Abernathy, Ralph, 191, 216

hospital ride, 14

King, Jr., murder explanation (dissatisfaction), 28

Memphis march arrival, 79

morgue visit, 266

presence (hospital room), 265

Ray meeting, 38

Abrams, Creighton V., 125

ACSI, 126, 128, 134, 136

Act of State, An (Pepper), 285

Addison, LaVada Whitlock, 297

testimony, 169170, 194195

Adkins, Ronnie (Ron Adkins Tyler)

assassination conversation, 252253

Bland conversation, 262

deposition, 238

meetings description, 243244

rifle, transportation, 253, 281

sanitation questions, 247249

Adkins, Russell, 40, 41, 233, 238

assassination project, 279280

European trip, 242243

murder plan, 3

Tolson, connection, 240

Admiral Benbow hotel, 171

Aeromarine Supply Company, 16, 45

Akins, Willie, 86

Chastain/Pepper meeting, 109

clean-up man, 91

deposition, 102

Spates interaction, 98

testimony (Witness White), 89

Albert, Carl, 62

Alien Immigration Act, violation, 21

Alpha 184. See Operation Detachment Alpha 184 team

Alpha Court Reporting Company, 224

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), MPD file destruction, 34

American Death, An (Frank), 29, 292

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), 1968 striker negotiations, 4

Anderson, Jack, 24

And the Wall Came Tumbling Down (Abernathy), 266

Angel, Chari, 203

Pepper meeting, 157158

Ansarra, Captain, 256

Arkin, Eli, 81

Special Forces (Warren) identification, 128

testimony, 180, 192193

ASA. See U.S. Army Security Agency

Assassination. See King, Jr.

political assassination, usage, x

preliminary planning sessions, 246

At the River I Stand (Beifuss), 12

Attorney Work Product Confidentiality, 230

Atwood, Bill, 286287, 292, 313

Autopsy report, 263264

Ayers, Jr., Drummond, 143


Back-up gun, transportation, 256, 269

Baden, Michael, 264

Bailey, D’Army, 8687

Bailey, F. Lee, 23

Bailey, Lorraine, 9, 14

Bailey, Lurlee, 279

Bailey, Walter, 14, 68, 249, 279

Baird, Clifton, 82

disinformation, 289291

Baldwin, Arthur Wayne (government informant), 110

lifetime immunity, offering, 111

Ray murder contract, 185

Balfour, Bobbi (testimony), 173174, 188

Bank of Alton robbery, 309310

disinformation, 287288

evidence, 7779, 198

Barasso, Jerome, 262

tracheotomy, 262263

Barger, John, 151, 170

Barr v. Matteo, 58

Bathroom, eyewitness accounts, 302

Battle, Preston, 2426, 192

Bearing the Cross (Garrow), xii

Beasley, James, 25, 194

Beifuss, Joan, 12

Belafonte, Harry, 17

Benavites, Tony (alias), 71

Berclair Baptist Church meetings, 243, 247

Berens, Howard, 38, 40

Bergard, Faith Coleman, 15

Bernstein, Carl, 286287, 311

Bevel, James

Lorraine arrival, 68

Memphis arrival, 89

Billen, Andrew, 90

Billings, John, 86, 96, 153, 199

Birch, Philip, 23

Black Caucus, xii, 283284

Black, Kay, 34, 68, 83

Black Organizing Project (BOP), young black involvement, 5

Black Power leaders, 284

Blackstone Rangers, 283284

Black workers, grievances, 34

Blakey, G. Robert, 34, 63, 287

CIA/FBI relationship, problem, 36

Ray perjury change, 79

witness, 3536

Bland, Breen, 261, 269

Holloman conversation, 262

hospital absence, Gaylon observation, 266267

Blanton, Ray, 185

Bond, Eddie, 243

Bonnevecche, J. Christ, 72

Book, John (alias), 231

BOP. See Black Organizing Project

Bowen, E.B., 246

Brewer, Bessie, 3132, 6667

removal, 67

Bridgeman, Paul Edward (alias), 21, 51

Brossard, Chandler, 286287, 313

Brown, Bailey

Colton actions, impact, 147

draft order, submission, 106

Gianotti appearance, 9

media attacks, 144145

Pepper appearance, 145

restraining order arguments/restrictions, 11, 16

Brown, George, 203

Brown, H. Rap, 284

Brown, Joe, 234

petition arrival, 95

subpoena, 177178

Brown, Madeleine, 203

Pepper meeting, 157158

Brown, Rufus, 262

Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary, 38, 40, 111, 185

Bryant, Baxton, 82

Bryant, Dorothy, 263

Buchanan, Buck, 91

Buddy (taxi driver)

