BOGDAN URZICA RUBBED HIS JAW as he piloted the big Peterbilt into the outskirts of Chicago. Beside him, Nikolai chuckled in the passenger seat.

“That will teach you to get in between a man and his woman, Bogdan,” he said, smirking across the cab at his partner.

In the driver’s seat, Bogdan said nothing. He still hurt from the haymaker Nikolai had thrown at him, and he’d driven all night on minimal sleep, replaying his conversation with Andrei Volovoi in his head.

“I mean, seriously,” Nikolai continued. “I was only trying to get to know her better. Test her out for the Dragon. Quality control, do you know what I mean?”

Bogdan ignored his partner. Kept his eyes on the road as the highway widened, a collection of warehouses and train tracks and truck-stop motels peeking through the trees. He watched a highway patrol cruiser approach in an oncoming lane, held his breath until it had passed. There were sketches on the news now, Bogdan knew. His face and Nikolai’s, too. The truck was a liability. The police would be hunting for it.

I’ll deal with Nikolai, Andrei had promised.

Nikolai leaned over and spat brown tobacco juice into his ubiquitous Big Gulp cup. “You are such a princess, Bogdan,” he said. “Do you really think the Dragon is going to give you a gold star for bringing him his little bitch?”

Bogdan wondered if Nikolai could sense his apprehension. “We will not be delivering the little girl to the Dragon,” he said. “Andrei is coming. He will take her off our hands tonight.”

“He’s coming out here?”

“To meet us,” Bogdan told him. “He will take the girl himself. It’s too risky to leave her with us.”

Nikolai said nothing for a moment. Studied the road. Then he laughed. “You pussies,” he said. “You’re all so afraid of that fucking Dragon.”

“And you’re not?” Bogdan said.

“No, Bogdan,” Nikolai said, “I’m not. He’s an ugly punk with a terrible beard. Let him come for me. I will shave that beard off of him.”

Nikolai laughed, that ugly, terrible laugh. Bogdan said nothing. Just drove.

“Let Andrei Volovoi come for the girl,” Nikolai said finally. “The little bitch stinks anyway; he can have her.”

“I’m sure he will be happy to have your permission,” Bogdan said.

“We’ll hand the girl over tonight,” Nikolai said. “Andrei will pay us. Then we’ll find a steak and somebody to fuck us, Bogdan, what do you say?”

Bogdan said nothing. Kept driving. You’re already fucked, Nikolai, he thought. It’s only a matter of time.