(Staying Alive)
Ashley made it to the second level of the mansion, snuck up behind a soldier, and slit his throat from ear to ear she then quietly dragged the dead soldier’s body out of plain sight. Ashley continued on throughout the mansion when she heard the sound of feet shuffling behind her. Ashley spun around with her finger on the trigger ready to fire.
“Wait, don’t shoot, it’s me!” Troy said in a strong whisper with his hands raised in the air.
“What the hell are you doing here and why are you creeping up on me like that?” Ashley fumed.
“I figured you two could use my help,” Troy said with a smile. He quickly walked over to the soldier that, Ashley had just killed and began to remove the dead man’s clothes. Minutes later, Troy stood up dressed in the dead soldier’s uniform. “I’ll go and see if I can find Angela.”
Ashley reached out and grabbed, Troy’s arm stopping him in mid stride. “If you get a clean shot of, the Lion, take it!” Troy nodded then continued on down the hallway. Ashley stood and watched as, Troy disappeared around the corner before she continued on in the opposite direction. Ashley moved along the shadows of the mansion and took out as many soldiers as she could one by one. It seemed like for every soldier that she killed another one popped up. Ashley moved in a low crouch over towards the rail, she looked down and saw a room full of people all standing around socializing and having a good time. Ashley grabbed a grenade from her utility belt, pulled the pin, and then tossed the grenade over her shoulder. The grenade landed in the middle of the crowd and before anyone could realize what had just happened it exploded.
Ashley then quickly sprung from behind the rail and opened fire on the last remaining soldiers that stood around with lost and confused looks on their faces. Ashley dropped the last remaining soldiers with pinpoint accuracy. Ashley stepped over several dead bodies when she came across, Mary Wiggings trying to crawl her way towards safety; both of her legs were missing. Mary struggled as she pulled herself across the floor she couldn’t believe how things went from good to horrible in a matter of seconds. Her crawl came to a stop when she saw a pair of combat boots blocking her path. Mary looked up and saw, Ashley staring down at her. “Ashley please help me,” she begged with no remorse. Ashley aimed her gun at the top of, Mary’s head and squeezed the trigger several times. Ashley had a look of hatred on her face she looked as if she was thinking about spitting on, Mary’s corpse. “I hope you burn in hell,” Ashley snarled as she continued on throughout the mansion now all that was left for her to do was find, the Lion and kill him.