death/murder, 113, 177, 254

conversation, 255

death records, absence, 183

disappearance, 291

shooting observations, 113, 182, 216217

Bullet trajectory, Memphis City Engineers analysis, 81

Bushes, disappearance (eyewitness accounts), 300302

Butler, Chester (Chess), 240, 246

backup, absence, 253

Butler, Mildred, 254

Butler, Thomas, 23


Cabbage, Charles, 166167, 216

Cabell, Earle, 203

Caldwell, Earl, 218

allegations, 83

interview, failure, 291

Posner disinformation, 300

video testimony, 176177, 181

Calne, Roy, 140

Campbell, Ernestine, 216, 217, 254

drive, 260

Camp, George M., 35

Camp McPherson, 132

Camp Shelby, 127, 128, 131, 135, 218

briefing, 281

Canale, Jr., Phil M., 25, 94

Canipe Amusement Company, 1314, 16, 32, 110

Mustang, location, 256

rifle, delivery, 175

Canipe, Guy, 175, 178

Capital Homes Housing Project, Mustang, Wilson document discovery, 145

Caracas, Pete (phonic spelling), 233

Carmichael, Stokely, viii, 284

Carson, Clay (testimony), 180181

Carthew, Sid, 115, 120, 150

identification, 296

telephone deposition, 201

Case Closed (Posner), 299

Catling, Olivia, 219

auto observation, 257258

testimony, 174

Causeway, Doctor, 262

CB hoax, 33

Centenary Methodist church, 94

Central Intelligence Act (1949), 61

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

domestic operations, 59

establishment (1947), 59

offices, establishment, 60

U.S. Army, relationship, 127

Central Intelligence Division (CID), 239

Chambers, Sam, 243, 256

Chastain, Wayne, 86

Akins meeting, 109

immunity meeting, 88

investigation, 6567

Jones communication, 175

Robinson complaint, 94

scene, arrival, 218

Check Off Inn, 101

“Children of Vietnam, The” (Pepper), xii, 313

Chimento, Zip, 135, 137

Chisca Hotel, 215, 270

Church Committee Report (1976), 29

Civello, Joe, 106

Civil disturbance (suppression), Garden Plot (U.S. Army usage), 283

Civil Trial (1999), 264

Claridge Hotel, 34

Clark, Earl, 151

assassin, role

Jowers allegation, 173, 187188

suspicion, 152

Chevrolet Impala, escape car, 254

hotel area exit, 217

rooming house location, Stephens observation, 270271

Clark, Ramsey, 81

Ellsberg affidavit, arrival, 64

evidence announcement, 16

Clark, Rebecca

believability, absence, 212213

deposition, 211

Douglas meeting, 209

evidence, examination, 208213

stonewalling, 212

testimony, 193

Clifford, Clark M., 136

Clinton, Bill, 158

Closing arguments, 195196

Cobb, Henry, 138, 181

Cochran, Robert (clique), 95

Code Name Zorro (Lane/Gregory), 34

Coelho, Raul, 198

civil suit, 114

subpoena, 120

U.S. entry, 118119

Coffin, Bill, xiii

Coffin, Sloane, 94

Cohen, Jeff, 70

Cohen, Leon (testimony), 171173

Cohen, Steve, 232

Cohn, Roy, 245

Cole, Echole (murder), 34

Coletta, John, 154

Colton, John, 147

Communist Infiltration (COMINFIL), 80

Community on the Move for Equality (COME), strike control, 5

Conrad, Walter, 78


local conspiracy, 167

Saint Louis conspiracy, 288289

Swearingen court case, 179182

theory, ignoring, 2627

Cooks, Stoney, 61, 62

Cook, Tim, 153

Corruption, impact, xi

Cotton, Dorothy, 214

Counterintelligence Analysis Board (CIAB), 126

Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO), 80, 143

Cover-up, ix

effectiveness, 183

evidence, continuation, 185

existence, proof, 8384

scientific reports, suppression, 184185

Swearingen court case, 182187

Crump, E.H., 239

Cruz, Bob, 118119

Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 72

Curington, John (Hunt follow-through guy), 105

Curtis, Lenny B., 280

deposition, 223228

Garrison/Wade, conversation, 224226

Curtis, Ray (informant), 294


Dabney, Rosie Lee, 70

location, 101

Dago (nickname), 114, 115, 120, 201

Dalitz, Morris (organized crime connection), 3536

Dates, Memphis, 91

Death of a King (Smiley), xi

Defendants, impact, 187189

Defense, case, 190

De La Beckwith, Byron, 234

DeLoach, Cartha, 19, 2930

Democracy, demise, xi

Denaro, Tina, 37

Dent Cleaners, 209

Dent, Tom (Thomas), 210211

affidavit, 212, 213

Detroit, rioters (deaths), viii

Dillinger, Daniel, 211


efforts, 285

journalists/researchers, cooperation, 311312

Dixie Mafia, xxi, 3, 40, 238, 239, 243, 297

