There is a law that was decreed during the foundation of the world. It is the law upon which all things are based. It is immortal and true, even for the few. The law is that things produce after their own kind. It is the primal law of cause and effect: the Law of Production. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap” (Galatians 6:7). Those seeds planted must return to us their kind — in abundance. This law knows no exception. The Law of Production does not bend for anyone.

The profound truth is: one thing does lead to another.

Excellent food choices lead to more excellent food choices. Excellent habits create a fertile ground for more excellent habits. Excellent decisions lead to more excellent decisions.

If you sow that which is beneficial to all, you will receive that which is beneficial to you. If you sow compassion for all animals, you will receive the compassion of all animals. If you sow beautiful living, you will receive a beautiful life. We have the choice as to what vibrations we send out into the cosmos.

Once the seeds are planted they sprout and grow into realities. They produce after their own kind and, with concentration and emotion, spread prolifically.

In The Dispersion Of Seeds, Henry David Thoreau wrote: “Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders.”

Seeds are karmic substances; they have a potential, a destiny. “The seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11). If you wish to reap a different destiny in any area of your life in the future, you need to plant new, different seeds today. Seeds grow into plants, and plants grow fruits, and the fruits spread more seeds.

The most fertile soil in the world is found in the human mind. No matter what one desires, it is not until the idea-seeds are planted in the garden-mind with nurturing emotion that they will come forth. To get a high quality of change, we must choose the highest quality seeds and provide them with an abundance of carefully selected nutrients. Those idea—seeds tended with the greatest emotion will grow fastest and most abundant, perhaps even crowding out or overcoming weaker seeds. Strong emotion gives nourishment to thought seeds. Strong emotion sets seeds into vibration.

When you have an emotional thought, whether that thought is positive or negative, it will begin to materialize in your life. That is why it is so important to keep your mind focused with emotion on the things you desire, and off the things you fear. When the emotional desire for a thing is so intense that it illuminates every fiber of your being, then it shall be fulfilled.

As long as one nurtures the seeds of joy, achievement and destiny, these things shall follow in abundance; however, if the poisonous prickly weeds of doubt and fear are allowed to take possession of the garden, they too shall follow. Poisonous prickly weeds grown in the garden-mind lead to negativity, hopelessness, inferiority complexes and mental illness.

Growth, maturity, and reproduction are patterns in Nature. Planting demonstrates how things produce after their kind — it is the Law of Production in action. Use this knowledge now to begin cultivating within your garden-mind the seeds of exceptional health.




1 Daily, as you arise, and also before you sleep, picture yourself in perfect health, happiness and harmony. Picture yourself radiantly alive. Hold this picture with emotional desire in your conscious mind for 30 unbroken seconds. This will plant a seed. By consistent focus this seed will grow. The power and effervescence of superior health, happiness and harmony will eventually come forth.

2 Begin to trace health challenges (effects), whether they be addictions, illnesses, etc., to their “causes.” Record the answer to the following question in your journal: “What is the true cause of my foremost health challenge?”


The Law of our Fate
We choose our wealth.
Love brings love,
Health brings health.

Like produces like,
An effect resembles its cause.
Things produce after their kind,
It’s one of the basic laws.

A smile brings a smile,
Peace brings peace;
And never will
This spiral cease.

As you sow,
So shall you reap.
Carefully choose
Which seeds you keep.

Abundant seeds
In the soil spread.
Fertile plants
Will grow when fed.

Things do follow
After their type.
You’ll reap your crop
When the time is ripe.

For a future is found
In every seed.
It’s “cause and effect”
 … with godspeed.

The Law of Production,
The subtleness of mind;
Success breeds success:
Each creates its kind.