There are many different meanings to the terms “alkaline” and “acid” as they relate to human health. General lore on the subject proclaims that we should become alkaline and ingest alkaline substances. This may or may not be true depending on the individual context of what is meant by alkalinity and acidity. These meanings fall into three different categories: electrical charge, hydrogen content of water, and the dominant minerals in food.
Alkalinity and Electricity
The electrical meaning of “alkaline” is a highly negatively charged electrical potential. This is similar to a common battery, where one side is negative (alkaline) and the other is positive (acid). As long as the battery has a high negative electrical potential it is an “alkaline” battery.
Clint Ober, in his book Earthing and also in his subsequent research, has demonstrated that we are electrical beings long before we are chemical beings. Electrical energies have instant effects upon us. It has been shown for over one hundred years that the Earth itself is negatively charged and the atmosphere is positively charged. The two opposite charges dance in dynamic disequilibrium creating weather, and when highly polarized, also create thunder and lightning.
Some negative charge bleeds over into the atmosphere near waterfalls, breaking ocean waves, small campfires, or even the burning of beeswax candles producing negatively-charged ions. And some positive charge bleeds over into the Earth such as in radioactive materials (e.g. uranium) naturally found in the Earth. Nevertheless, the electrically negative alkaline charge of the Earth and the electrically positive acid charge in the atmosphere dominate.
A Kirlian image of a radish. Radish juice is a great aid against kidney stones. Based on the minerals they contain, radishes are neutral (not too alkaline or too acidic).
We may have heard that we are suffering from “acidity,” “acidosis,” or an acid condition in the body. What we may not yet have heard is that we are suffering from excess acidity, in large part, due to our separation from the Earth’s alkaline negatively-charged electromagnetic field. The implications of this discovery indicates that we must connect with the Earth directly as party of our holistic health regime. Our plastic sandals, rubber-soled shoes, wooden floors, asphalt (bitumen) roads, bicycles, automobiles, airplanes, carpets, high-rise buildings, etc., separate us from a direct skin-to-skin contact with the Earth — they block our electrical connection to the Earth with electrically insulating materials. Getting grounded again as our ancestors did when they walked barefoot upon the Earth is important to our overall health. When we are walking barefoot the Earth itself supplies a natural negative electrical charge to our body that is typically absorbed through the “kidney 1 meridian point” (also known as the “bubbling spring” point) on the ball of the foot. This natural electricity can also be absorbed by any other part of our skin that is actually touching the Earth or a body of water upon the Earth such as the ocean or a lake, creek, river, stream, etc.
Our electrical skin-to-skin reconnection to the Earth and its waters has been shown to: accelerate healing, play a role in improving auto-immune disease, decrease susceptibility to oxidation damage (slow aging), cause our red blood cells to become electromagnetically charged (thus increasing oxygen delivery and decreasing platelet aggregation), raise our energy, improve alkalinity, help reverse adrenal fatigue, improve thyroid function, increase bone density, improve our body’s natural electrical meridian system, fortify our resistance to corrosive damage by the electromagnetic fields produced by electronic devices (such as computers, kitchen appliances, radios, televisions, mobile phones, live wires, etc.), and much more. Basically, by reconnecting to the Earth’s electrical field, we become healthier.
Devices have now been developed by Clint Ober that assist us in being “Earthed” (grounded) by connecting us to the negative alkaline charge of the Earth even in our ungrounded homes and workspaces. These devices are known as grounding technologies and include computer mouse pads, desk pads, sleeping systems, grounded shoe wear and more. A revolution in grounded shoeware is imminent (and is especially important) in cities and in places where parasites and contamination due to the excrement from dogs and other animals preclude barefoot safety.
In the context of electricity and alkalinity, we should avail ourselves of as much of the negative, alkaline, electrical charge of the Earth as possible.
In situations where it is impossible to be properly grounded (such as while being transported in an automobile, bus, or airplane) it is recommended that one use a Longevity Zapper ( to at least approximate the natural healing energies that come from the Earth.
Alkalinity and Water
One meaning of alkalinity is in regards to the hydrogen content of water. This is associated with a predominance in the water of free radical hydroxyl groups (OH- molecules). This is undesirable for drinking and causes free radical damage (aging). Natural, cold spring, drinking water typically comes out of the Earth at acidic pH values ranging from 5.6 to 6.8 this means that the water is rich in hydrogen in the form of hydronium (H3O+). Hydrogen is what creates hydration. Hydrogen in its root derivation means “generator of water.”