Marcello, relationship, 298

Dollahite, Vernon (arrival), 14, 217

Domestic Operations Division, 59

Dominski, Brian, 224

Donaldson, Sam, 188

Douglas, Emmett, 13

Douglas, Jim, xii, 211

Clark meeting, 209

Downie, John, 127, 133, 218, 285

disappearance, 137

Pepper meeting, 134

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Rumbaut involvement, 52

Dwyer, Robert, 194


Edington, John, 230

Eisenhower, Dwight David, 60

Electronic intelligence surveillance (ELINT), 127

Ellington, Buford (Loeb National Guard request), 7

Ellsberg, Daniel, 6162

affidavit, 307

allegations, dismissal, 64

pet theory, 69

revelations, 6364

statements, Lawson inquiry, 63

Eskridge, Chauncey, 14, 26

Estelle v. Gambel, 142

Evans, Sam, 300

assassination area clean-up request, 183184

business closure orders, 7

Special Forces (Warren) communication, 129

TACT control, 7

TACT withdrawal, 171

Evers, Medgar, 234

Evers, O.Z., 239241

action, 249

favor, reduction, 247

Ewing, Hickman, 83, 110

cross-examination, usage, 176

Exoneration motion, consideration (absence), 92

Eyewitness accounts, 300


Facts, summarization, 213219

Fauntroy, Walter, 29, 6162

information, presentation, 63

King meeting, 144

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

airtel, acquisition, 78

assassination involvement, evidence (Fauntroy denial), 69

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) manhunt, 1820

press coverage, 2021

Ferguson, April (testimony), 185

Ferris, Isaac, 142

Fiveash, Mr., 243, 246

Fleming, Julian, 262

Folk, Tillie, 210

Ford, Harold, 69

Foreman, Percy, 24, 25, 116

Frame-Up (Weisberg), 33

Francisco, Jerry, 26, 264265

Frankel, Marvin E., 83

Frank, Gerold, 19, 29

disinformation, 292293

Freedom of Information Act, Halperin lawsuit, 57

Freemasons, Klan (interaction), 239

Fung, John J., 141


Galt, Eric Starvo (alias), 41, 43, 46, 135

car registration, 215

identity, protection, 240

information collection, 1819

Ray, relationship, 19

Galt, Eric St Vincent, 135

Galt, Eric St. Vincent, 21

Garden Plot (Army idea), 283

Garner, James, 19, 45

Garrison, Jim, 28, 313

Attorney General Pierotti meeting, 87

Pierotti denunciation, 9091

testimony, 188

Garrison, Lewis, 86, 151, 224

case, opening, 190

Curtis conversation, 224226

follow-up questions, 103

Garrow, David, xii, 143

Gaylon, Ted, 266

Getz, George, 24

Ghormley, Judson E., 13, 65

Giancana, Sam, 57

Gianotti, Frank (court appearance), 9

Gilens, Martin, x

Gioia, Frederick, 15

Glankler, Marvin, 153

testimony, 194

witness interviews, numbers, 1943

Grabow, Glenda, 150

affidavit, 117, 119

deposition, 114117

Armando, relationship, 115116

eyewitness account, 304305

notes, 200

Raul identification, 199

Grabow, Roy (testimony), 199200

Green Beetle Bar, 278

Green Berets, 126, 181

Gregory, Dick, 34, 63

Guthridge, Bob, 224


Habeas Corpus petition denial, ix

Halperin, Morton (Freedom of Information Act lawsuit), 57

Hamblin, Bill (testimony), 178

Hanes, Arthur, 23, 307

Hanes, Jr., Arthur (testimony), 178

Harriman, Averil, 286, 313

Harrington, Charles “Izzy,” 270

Hathaway, Robert, 145

Hays, Renfro, 24

Hellbound on His Trail (Sides), 308

Helms, Richard, 58, 60, 127

Hendrix, Ray, 215

FBI 302 statement, 184

Jim’s Grill exit, 270

testimony, 175

witness, 256

Herman, Ken, 86, 90, 103, 153

Herron, Matt, 33

Hersh, Seymour, 283

He Slew the Dreamer (Huie), 31

Hill-Akines, Juilet, 163164

Kyles cross-examination, 191192

Hill, John D., 130, 137, 181

assassination team member, 182

Terrell interaction, 131

Hodges, J.B. (testimony), 176

Holloman, Frank, 70, 171, 192, 242, 245

FBI special agent, 5

instructions, 249

murder plan, 3

Holloman, Loeb, 227

Holt, Frank

crime, involvement (absence), 93

location efforts, 90

impediment, 91

protection, acceptance, 92

Hoover, J. Edgar, 8, 12, 57

assassination, order (Ellsberg-Lowery proof), 69

Hunt, connection/meeting, 105106

personal direction, 61

Personal Prayer List, x, 245, 276, 284

Sides focus, 309


connection, 238

homosexual relationship, 309

Hospital, military presence, 262

House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) investigations, 2829, 40

