Chapter Twenty-Three

The head office of Corrigan Construction was in Matford Business Park just outside Exeter city centre. The building itself was more substantial than Adrian was expecting. A large red-brick-and-grey structure the length of several houses, with windows stretched across the front so you could see the staff inside at their desks. The lobby was a wide-open space with a high glass ceiling and a reception desk in the centre. The walls were a dark slate grey and the wall facing the entrance had an enormous painting on it, which must have been over twelve foot square.

Adrian stared at the painting as they both approached the desk, a contemporary swirl of reds and browns; even with his non-existent knowledge of art he could tell this was an expensive piece and not just something off the rack. He turned to the young woman behind the counter, who looked up and smiled. The smile dropped when Adrian held up his warrant card.

‘Can I help you?’ She returned her eyes to the computer screen.

‘I’m DS Miles. My colleague over there is DS Grey. We need to speak to someone about a former employee of this company.’

‘Do you have a name for this employee?’

‘Simon Glover. Do you know him?’

‘Vaguely. I saw him around. Is he in trouble?’ she said with uninterest, continuing to tap away on her keyboard.

Adrian couldn’t tell if she was actually busy, or if it was just a pretence.

‘Is there anyone here who did know him?’ Adrian asked.

‘I’m just checking out which projects he was on and which crew he worked with,’ she said as she hammered away. ‘He worked our biggest contract last year, that new multistorey in town, which means he knew most of the guys.’

‘Who is the person in charge, then?’

‘Do you mean the gaffer on site, or the head of the company?’ she asked before adding, ‘Actually, on that project it was the same person. The big boss. Mr Corrigan isn’t in just yet. Jimmy Chilton is in, though; he’s the next most senior member of staff on that project. He’s just in a meeting at the moment, but if you wait over there, I’ll get someone to call him out.’

‘Thank you.’

Imogen and Adrian moved to one side and waited as the girl on reception carried on with what she was doing. Imogen turned to face her and put her hand on her hips. No one was better at passive aggression than Imogen. When the girl looked up again and saw Imogen, she finally picked up the phone and called through to someone, rolling her eyes at the same time.

‘We’re in the wrong job. Look at this place!’ Adrian said.

‘Pretty fancy; there’s obviously a lot of money in construction,’ Imogen said.

‘I wonder who or what in this place spooked Leon Quick so much,’ Adrian said.

‘Officer?’ A man in his late forties with a scruffy peppered beard and a red baseball cap walked towards them with his hand outstretched to Adrian. ‘Jimmy Chilton. What can I do you for?’

He turned his hand to Imogen, who reluctantly shook it. Jimmy Chilton looked out of place in this grand lobby, as though he had just clocked off after a long-distance lorry trip.

‘We’re here to talk to you about two former employees of yours,’ Adrian said.

‘Two?’ Jimmy Chilton said.

He ushered them to the far corner of reception, away from the receptionist’s earshot.

‘Simon Glover and Leon Quick.’

‘Ah, right. Yes.’

‘Are you familiar with them?’

‘Yes, of course.’

‘What can you tell me about them?’ Adrian asked.

‘They were often late; sometimes their work was sloppy. Spent more time chatting than working. We had to let them go.’

‘We were led to believe they both left of their own volition,’ Imogen said.

‘I don’t know where you got that information from, but it’s incorrect. They were both fired. Why do you want to know why they left?’

‘Who let them go?’ Adrian said.

‘Probably me or Reece. Reece Corrigan. We do most of the hiring and firing. I’m afraid I don’t remember exactly which one of us did the actual firing. You’d be surprised at the sheer volume of turnaround in staff within the construction industry.’

‘When was the last time you saw either Simon Glover or Leon Quick?’ Imogen said, unconvinced by his vague response.

‘Oh, it’s been months. I haven’t seen either one since they left.’

Adrian noted that Chilton hadn’t asked why they were asking questions about the two men. People usually ask, curiosity getting the better of them. It could just be that Chilton didn’t actually give a monkey’s, or maybe it was something else. Maybe he already knew.

‘What time does your boss get in?’ Imogen asked.

‘Today, he won’t be in until after lunch.’

‘We’ll need to speak to him. Could you tell us his address?’ Imogen said.

Jimmy shifted uncomfortably, his calm, collected look turning to one of unease.

‘Ruby on the desk can give it to you. I need to get back to my meeting, if that’s all?’

‘Thank you, Mr Chilton. Don’t leave town; we may need to question you again.’

Chilton nodded and walked over to the desk, instructing Ruby to give them Reece Corrigan’s address. She gave them a suspicious side-eyed look as Chilton spoke.

‘What do you make of that, then?’ Imogen asked Adrian, her eyes fixed on Chilton as he went up the stairs.

Adrian had noticed that his behaviour wasn’t right. It was obvious just from speaking to him that Jimmy was lying and keeping secrets. He didn’t seem to be afraid in the same way that Leon Quick had been, but there was something weaselly about the man.

Adrian turned back to Imogen when Jimmy had finally disappeared from view.

‘God knows. I don’t know what’s going on anymore.’

‘Let’s go get this address and visit the big boss.’

‘Maybe he can shed some light on this situation,’ Adrian said.

‘What are the chances of that?’