We live in an era where all knowledge is available to all those who seek it out.
There is an abundance of useful information out there in the world. We are at the source. We can choose. We may tune into any frequency we like. We can learn anything we desire.
Learning is never what one expects. Every step of learning is a new task. Learning is an unending quest. There is something for you to learn from every experience, every individual you encounter, every book you read, every audio, DVD and video recording you listen to or watch.
A commitment to life-long learning is an essential part of health. Positive information is to the mind what Sunfood is to the body. A malnourished body cannot thrive. Neither can a malnourished mind. A body fed by the negative energy of unconscious “hit-or-miss” food becomes ill. A mind fed by negative energy and wrong thoughts becomes ill. A diet based on raw food is necessary to health, but if the mind is not also given pure food, the body will suffer. A mind fed evil, unkind thoughts of destructive criticism, condemnation, hate, jealousy, fear and doubt will reproduce such emotions in the physical body, leading to illness.
You are made or unmade by your own education. You are at the source; you can control what information you are allowing to enter your awareness. You may study anything you desire. You can recapture a child’s ability to learn by becoming inspired by new information. Studies presented in progressive educational books, such as The Learning Brain by Gorden Dryden and Jeannette Vos, prove that learning causes the brain to physically grow and rewire itself in a whole new way.
We learn in many ways: by repetition, by emotional impact, but the absolutely most powerful way to learn and master any subject is by saturation.
In my experience, the entire secret of success is saturation. Start bombarding yourself with words and pictures consistent with your goals. Just have fun. Read books that forward you in the direction you are headed. Listen to success tapes in your car. Listen to success tapes while you eat. Watch educational videotapes at the end of the day. Attend seminars that provide additional inspiration to accelerate your goal achievement. I guarantee that, when you start this program of massive saturation, you will dramatically improve your entire life and begin to rapidly manifest your dreams.
The most successful individuals in any field remain so by continuously adding to their own stock of knowledge by appropriating the thoughts, phrases and ideas of geniuses through a program of information saturation. A mind nourished continuously by the ideas of genius minds will remain alert, brilliant, flexible and receptive. If this renewal is neglected, the mind will stagnate — we see this in musicians who seem to have lost their “edge.” “If you don’t use it, you lose it,” is a common phrase of simple yet profound truth — it is in strict accordance with the cosmic laws.
The way to make a radical change in your life is to consistently bombard your brain with a new stream of personal-development information, presented by different people, and presented in different formats. Since your number one goal is to be totally healthy, all the information entering your mind should be furthering that goal and none of the information should be detracting from it.
To achieve vibrant health, educate yourself on the subject of gardening, herbs, natural living, raw foods and related subjects through reading. This has been, and continues to be, a major factor in my own health.
Saturation means attending every health seminar possible. Attend every success seminar possible. Attend every seminar given in your specialty area. Each speaker can provide you with wonderful distinctions that can transform your life. Any one speaker might say something you have heard before, but in a slightly different way, a way which immediately applies to you. The energy of a live performance cannot be matched. Go to success seminars for fun.
When you are healthy, and your suggestive environment is cleared, you can accelerate your success by converting all information entering your mind into one focused field — the field in which you desire to excel. Make all information input positive, uplifting and focused on the items necessary in this field for your goal achievement. You can become an expert in any field in less than five years, and if you truly saturate yourself in the way I have advised, you can become an expert in any field in two or three years.
If you want health, you have to study health. If you want success, you have to study success. In my own life, I have made a study of superior health and incredible success because they are favorite subjects. I am fascinated by vibrant health. I am fascinated when I see someone who is totally alive. I am intrigued by phenomenal success. I love hearing success stories. It is so interesting to hear the stories behind mega-music bands, such as The Beatles or The Bee Gees or ABBA. Saturating my mind with the secrets of health and the stories of super success has revolutionized my life. The mystery of incredible success is unlocked when one’s fascination is met with saturation.
If you want to get good at something, read a book on it. Read many books on it. More is better.
The successful individual with a purpose in life makes it a business, a responsibility and an exciting and fun use of time to read books relating to that purpose. In that way, important knowledge is acquired which comes from the experiences of others who have gone before.
An individual’s reading program should be as carefully chosen as the daily diet. Reading is a food, without which mental growth will stagnate.
