(Thank You)
“You think she’s going to be okay?” Troy asked with a scared look on his face as him and, Ashley sat around, Angela’s bed.
“She’s going to be fine she just needs to rest,” Ashley replied with a concerned look on her face. It bothered, Ashley to see, Angela like this.
“I’m just happy that we got her back alive,” Troy said. He knew how dangerous their job was, at any minute any one of them could have been killed so each day above ground is appreciated and not taken for granted. “How do we go about finding, the Lion now?”
Ashley shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
“You think, Matt Hardy may know something?” Troy asked.
“It’s possible,” Ashley said. “I’m sure, the Lion wants him dead we can maybe use him for bait.”
“I don’t know if that’ll be a good idea especially with, Angela out of commission,” Troy pointed out. “I don’t even think it’s safe for him to be in the same hotel as us being as though he’s got a bulls eye on his back.”
“I’ll call, Mary Wiggins and see what she has to say,” Ashley picked up her phone and dialed, Mary’s number.
Mary answered on the second ring, “Ashley, talk to me.”
“We found, the Lion but he managed to get away,” Ashley explained. She still didn’t fully know what was going on and figured she’d get some answers while she had, Mary on the phone. “Do you have any more info on, the Lion?”
“Why do you ask that?”
“Because he’s well trained in the combat area and there’s only a few places a man like him could get training like that from,” Ashley pointed out. After fighting with, the Lion, she immediately knew that he wasn’t your average terrorist; he actually had some real skills.
“Actually we just got a little more info on, the Lion. Comes to find out he used to be one of us,” Mary said. “His real name is, William Woods but he’s had plastic surgery done on his face that’s why we didn’t pick it up from the jump. The Lion used to be one of the best field agents ever until about five years ago when he went on a mission and just vanished that’s why it’s so urgent that we find agent, Matt Hardy we believe, the Lion may be recruiting, Matt Hardy to follow in his footsteps and go against his country.”
“Matt Hardy is in the same hotel as us, he’s not a traitor he actually saved my life as well as, Angela’s life.” Ashley said honestly. “He said he was working undercover so he could learn, the Lion’s system and take him out.”
“Text me your location right now!” Mary said her tone changing from friendly to serious. “Agent Hardy is a very dangerous man and you can’t believe a word he says keep an eye on him I’m sending a unit to bring him in.”
“I’ll keep an eye on him until the unit arrives,” Ashley said. “I’ll be with him so make sure your unit holds their fire.”
“I can assure you that there will be no shots fired,” Mary said in an even tone. “Keep, Matt Hardy on ice until the unit arrives.”
“No problem,” Ashley ended the call.
Mary hung up the phone and quickly dialed another number. On the third ring, a male’s voice answered. “Yeah.”
“I have, Matt Hardy’s whereabouts. I knew we couldn’t trust him,” Mary huffed. “You’re going to have to get a new face because by the morning every agent in the country will have your sketch.”
The Lion paused before he replied. “I’ll take care of, Matt Hardy Ashley, and, the Teflon Queen,” the Lion said in a calm tone.
“You better because if this blows up in my face it’s not going to be pretty,” Mary warned him.
“I said I’ll take care of it,” the Lion said then ended the call.