approach, change, 3435

conspiracy information, 6162

disinformation, 287

facts, discovery, 63

final assassination reports (Kennedy/King, Jr.), 80

Kershaw testimony, 184185

Medical Panel, results, 264265

Patterson, illicit usage, 37

predetermined conclusions, 7980

Huckaby, Hasel, 219

Huie, William Bradford, 31, 33, 73, 111

disinformation, 291292

Kershaw meeting, 184185

Human, Kenneth, 23

Humphrey, Hubert, 17

pressure, 193

Hunt, H.L., 105, 203

post-assassination travel, 107

Hurley, Charles

Mustang identification, 295

testimony, 175


Illinois Central Railroad Building, 128

Immunity, problems, 8690

Ingram, William

election loss (1968), 3

shooting evidence, 68

Institute of Organized Crime, 35


black involvement, 5

convictions/sentencing, 8182

King meeting, 1112

Lorraine Motel departure, 166167, 191, 216, 270

Investigative Records Repository (IRR), 125126

Isabel, J.J. (testimony), 173, 188


Jackson, Jesse, 167, 216, 217

Adkins money, 241

instructions, 292293

Memphis arrival, 89

task, 279

Jefferson City Penitentiary, 154

Jensen, Robert G., 26

SAC evidence, 71

Jim’s Grill, 14, 32, 50

Holt, presence, 93

Jowers opening, 101

planning sessions, 173

Ray arrival, 281282

stranger, appearance, 70, 71

Johnson, Lyndon, 106

civil rights leaders, meeting, 16

King/Spock political ticket, impact, xiii

pressure, 193

reelection announcement, 8

Johnson, O.B., 82

Jones, Philip (Pepper/King meeting), 143144

Jones, Solomon, 14, 33, 65, 216218

allegations, 8384

interview, failure, 291

shooting description, 66

testimony, 175176

Jones, T.O. (Stiles phone call), 4

Jowers, Loyd, 14, 67, 70, 246

civil action, 154

civil suit, 100, 114

deposition, 100101

detail, supply, 155

escape, 260

eyewitness account, 306

focus, 86


attempt, 154

King allowance, 149

Witness Green, 88

interview, 71

King/Pepper meeting, 149150

Liberto approach, 103

lie detector test, failure, 154

MPD officer involvement allegations, 150151

public admissions, impact, 92


carrying/transport, 84, 152, 176, 217

holding agreement, 104105

Spates conversation, 9697

Strausser acquaintance, 233

testimony/untruths, 102

inconsistencies, 149151

Judicial proceedings, 145

Jury instructions (Swearingen trial), 196


Kelly, J.K., 80

Kennedy, Florynce, 77, 288

Kennedy, John F., 116, 245

Kennedy, John F. (assassination), 2829, 72

House Select Committee final report (1979), 80

Kennedy, Robert, 116, 245, 313

assassination, 72

election challenge, 8

hotel gathering, 17

Kershaw, Jack, 73, 111

HSCA testimony, 184185

Huie meeting, 184185

Killing the Dream (Posner), 299

King, Alfred Daniel (Memphis arrival), 12

King Center, 208

King, Coretta Scott, 146

funeral home, 16

witness testimony, 165

King, Dexter, 142

Fauntroy meeting, 144

Jowers/Pepper meeting, 149150

media attack, 143

Pepper/Jones meeting, 143144

testimony, 169170, 179, 189, 201

King family

damages, award request, 189

media attacks, 144145

press conference, 207

King Family v. Jowers, 285

King, George, 24

King, Glyn, 214

clique, 95

King III, Martin, 224

King, Jr., Martin Luther

army surveillance, 123124

Weeden testimony, 180

assassination, Raul (role), 204

autopsy report, 263264

balcony appearance, Kyles responsibility, 280

breathing tube, removal, 262

bullet trajectory, Memphis City Engineers analysis, 81

case, breakthroughs, 94

communist control, Hoover assertion, vii

communist thinking, Peking line (impact), 5758

crime scene, alteration, 6869


doctor permission, 261

pronouncement, 15

Ellsberg-Lowery proof, 69

emergency room medical instruments, usage, 261

facts, summarization, 213219

FBI harassment/surveillance, 29, 33

FBI wiretaps, 17, 8081

Fire Department ambulance, arrival, 260

hospital, military presence, 262

House Select Committee final report (1979), 80

leader, FBI neutralization, 80

