


Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep.



Night is a garden for the spirit. Recognize it as a time to plant seeds for the harvest of spiritual dreams. If you are unable to sleep, consider this a time of preparation for the shamanic garden of the night, a time to till the soil and act as a steward of the dream landscape. As you lie awake, consider pretending to dream, dreaming yourself into dreaming. We sometimes worry about not sleeping. Is it better to be concerned over the planting and the harvesting, whether one is awake or asleep?

No matter what challenge you face, even insomnia, know that the winds of absurdity are available, ready to stretch any shrunken serious concern with the help of its partner, absurd play. Awaken the merriment of trickster wisdom, permitting it to enter the challenges of the night. Being awake is a classroom for learning how to prepare for the entry into dream, as dream should be the preparation for entry into the waking trance of the everyday.


Fill every glass you own with water and place these full glasses around your bed. When you retire for the evening, take a spoon and tap every glass so you hear it ring. Keep the ringing sound in your mind as you get into bed. Lie there imagining that the glasses are playing music all around you. Fantasize seeing a tiny angel flying from glass to glass, making the most beautiful music ever heard.

As you listen to this night music, try to turn it into a lazy lullaby. If you are unable to slow the music, get up and empty some of the water out of one of the glasses. (You will have to take the glass to the kitchen or bathroom.) Before going back to bed, sound each glass again with your spoon. Begin the music in your mind and try again to get that slow lullaby. Repeat the procedure over and over, emptying more and more water from different glasses, until the music is right. The right music will be a slow, hypnotic lullaby that comforts you into not caring whether or not you fall asleep.



Fill a small jar with sand. Five minutes before going to bed, open your jar of sand and place your fingers, one by one, into the bed of sand. As each finger goes into the sand, quietly say to yourself, “Now I lay me down to sleep.” Pretend that the sand puts your fingers into a state of complete relaxation.

Do this every night with a new jar until the entire area under your bed is filled with little jars of sand. When the task is complete, think about all the sand underneath your bed as often as you can during the day. In the evening, try not to think of the sand.

For every evening of peaceful sleep you receive, empty one jar of sand into a bucket that you keep in the closet. Place the empty jar underneath the bed. You will now begin creating more and more little jars full of air.

Throughout the day, think of this air and the sand sitting next to it. Again, try not to think of the air or the sand or the jars during the evening.



Ask several parents who have young children to do you a favor. Have them ask their children how it is that a person is able to go to sleep.

Write down all the answers you get and study them. Know them by heart, and begin a collection of children’s theories on sleeping. Remind yourself that children have a special spiritual sensitivity, whether or not they are aware of it.

When you go to sleep, think of the many theories about sleep you have learned from these young teachers. Be grateful that your evening experiences have awakened you to the enchanting ideas of children.



When you are unable to get to sleep, get up and lie down on the floor. You may use a blanket to keep you warm. Feel how long it takes before your body begins to feel uncomfortable. What part of you begins to ache first? As you experience the growing discomfort, think how good it will feel to get back into your bed. Do not allow yourself to return to the comfort of the mattress until you absolutely cannot take any more discomfort.

When you must get up, turn on a flashlight and write down the parts of your body that ache the most and are most relieved to get off the floor. After each body part you name, write, “Thank you, Jesus. I rejoice in getting up.” Go to bed thinking only of those parts of your body and rejoicing with the words, “Thank you.” Imagine they will go to sleep in a happy way, even if the rest of you is not appreciative. Lie there reflecting on a body that is already happy with how certain parts feel.



Before retiring, spend thirty minutes reading the Bible backward. Start at the end and read each sentence in the reverse direction. Say the name of Jesus backward, “Susej.”

Change out of your daytime clothes and then put your clothes on again. Repeat this undressing and dressing for six cycles. Each time say, “Susej.”

Go to the kitchen, get an empty glass, and pretend you’re drinking the air that is inside it. Then fill it up with water and leave the glass on the countertop. Do not drink it or pour it out. Say “Susej.”

Go to your bed and pull the covers back. Count backward from ten to zero and then make up the bed. Do this five times. Don’t forget to say, “Susej.” When you get into your bed, do not allow any of your thoughts to go forward. Everything in your mind must be done backward. Repeat “Susej.”

Say quietly to yourself, “I hope I stay awake tonight and get a good night of wakefulness. After all, it would teach me a lot about being backward.” Then say, “Susej.”



Go to bed and pretend you have fallen asleep. Pretend to sleep for at least half an hour. After the required pretend sleep, get up out of bed and pretend to sleep walk. Squint your eyes, allowing enough visibility for careful navigation, putting your arms straight out like Frankenstein, and walk around the house for at least ten minutes. Do not open your eyes fully or let your arms down. All eating and entertainment are off limits. You are restricted to doing the best job you can of walking in your sleep. Return to bed and pretend you are reading the Bible. Pretend to say a prayer, but remain silent. Lie down and think about pretending to be awake. Enjoy any confusion that may come upon you. Accept it as an advanced shamanic teaching.



Have another person trace the outline of your whole body on a large piece of paper. Do this twice, so you end up with two full-scale body outlines. On one body write the words deep sleep as many times as it takes to fill in the entire space inside the outline. Place this “deep sleep body” under the part of your bed in which you sleep. On the other body write the word dreams as many times as it takes to fill up the outline. Attach this “dream body” to the ceiling immediately above the part of the bed in which you sleep.

When you retire for the evening, reflect on how you are the middle of a “sleep sandwich.” You are located midway between deep sleep and dreams. Imagine seeing the deep sleep body below you floating up into your own body on the bed. At the same time, see the dream body above you floating down into the middle body. Let all three of these body images merge into one another in as many different ways as you can imagine.



Don’t use the word “insomnia.” Instead, refer to this kind of situation as a time when the difference between sleep and waking is being stretched. Sleep and waking are stretched when you want to sleep, but can’t seem to do so. Rather than fighting the stretch, flow with it. The shamanic way to meet this situation is to join with the stretching and stretch it further. The further the difference between sleep and waking is stretched, the more likely you will make a transformation, which may include deep sleep.

Enter the stretch and play with the difference between sleep and waking. See how much you can learn in this play of contrary states of consciousness. The Christian shaman prays not only “Lay me down to sleep” but also “Lead me into playing with sleep, waking, and the differences that lie between.” The latter is the shamanic garden where mysterious seeds are harvested in the night.