Business philosopher Jim Rohn says, “Miss a meal, but don’t you miss your reading.” What excellent advice! Reading a book written by a person you admire puts you in a mental and emotional state similar to theirs. Those with a purpose devour books like paradisical fruits.
We intuitively know that readers are achievers. Leaders read. Feed your mind with good reading.
Success philosopher Brian Tracy describes that one hour of reading in your chosen field each day will make you an authority in that field in three years, a national authority in that field in five years, and an international authority in that field in seven years. Just reading alone!
Do you want to lead?
Do you have a mind to feed?
Read every chance,
During each snippet of time.
Choose a variety of
Prose and Rhyme.
“The Secrets of the Ages
Are found on written pages.”
Five years hence,
You’ll be the same as now,
Except for the people you meet,
And the books you browse.
Learn from those
Who’ve gone before.
Find out how
They opened the door.
Discover wild stories,
Get a new feel.
Don’t spend your time,
Reinventing the wheel.
Take notes on your books
And write them all down.
The results you reap
Will amaze and astound.
The answers to your questions
Have already been found,
They exist somewhere —
Written down.
Read every page on your bookshelf,
You’ll laugh out loud
And attract brilliant wealth.
You’ll cry without sound,
And breathe in new health!
Words through your eyes,
Deeply impress;
Transformed they become
The thoughts you express.
Read an hour a’ day,
In the field you choose.
With persistent action,
You can’t lose!
Everything you read
Is a marvelous seed!
Which explodes into fortunes
And inspires great deeds.
I once had read, “Success leaves clues.”
So I asked a genius, “What do you do?”
After much probing, the genius did say:
“Well, I read three books a day.”
There is a vast world
To explore,
If you’ll just read —
A little bit more!
How To Begin Saturating Your Mind
Ideally, your entire day should be one continuous bombardment of positive, uplifting information.
The first waking hour sets the pace of the day. Whatever you do, listen to, or read in that first hour stays with you all day long. Have you ever woke to a song, and that song was in your head throughout the day? This is the principle in action. What if you awoke each morning to the most uplifting music, or the most powerful success literature possible? It is great to feel those inspirations coursing through the body all day long.
The alpha-wave state of the brain is the state of highest mental activity. It is the state you are in when you awaken in the morning and right before you sleep at night. You may achieve the alpha-wave state by taking ten long, deep breaths. You may achieve higher performance on tests or in physical competitions by saturating the mind (through positive affirmations, goal writing, goal reviewing, reading, success audio listening, etc.) when the brain is in the alpha state.
Begin each morning with empowering messages and then continue the bombardment throughout the day. Raw foods action supplemented by daily self-improvement information saturation is a success formula that cannot be topped.
Chaos theory teaches us that even tiny differences of input could quickly become overwhelming differences in output — a phenomenon mathematicians have termed “sensitive dependent on initial conditions.” In weather this translates into what is known as the “Butterfly Effect” — the notion that a butterfly stirring the air today in Peking can transform storm systems next month in New York. Since this is true, imagine how a massive difference in mind input through focused information saturation will equate into an extraordinary difference in output. The Butterfly Effect would become a Phoenix Effect.
1 Everyone has their own way of learning things. Find out what works best for you. My preference is for reading and audio tapes. What is the best learning modality for you? If this is not clear, ask yourself: “How can I figure out what learning modality works best for me?” Try different approaches. Try alternative learning strategies.
2 Invest in good books. Invest your money in your personal growth and your family’s education. Find the best health books and read them!
3 Make plans this week to attend a health or success seminar in your area.
4 Record all good ideas in your journal. Become a collector of good ideas you have gathered from live seminars, books, audio tapes, videos and personal experiences.
5 Become a success-tape addict. Listen to success tapes while driving, eating or exercising. Dispose of cooked-food addiction and replace it with success-tape addiction.
6 During your first waking moments each morning, listen to a song that inspires you and that will keep you charged throughout the day. During the first 30-60 minutes each day, read success books or listen to empowering audio tapes while doing yoga.
7 Tape a new motivational quote to your nightstand or bathroom mirror every week.
8 Organize to save time on the Internet. Make an outline of what you plan on exploring before you get online.