Liberto family, involvement (implications), 84

life, last hour (events summarization), 269274

local conspiracy, 167

Lorraine Motel arrival, 910

mail, OS interception, 58

Masonic Temple speech, 9

media hostility, Schapp examination, 186

memorial march, vii

memorial service (Washington National Cathedral), 16


civil rights activity, involvement (reluctance), 5

march, arrival, 7

Miami leadership conference (1968), 4


explanation, Abernathy dissatisfaction, 28

investigation, dissent, 3337

state’s case, 3133

murderer, Birmingham indictment, 20

official story, investigation, 7071

pillow, usage, 262

shot/ambulance ride, 1314

shot trajectory, evidence (disputation), 6465

Spock, political ticket, xiii

tracheotomy, 262263

U.S. Army assassination implication, 124

Vietnam War opposition, viii, 166, 283

wound, fatal impact, 266267

King Papers Project, 180

King, Yolanda, 142, 192

Kirk, Tim, 111, 185

Kizer, Bobby, 112

Kohlman, Raymond (testimony), 183

Kowalski, Barry, 158, 211

Ku Klux Klan, Freemasons (interaction), 239

Kyles, Samuel “Billy,” 138, 171, 216

Adkins money, 241

false account, Waldron acceptance, 297

Hill-Akines cross-examination, 191192

instructions, 251252

interrogation, failure, 291

King interaction (Richmond observation), 270

lies, Abernathy assertion, 299

march initiation, desire, 7

motel arrival, 12

testimony, 190191


Lane, Mark, 34, 38, 184, 307

affidavit, 61

Patterson attack, 36

Lannom, Jim, 246

Latimer, James M., 71

Laue, James (Memphis arrival), 9

Lau, Tomas Reyes, 18

Lawrence, William, 72

Lawson, James, 9, 40, 62

reports (1968), 3

SCLC founder, 4

Lawsuit damages, 189

Le Bunny Lounge, 44

Lee, Bernard, 14

presence (hospital room), 265

restraining order, 9

Legacy of Secrecy (Waldron/Hartmann), 296

Lesar, James (testimony), 179

Lewis, Dwight, 92

Lewis, John, 144

Liberto family, murder (implications), 84

Liberto, Frank C., 82, 240, 246


involvement, testimonies, 169170

operation, 153

assassin, hiring, 89

debt, Jowers acknowledgement, 103104

denials, 289

eyewitness account, 303

Jowers knowledge/interaction, 150, 187

denial, 101

Marcello meeting, 257

McFerren meeting, description, 168169

money, delivery, 104

murder conversation, 95

organized crime, relationship, 290

role (confirmation), Whitlock/Addison testimony (usage), 169170

Scott Street market presence, 214

telephone conversation, McFerrin account, 293

Whitlock interaction, 108109

Linville, Barry Neal, 266

LL&L (Liberto business), 93, 108

Loeb, Henry, 240, 243, 246

city expenses, 4

election win (1968), 3

Lois DeBerry Special Needs Center, 140

Lorraine Motel, 9, 32, 66

Invaders departure, 166167, 191, 216, 270

Psy Ops photography, 269

regrouping, 1516

TACT 10 removal, 84

Louw, Joseph, 9

photograph, 13

Lowery, Joseph, 63

Lowmeyer, Harvey (alias), 16, 18, 45, 215

Lux, Henry, 70

Lyon, Tammy, 278


MacDill Air Force Base, 126

MacDonald, J.C., 232

Maize Prison, hunger strikes, 230

Making of an Assassin, The (McMillan), 30, 35, 294

Malcolm X, 282

Mallory Depot, 238, 239

Manning, D.V., 210

Manual, Phillip, 269

Valentine interview, 180

Marcello, Carlos, 106, 112, 116, 240

assassination operation, 153

cooperation, 193194

Dixie Mafia, relationship, 298

Liberto meeting, 257

Special Forces, relationship, 124

Marcello/Liberto connection, 84

Marek, Dick, 308

Marro, Anthony J., 36

Martin, Marie, 44

Masonic Temple

King speech, 9

meetings, 243

Matthews, Thaddeus, 261

McCarthy, Joseph, 245

McClellan Committee, 180

McCloy, John, 203

McCollough, Marrell, 132, 151, 216, 217

reporting responsibility, 133

testimony, 8182

McCraw, James, 31, 86

rifle disposal, Jowers instructions, 178

testimony (Witness Black), 89, 297298

McCullough, Marrell, 12, 34, 68

King balcony, approach, 254

Strausser acquaintance, 232

McFerren, John, 82

disinformation, 289

eyewitness account, 303304

