BECAUSE THE PRESIDENT IS a country boy at heart, or sincerely believes he is, he likes to get out of the District of Columbia as often as possible, especially in summer. The presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland, is an hour’s drive from the White House, but only ten minutes by helicopter. The president’s schedule over this weekend, as printed by his private secretary, is as follows:

8 AM: Breakfast, overnight briefing

9 AM: Skeet shooting

11 AM: Lake swim

1 PM: Working lunch [w/ F Spier, Congressional Leaders per appendix]

3 PM: Nap

5 PM: Trail riding

7 PM: Security update [F St. George, Joint Chiefs]

8 PM: Continuing through dinner

10 PM: Movie: Dead Sure [Leonardo di Caprio, Holly Mawn]

Midnight: TV news highlights, tomorrow’s daily papers

The president is especially interested in tonight’s film, a version normally shown only to movie industry insiders, in which the fellatio scene is unedited, uncut, and—according to the president’s Hollywood liaison—fucking unbelievable.