The drive for sex is one of the most powerful of all desires. Success philosopher Napoleon Hill found that when driven by this desire, people develop keenness of imagination, courage, will power, persistence and a creative ability unknown to them at other times. He found that the desire for sexual expression is so powerful that people will run the risk of life and reputation to engage in it. He concluded that when harnessed and transmuted into other channels, the driving force of sex energy maintains all of its motivating attributes which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art or in any other profession or calling, including the accumulation of wealth. What Napoleon Hill revealed was that those who had achieved incredible accomplishments had a high degree of sexual charisma. They had learned to channel their sex energy into success — they had mastered the art of sexual transmutation.
Napoleon Hill also discovered that those who experienced great successes in their life did not achieve those lofty heights until the age of forty or beyond. He attributed this to the ability, with age and experience, to transmute the sexual impulse into areas of creativity and achievement. Now this is possible to do without having to wait for age and experience to bring the sexual drive under control. The sex drive can be transmuted through the right use of diet.
Proper use of diet allows us to channel energies used for sex up the spine into the brain for superior mental performance. This is a secret of creative ability. Transmuted sex energy lifts the mind into a higher sphere, allowing communication with infinite intelligence.
A pure diet of fruits, green-leafed vegetables and certain other raw foods, (but no nuts, seeds or eggs) allows one to better control the sex drive. Foods that contain seeds (such as cucumbers) are okay to eat, however, the eating of individual nuts and seeds (e.g. almonds, pumpkin seeds, rice, etc.) is to be avoided for a planned period of time. The teachings of herbalism (the Doctrine of Signatures) demonstrate that eating seeds causes us to “go to seed.” The hormones in nuts, seeds and eggs drive the sexual organs.
To sublimate the sex impulse and use it to drive you forward and upward in great health, wealth (business and sales skills), and vitality, stop eating nuts and seeds of any type for a specific period of time. A pure seedless diet automatically sublimates the sex energies. Sexual sublimation cues up the mind so it works rapidly, efficiently, clearly, with real inspiration. The control of the physical side of sex expands the imagination. It lends mighty power to the creative faculties.
Male sexual fluids have extraordinarily high levels of trace minerals. For males, excessive ejaculation — “spilling the seed” — without nutritionally replacing what is lost, drains minerals and life-force energy from the body, which causes premature aging, leads to an accelerated loss of hair in men and contributes to impotence. Men can replace sexual fluids by specifically eating nuts, seeds, wild coconuts, coconut oil, cacao (raw chocolate), maca root, seaweeds, avocados, olives and bee pollen. Breathing pure air and Sunbathing nude will also help restore sexual fluids and energy.
Due to the mineral deficit and toxicity caused by the standard diet, men often experience a “crash” or a mood swing after ejaculation, which is typically not pleasing to the sexual partner. This will reverse and may be totally eliminated once the diet is mineralized and purified by eating a healthy balance of high-quality raw plant foods.
Creativity in Nature is most closely associated with the reproductive elements of plants: The flowers, the fruits and the seeds. Pictured above is Dragon fruit.
The books and articles I have read on diet, spirituality and sex generally agree that between 25% and 40% of the life-force energy men accumulate from breathing, eating, Sunlight, spiritual power, etc. is transmuted into sexual energy, which is stored physically in male sperm. A single ejaculation contains 200 to 500 million sperm cells. If we consider each sperm cell as a potential human being, there are sufficient sperm cells for a man in a few days to generate the current population of the Earth. That is the power of semen.
Complementary to dietary considerations, there is a Taoist technique for redirection of the sexual energy called the “big draw.” This technique involves drawing back the discharge of sexual energy and redirecting it up the spine to the brain by drawing in the breath at the moment one is nearing sexual climax. Through practice one can develop this retention ability. The increase in sexual potency that follows is quite remarkable in that it creates great libido, more subtle sexual enjoyment, remarkable capacity and progressively increasing sensitivity.
For men, the point is to have sex, but not to ejaculate every time. Sex is essential to excellent health as it restores imbalances in the body chemistry, excites the sex hormones and balances the other major glands (the adrenal, thymus, thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, and pineal). Sex clears the mind, frees the spirit and helps build a wonderful relationship with one’s partner.
A healthy body is a sexual body. Sexual people have a bountiful supply of attractive magnetism.
Two tuned beings consciously uniting their physical bodies invoke a powerful spiritual energy. There is no substitute for spiritual sex. Sharing pleasure and love unconditionally with another adds a new meaning to existence. In my opinion, sex as a raw-foodist with a raw-foodist is a more amazing experience than anything I had known before.
How To Increase The Sex Drive
— Joshua Rainbow, Biotrophic Protocol
To increase the sex drive, eat nuts, seeds, wild coconuts, coconut oil, cacao, goji berries and maca. Eating nuts and seeds stimulates the desire “to go to seed!” From personal experience I have found watermelon seeds to be quite an aphrodisiac. I am also convinced that the stamen-center of the cherimoya fruit has aphrodisiac qualities. Other raw plant foods that excite the sex impulse are: avocados, olives, raw organic olive oil, raw dulse (seaweed), pollen (pollen from the male date palm tree is an aphrodisiac for women), onions, garlic and hot peppers (the yogis of India have long-known that spicy foods excite the sexual passions). By eating significantly more of all these foods, males will see a major increase in sperm count and females will experience a greater sex drive. (Eat organic food only. Pesticides, when absorbed into the body, end up in the sexual fluids; they decrease sexual vitality and cause sterility.)
1 Set a period of one month aside to use the power of sexual transmutation. For that one month eat no nuts, seeds or eggs of any type. This will automatically sublimate the sexual energies and provide you with more creative abilities in other areas. Use that time to complete a project at home, with the family, or in business.
2 For men: experiment with having sex without ejaculation and with drawing the sexual energy up the spine into the brain.
3 For women: cleverly include some aphrodisiac foods into you and your partner’s smoothie each morning (cacao beans, maca root powder and coconut oil are recommended). Expect extraordinary results.