fear, 8485

Liberto meeting, 168169

meeting, 95

shooting report, 153

testimony, 167168

McGhee, George, 144

McKay, Louis, 110

McMillan, George F., 30

Camp refutation, 35

disinformation, 294296

money, extraction, 295

McMillan, Priscilla Johnson, 295

McNeil, Jack, 140

M.E. Carter Produce Company, 87, 93


government use/abuse, 185186

spin/impact, 208

Melanson, Phillip (testimony), 171


army intelligence operatives, presence, 123124

assassination operation, 153

curfew, cessation (Loeb announcement), 9

hate literature, circulation, 6

march, SCLC support (King request), 8

mayor, job, 247

protests (1968), 4

arrests, 8


city injunction, 45

control, 5

work stoppage, King advocacy, 5

Memphis Police Department (MPD), 13, 150

detectives, withdrawal, 3031

intelligence files, burning, 34

mobilization (March 28, 1968), 67

murder, coordination, 3

surveillance notes, usage, xiii

Memphis Public Works Department, 4


intelligence, presence, 219, 260261

presence (hospital), 262

role, 306308

Military Intelligence Groups (MIGs), 126, 132, 269

McCollough, reporting responsibility, 133

presence, 136

surveillance activities, 180

Miller, Pam, 278

Milner, James (testimony), 173, 187188

Milteer, Joseph, 298

Missouri State Prison, 240

Mooney, Booth, 106

Morgue, Abernathy description, 266

Mourners, outpouring, 17

MPD. See Memphis Police Department

Murchison, Clint, 203

Murder weapon, 177179

Brown testimony, 177178


documents, appearance, 156157, 204, 282

eyewitness accounts, 305306

identification, 295

location, 256

parking location, 255256

My Lai Massacre, 283


National Civil Rights Museum, 9

National Conference for New Politics (NCNP), viii, xii, 58, 60, 283

National Guard, Loeb request. See Tennessee National Guard

National Security Act (1947), 59

National Security Agency (NSA), Ray location effort, 136

Neptune Bar, 41, 201, 204

Neptune Tavern, 115

Neurological impact, power, 186187

New Moon night club, 112

New Rebel Motel, 4950, 276

Newsom, Floyd, 170

Nix, Norris, 112

Nixon, Richard, 203

Nix, Red, 112

Norton. See Psychological Operations


O’Brien, Soledad (eyewitness account), 309313

Office of Security (OS) (CIA), 57

O’Leary, Jeremiah, 22

Oliver, Beverly, 203

Pepper meeting, 157

O’Neill, Tip, 3435

Operation CHOA, 5758

Operation Detachment Alpha 184 team, 127, 137, 307

assassination ability, 181

briefing, 281

target location determination, 269

Orange, James, 8384


absence, 81

failure, 291

Memphis arrival, 89

shooting evidence, 68

Orders to Kill (Pepper), 134, 142, 285

Osborn, Howard, 58

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 157

Oswald, Marina, 295

Owns, Tony, 145


Palmer House, xii

Parker, Harold, 217

Patterson, Oliver

discrediting role, 36

HSCA illicit use, 37

Payne, Larry (police murder), 78

Peabody Hotel, 82, 168, 231

Pearson, Drew, 24

Pennington, Lee, 57

Pentagon Papers (Ellsberg), 61

Pepper, William F.

Akins meeting, 109

Angel meeting, 157158

Brown meeting, 157158

Buchanan meeting, 9293

civil suit, 100101, 114

Downie meeting, 134

FBI surveillance, 237

Jowers/King meeting, 149150

King/Jones meeting, 143144

Oliver meeting, 157158

Pierotti denunciation, 9091

Reynolds meeting, 133

Spates interview, 9698

Tompkins meeting, 125

Wilson meeting, 156

Pereira, Raul (pseudonym), 114, 150

Peretz, Martin, xiii

Personal Prayer List, x, 245, 284

Phoenix Program, The (Valentine), 180

Pierotti, John

Buchanan search, 9293

Chastain comments, allowance, 94

Garrison denunciation, 9091

Garrison meeting, 8788

immunity request, refusal (expectation), 87

Pepper assistance, offering, 96

statement, leak, 98

Plaintiffs the Family of Dr Martin King Jr., Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King III, Bernice King, Dexter King, and Yolanda King v. Defendants Loyd Jowers and other unknown co-conspirators, 5