Sometimes acidic, toxic sulfur compounds are present in well water (or bore hole water). In those cases, the water may have long-range toxic effects on the body. This type of water, even though acidic, is unfavorable for drinking.
Alkalinity in regards to water may also reference the predominant major minerals present in the water. Water rich in calcium and/or magnesium is considered alkaline. Drinking alkaline, calcium-rich water exposes the body to excess inorganic calcium that can lead to the formation of calcification diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, kidney stones, cataracts, etc. Calcium-rich water is associated with the troublesome formation of scale (lime build-up) in pipes, bathing tubs, and sinks. On the other hand, water rich in magnesium (in the form of magnesium bicarbonate) is alkaline, yet has healing effects on the body and tends to have a healing effect on arthritis and other calcification conditions. The same could be said for spring waters rich in the alkaline mineral lithium — the effects are positive.
As we have seen, depending on the context, both alkaline and acidic waters may be beneficial or harmful to consume.
Alkalinity and Food
An additional (yet probably the most widely used) meaning of alkalinity is in regards to food and nutrition.
In this context, the major mineral content of foods and herbs is considered. The mineral content of edible substances helps us scientifically decide which foods are acid-forming (phosphorus dominant) and alkaline-forming (calcium and magnesium dominant). By “dominant” I mean, the ratio of these minerals will favor alkalinity (calcium and magnesium are greater than phosphorus content) or will favor acidity (calcium and magnesium content is less than phosphorus content).
Another consideration is which foods are potassium dominant and which are sodium dominant, based on their minerals. Potassium and sodium are not directly associated with alkalinity or acidity. Because potassium ash is considered alkaline in most nutrition books on the subject of acidity and alkalinity, a mistake becomes evident, because all high-potassium foods (nearly all raw foods are rich in potassium) are considered alkaline — even if their phosphorus levels are high (as in nuts and seeds). This creates the false impression that nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds are alkaline. They may be more alkaline than fried chicken, but based on their mineral content, nuts and seeds are acid-forming foods. Sprouting or soaking nuts and seeds in water will lower their phytic acid content and enzyme inhibitors, however, based on their major minerals, the nuts and seeds will still be acidic.
In the realm of food and nutrition, we require a healthy balance of alkalinity and acidity. We also require a healthy balance of potassium and sodium. In the beginning stages of cleansing and detoxification more alkalinity and potassium are required in the form of non-sweet fruits, green-leafy vegetables, vegetable juice, grass juice, green sprouts, edible flowers, herbs, certain superfoods (aloe vera, noni, bee pollen, royal jelly, chlorella, blue-green algae, marine phytoplankton, and acai) and superherbs (these include the most powerful herbs from great dynamic herbal systems, such as reishi mushroom, chaga mushroom, ginseng, schizandra berry, tulsi, ashwaganda, shatavari, pau d’arco, cat’s claw, nettle, passionflower, etc.). This type of cleansing diet should be low in sweet fruit and low in fat-dominant foods. In general, this cornucopia of cleansing foods, superfoods, herbs, and superherbs not only contain alkalinity in the form of minerals, they also contain subtle alkaline-forming compounds. On top of this, potassium draws out old, stale dietary salt deposits from the tissues that hold in toxicity.
Eventually, once one has brought their alkalinity up to achieve an acid-alkaline balance, and the old toxic salt residues are drawn out, a new dietary balance must be found. This new Sunfood Diet should contain a balance of alkaline foods (vegetables, vegetable juices, sprouts, seaweeds, green superfoods, herbs, and superherbs as mentioned above) and acid-forming foods (nuts, seeds, sweet fruit, fatty foods).
Let’s look at some examples of how balance may be achieved by understanding the influence of the major dietary minerals. For instance, if you eat foods high in sodium and phosphorus (cooked animal foods), you need to balance that stimulation out with foods high in calcium and potassium (green vegetables) — this is right in line with the food combining principles that have been taught for decades. If you eat foods high in potassium and phosphorus (nuts and seeds), you tend to crave foods high in calcium and sodium (spinach and kale).
For clarity, based on their dominant minerals, most fruits are slightly acid forming, not alkaline-forming. Almonds, we see, are phosphorus-dominant foods, and are not an excellent source of alkalinity. Carrot juice, long recommended for its alkalinity, is also found to be phosphorus dominant and thus acid-forming to a certain degree (although in the context of all beverages, more alkaline than soda pop).
Understanding the dominant minerals in foods helps us to understand cravings. I have known many new raw-food enthusiasts who eat too many potassium-rich foods without balancing with sodium-rich foods, such as kale or seaweed. They typically end up craving and eating salty cooked foods, such as corn chips or potato chips. Cravings for cooked foods may actually be cravings for minerals.
