Mom, you’re the best. I love you. Thank you for always being there.
Alan, love you too, and thank you for all the support. My munchkins too, because I love.
Rebecca Brooke, your feedback is always awesome, thank you for beta reading and cheering me on. Now hurry up and finish writing those twins. I want to read them.
Kristin Mayer, as always, you’re an amazing beta reader. You consistently make my stories stronger.
Tara Shaner, I can actually say my editor rocks, and you’re a pleasure to work with. Luckily you don’t shy away from my crazy.
Dauntless Indies, you ladies are full of awesome.
Rivers Others, you women are brilliant. Thank you for all you do.
My beta team, love you girls, you always help clean up my little goofs.
And last, but not least, my readers. Without you, writing wouldn’t be as much fun. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking this journey with me.