Political assassination, usage, x

Poor People’s Campaign. See Washington Poor People’s Campaign

Posner, Gerald, 154

disinformation, 299302, 307308

plagiarism, 308

trial verdict attack, 208

Powell, Colin, 283

Prayer List. See Personal Prayer List

Prayer meeting, attendance, 246

Project RESISTANCE, 5758

Prouty, Fletcher, 312

Provincial Motel, 44

Psychological Operations (Psy Ops), 127


Memphis deployment, 133

photographs, 137

photographers, presence, 129, 291


Memphis deployment, 133

Pepper meeting, 133


Quonset Hut, 256


Rabbito, Barbara, 40

Raborn, William P., 60

Ragano, Frank, 117


Carthew description, 115116

civil suit, 118

criminal evidence, impact, 202203

disinformation, 287288

eyewitness account, 304305

Grabow characterization/identification, 115116, 199

gun purchase instructions, 4649

Herman/Saltman visit, 118

money, delivery, 170

photographic surveillance, 199

Ray, James Earl

connection, Grabow corroboration, 203

meetings, 41, 42, 44, 50

Richmond alias, 137

Royal, alternate name, 104

Ruby connection, 203

Rumbaut, Carlos Hernandez (identification), 52

Rawls, Jr., Wendell, 78, 288

Ray, Anna, 40, 69

Rayburn, Sam, 106

Ray, James Earl, 13

binoculars purchase, 50

Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary incarceration, 38, 40

Canada/England route, 32

conspiracy disagreement, 26

death, 153

detention/arrest, 23

extradition, 2324

FBI leak, 22

fingerprints, absence, 33

front man/set-up man, Liberto claim, 109

Galt, relationship, 19

Garrison deposition, 103

guilty plea, 24

gunrunning operation, 45

hotel escape, evidence, 32

innocence, ix

Jowers declaration, 91

Reynolds/Norton declaration, 137

Jowers observation, 87

last parole hearing, 107

Leavenworth parole, 39

location, NSA effort, 136

London/Portugal flight, 22

Los Angeles arrival, 44

meeting, 38

Missouri State Penitentiary stay/escape, 39, 41

Montreal robbery, 41, 78

movement, RCMP tracking, 21

Mustang, parking location, 255256

plea bargaining, possibilities, 87

postmortem events, 154

private investigators, legal/ethical responsibility, 87

psychological/hypnotic counseling, 52

punishment, recommendation, 25


FBI contention, HSCA rejection, 81

prosecution examination, 8485

Raul gun purchase instructions, 4649

Raul, impact, 31

Raul meetings, 41, 42, 44, 50

Remington 760 Gamemaster usage, 46

Rife meeting, 39

sacrifice, Grabow characterization, 116117


Hoover request, 240

usage, Galt (importance), 136

Stephens (main witness), 67

terminal illness, 140

Toronto arrival, 51


King efforts, recounting, 165166

preparation, 24

Ray, Jerry, 41, 44, 73, 288

affidavits, 141

hearings examination, 198

testimony, 77, 79

Ray, John (perjury charge), 79

Rayns, John L., 41

Ray v. Jowers (lawsuit), 120

Reagan, Ronald, x

Redditt, Ed

false assassination threat, 180

fire station post, removal, 3031, 34, 269

surveillance operation, 190

testimony, 170171

Reed, William (Zanie), 215

FBI 302 statement, 184

Jim’s Grill exit, 270

testimony, 175

witness, 256

Regan, H., 95

Reis, Barbara (testimony), 201202, 204

Raul family member meeting, 202

Reisser, John, 262

Remington 760 Gamemaster, Ray usage, 46

Reno, Janet, 158

Reuther, Walter, 193

Reynolds. See Psychological Operations

Richmond, James R. (Raul alias), 137

Richmond, Willie B., 167, 260

surveillance operation, 190

Rife, Walter (Ray meeting), 39


burial, confirmation, 256

destruction, photos, 254

disposal, Jowers instructions, 178

hotel appearance, 278

murder weapon, 177179

scope, presence (evidence), 256

signature, engraving, 146147

tests, 146148

wound, fatal impact, 266267

Riley, John, 18

Riots, 283

deaths, viii

Riverbend Penitentiary, 103, 153

Rivermont Hotel, 171

electronic surveillance, 84

King escort, 7

room change, 33

surveillance team, presence, 179180

Roberts, Paul Craig, x

Robinson, Herbert, 94

Robinson, Marchal, 145

Rockefeller Commission Report (1975), 2829

Roosevelt, Franklin, xxix, 309

Roselli, John, 57

Rosen, Randy, 43

Rosenson, Randy (HSCA interviews), 95

Rothermel, Paul, 106

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), fugitive/passport file examination, 21

Ruby, Jack, 156158, 204, 282

Raul, connection, 203

Rumbaut, Carlos Hernandez (Raul identification), 52

Ryan, Jim, 243, 254, 256


Saint Joseph’s Hospital

autopsy report, 263264

breathing tube, removal, 262

emergency room medical instruments, usage, 261

intervention, necessity (absence), 266267

medical personnel, discussions, 262263

ME official, absence, 264

military presence, 262

pillow, usage, 262

Saint Louis conspiracy, 288289

Saltman, Jack, 90, 114

testimony, 201

Sanitation worker strike, mayoral promotion, 247

Sartor, William, 70

murder, 84

Schapp, William (testimony), 185186

Scientific reports, suppression, 184185

SCLC. See Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Scott Street market, 194