The importance of organic sodium is important for long-term vitality and energy. I have worked with many people who have spent years eating a low-sodium raw-food diet; they have found that their digestion improved and endurance increased when they added more sea salt and sodium-residue foods (kale, celery, dulse) into their diet.
Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium are not the only minerals in foods. Other alkalizing minerals include iron and silica. Other acid-forming minerals include chlorine and sulfur. These are usually secondary and tertiary minerals in foods. Generally, foods high in magnesium (such as olives) are usually high in calcium; foods high in chlorine (such as avocados) are also usually high in phosphorus. Some exceptions exist: cacao (raw chocolate) is extraordinarily high in magnesium, though low in calcium; because cacao is high enough in phosphorus to balance out the magnesium, it is generally considered slightly acidic.
To clear any confusion: Many alkaline fruits contain citric and other acids; thus, they will have an acid pH reaction in digestion, but because of their high content of alkaline-forming minerals (calcium, magnesium), their reactions can be alkaline in the body tissues. Thus, they usually alkalize the body and neutralize the acid-forming mineral residues. However, if one is already deficient in alkaline minerals, citric acid will not be broken down properly and thus citrus fruits will be acidic because the alkaline minerals within the food cannot be accessed properly. In addition, some people simply do not metabolize citric-acid-containing foods; so these food choices should be avoided.
The major groups of alkaline foods based on their minerals and subtle properties include:
Green-leafy vegetables
Grasses: wheatgrass, barleygrass, etc. (any grass that has sprouted a green blade)
Alkaline superfoods: aloe vera, noni, bee pollen, royal jelly, chlorella, blue-green algae, and marine phytoplankton, acai, etc.
Sea vegetables: dulse, nori, kelp, sea palm, sea lettuce, hijiki, wakame, arame, etc.
Herbs: oregano, thyme, marjoram, rosemary, etc.
Superherbs: reishi mushroom, chaga mushroom, ginseng, schizandra berry, tulsi, ashwaganda, shatavari, pau d’arco, cat’s claw, nettle, passionflower, etc.
Alkaline fruits (if you can digest them properly): citrus fruits, olives, figs, ripe peppers, okra
*In animals, the alkaline minerals are found primarily in bone marrow.
The major groups of neutral plant-based foods (some slight alkaline and others slightly acidic) based on their minerals and subtle properties include:
Root vegetables
Fruits: cucumbers (all types), melons (all types), cherries, berries (except strawberries), papaya, avocados, apricot
Flowers (edible)
The major groups of acidic foods based on their minerals and subtle properties include:
Fruits: most sweet fruits are on the acidic side, including banana, mango, apples, pear, plum, peach, plum, fruits, strawberries, cacao fruit pulp, durian, mangosteen fruit (not the alkaline rind), cherimoya, soursop, etc.
*In animals, the acidic minerals are found primarily in the muscles (meat).
Cherries are the richest natural source of melatonin, which helps remove bad estrogen accumulation and assists with sleep. Based on the minerals they contain, cherries are neutral (not too alkaline or too acidic).
The philosopher Herbert Spencer wrote that perfect correspondence always prevails in Nature — one thing is always balanced by another. You will find by incorporating The Sunfood Triangle in conjunction with a balancing of the major minerals found in foods (alkaline calcium and magnesium versus acidic phosphorus) and (potassium versus sodium) that a great balancing occurs and an incredible health arises.
1 Every day, be sure to ground (or Earth) yourself for as many hours as possible by using one or more of the following strategies:
• Walking barefoot (walking on beach sand is ideal for new barefooters)
• Getting your hands in the soil via gardening or playing
• Swimming in a natural body of water
• Using a grounded mouse pad
• Sleeping using a grounded sheet system
• Using a grounded desk pad
• Wearing grounded flip flops or other innovative, grounded footwear
Twelve or more hours grounded each day is ideal for healing, yet even 1 minute grounded is better than zero minutes.
Note: You may obtain grounded mouse pads, sheets, desk pads, and more as well as a Longevity Zapper (to use when you are not grounded) from
2 Journey to a local cold spring in your area where people have been drinking the water for centuries. Test the pH of the water using a pH meter or pH strips (these are available at any pool supply shop). You will find that most cold springs range from 5.6 to 7.2 pH. Any reading under 7.0 is considered acidic. Acidic spring water at the source means that the water is high in hydrogen and therefore increases hydration.
3 Every day that you eat, be sure to eat green leafy vegetables, green superfoods, herbs, sea vegetables, and superherbs to improve your alkalinity.