf (Toronto), 131

York (see Toronto)

York, County of, 126

York County Militia, 183

Young Men’s Christian Association

(YMCA), 62, 170–72, 252

Zion Baptist Church (Niagara), 145