Liberto presence, 214

Security Research Staff (SRS), 58

Security witness, disclosure, 90

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities (1976 report), 60

Shelby County Correctional Center, 110

Shelby County Criminal Court, 145, 146

Shelby, Johnton, 261262

Shelby, Lula Mae, 263, 266

Sides, Hampton (eyewitness account), 308309

Silberg, Earl, 79

Sitton, Claude, 176

Smiley, Tavis, xi, xiii, 308

Smith, Bobbi, 84, 86

Jowers hiring, 101

subpoena/appearance, 101102

testimony, 188

Witness Grey, 89

Smith, Coby, 166

Smith, Jean, 214

Smith, Jim, 228

King surveillance confirmation, 84

subpoena, 179180

Smith, Tommy, 95, 246, 254

testimony, 174

Smith, Vasco, 226

Smythe III, Ham, 183

Smythe IV, Hamilton, 183

Sneyd, Ramon George (alias), 21, 32, 51

Social change, fight, viii

South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 158

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 4, 63

advance man, visit, 68

FBI wiretaps, 8081

founding, Kelly memo, 80

meeting, location transfer, 6

organizers, Memphis arrival, 89

Southern Hotel, 49

Spates, Betty, 84, 217

Akins interaction, 98

eyewitness account, 302303

interaction, Jowers denial, 102

interview, failure, 291

Jowers conversation, 9697

Jowers hiring, 101

Pepper interview, 9698

presence, Jowers claims, 150

rebuttal evidence, 195

story, change, 9596

testimony (Witness Brown), 89

Special Forces

Marcello, relationship, 124

Murphy, 124125

Operation Detachment Alpha 184 team, 127

shoot to kill order, 128

target acquisition photos, 128

Tompkins sessions, 138

Warren, 124125, 181

Evans communication, 129

Memphis deployment, 127128

Tompkins meetings, 137

Special Forces Group (SFG), 126, 127, 138

Special Operations Group (SOG), 61, 127

Spock, Benjamin, 15, 17

King/Spock political ticket, xiii

Vietnam War opposition, 283

Sportsman’s Club, 79

Sprague, Richard (replacement), 34

Sprunt, Doctor, 264

Stanton, Hugh, 24

Starlight Lounge, 42, 45

State’s case, 3133

discrepancies, 3334

Stein, Charles, 44

Stephens, Charles Quitman, 23, 31, 32, 6566

Chastain interview, 6667

drunkenness, 293, 297298

protective custody, 67

room, Ray room (proximity), 188

Stephens, Grace Walden, 174, 188, 282

sharpshooter observation, 215

St. Francis Hotel, 44, 72

Stiles, Maynard, 239

clean-up team order, 256

Evans assassination area clean-up request, 183184

Jones communication, 4

prayer meeting, 246

predawn clean-up request, 84

testimony, 183184

St. Joseph’s Hospital, 66

Stokes, Louis, 185

Stout, Bill (interview), 6768

Strausser, Frank, 224228

guilt, admission, 237

interview, 228, 230234

Jowers knowledge, 233

name, Adkins recognition, 258

special rifle, acceptance, 280

telephone conversation, 235237

Sultan Club, 44

Summer Avenue Highway Patrol Identification Bureau, 246

Summe, Tony, 309

Swearingen, James (court case), 163

closing trial arguments, 195196

conspiracy, trial examination, 167177, 179182

cover-up, trial testimony, 182187

defendants, 187189

defense, case, 190195

judgment, 197

jury instructions, 196

King family, damages request, 189

media ban, 164

murder weapon, trial examination, 177179

plaintiff case, division, 164

trial background, 165167

verdict, 196

Swenson, Harold, 240


TACT units

Evans usage, 7

TACT Unit 10 (TACT 10), 13, 65

Lorraine removal, 84

Target acquisition photos (Special Forces), 128

Tennessee National Guard, Loeb request, 7

Terrell, Jack, 130

Hill interaction, 131

video deposition, 181182

Thames Television, 83, 90, 114, 201

Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, 141

Thompson, Kenneth, 23

Thompson, Russell X., 71

Thornton, R.L., 203

Throw-down gun/rifle, 256

slug, matching (failure), 310

Toland, Stephen, 238

Tolson, Clyde, 40, 240

Adkins, connections, 240

European trip, 242243


connection, 238

homosexual relationship, 309

memo, 2930

Memphis return, 256257

Personal Prayer List, 245, 284

Tompkins, Steve, 73, 123, 312

Pepper meeting, 125

Warren sessions, 138

Torrino, Felix, 115

Armando, relationship, 116


guilty plea, 25

jury compromise/settlement, 26

preparation, 24

Trial (Swearingen)

aftermath, 207208

background, 165167

closing trial arguments, 195196

defendants, 187189

defense, case, 190195

judgment, 197

Posner attack, 208

post-trial evidence, 208218

Truman, Harry S., 59

Trumpet Hotel, 216

Truth breakthrough, 223

Tucker, William, 14

Tyler, Ron. See Adkins

Tyson, Brady, 6162, 64

Ellsberg remarks, 70


United Nations Special Assembly on Disarmament, 61

United States Intelligence Board (USIB), 127

U.S. Army

assassination implication, 124

CIA, relationship, 127

U.S. Army Intelligence Command (USAINTC), 125126

U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA), 127

operatives, impact, 179180

U.S. Strike Command (CINCSTRIKE), headquarters, 126


Valentine, Doug (testimony), 180

Verdict (Swearingen court case), 196

Veterans Cab Company, 101

Vietnam war

King, Jr., opposition, viii, 283

Dexter King statement, 166

Spock opposition, 283


Wade, Randy, 224

Curtis conversation, 224226

Wadsworth, Susan, 36

Wakler, Robert (murder), 34

Walden, Grace, 32, 65, 84, 101

mental hospital stay, 67

Waldron, Martin, 20

disinformation, 296298

Wallace, George, 44

Wallace, Norvil, 170

Ward, Louie, 112113

testimony, 177, 182183

Warren. See Special Forces

Warren Commission, 28

Washington, Alda Mae (Jowers hiring), 101

Washington Poor People’s Campaign, 56, 9

initiation, Memphis location, 6

organization, 31

Wecht, Cyril, 263265

Weeden, Carthel, 281

testimony, 180

Weisberg, Harold, 49

assassination evidence dissent, 3337, 65

Whitlock, Nathan, 228, 234, 297

Liberto interaction, 108109

testimony, 169170

Wilburn, Jesse Leeman, 120

Wilburn, Royce, 150

testimony, 201

Wilder, John, 247

Wilhite, Joe, 262263

presence (hospital room), 265

Wilkins, Roy (Memphis invitation), 5

Willard, John (alias), 3132, 49, 50

rooming house registration/rental, 12, 14

Williams, Hosea (restraining order), 9

Williams, Jerry, 171

Wilson, Donald, 156, 158

business, ruin, 158159

documents, Mustang origin, 156157, 204, 282

FBI attack, 157

Pepper meeting, 156

testimony, refusal, 202

Witness Black, 89

Witness Brown, 89

Witness Green, 89

Witness Grey, 89

Witness White, 89

Wood, Donald, 16

Wood, Mike, 60

Wright, Tommy, 95


Yarborough, William P., 126

York Arms Store, 16, 32, 50

Young, Andrew, 13, 14, 61

meeting, press conference, 144

testimony, 169170, 179, 189, 201

Youngblood, Walter Alfred, 70

meeting, 7173

photographs, identification, 71, 72

Young, David Mark, 271, 278, 279

Young, Frank Warren (testimony), 192


Zachary, N.E. (MPD inspector/Homicide Chief), 25, 72, 82, 219

clique, 95