10 easy at-home exercises

1. Deep Squad Stand


It is an intense but very effective stretch. As shown in the picture above, by not letting your hands away from your feet, try to stand on a half position and then gently sit on your feet. Do it for 5-7 times a day.

2.Samson Stretch

Samson Stretch

It is a funny name, but it is not effective for your hip flexor, this exercise help you ion should and net pain. As shown in above picture by holding your hands above you try to sit on your one bet leg. Repeat 5 times on each leg.

3. Crouch Stretch

Couch Stretch

Sit close to the wall facing opposite, put your one leg on the wall while balancing on other leg.  Move back and forth till you fell little stretch in your back. Repeat this 15-290 times every day.

4. Full hip flexor twist

Toy Soldier

By keeping one hand above the neck and reaching your foot to the height of your hand can helps your hip flexor muscles relax. This is a good stretch that your doctor might recommend it to you. Do it 3-5 times for each leg.

5. Hip stretch

Figure 4 Hip Stretch

If you don’t have a box or object like it you can use a simple table or your bed. Put one leg on it by lifting it gently and give each leg 1-2 minutes. Repeat this process for one leg, 2 times a day.

6. Weight sit

Goblet Squat Hold

Hold a weight with your both hands and try to sit and stand 2 times after every hours. You can’t do 2-3 hours in case of acute hip flexor muscle inflammation, it can make it into its previse stage and help it sooth. Make sure the weight you are lifting in less than 10 pounds.

7. Full hip joint stretch

Spiderman Stretch

Go into a normal pushup position. Take one leg high and on hand to your feet as shown in above image, Now press your hip inwards and outwards for 5-10 times each session. You can repeat this twice a week.

8. Butterfly stretch


Grab both your feet from your hand while sitting in a butterfly pose as shown in above picture. Gently take your face towards your feet and then back to upright position. This exercise is recommended for all who are suffering from chronic or acute hip joint pain.

9. Head to Knee Stretch


Lock your hand on your foot and take your face forward till you feel the stretch in back. Bend as much you can and then back to normal position as shown above.

10. Hand to feet stand stretch


Stand on one knee as shown above. Grab your feet while maintaining the balance then then let go of your hand and then repeat the process again. Once a day 20 times is a fast cure for your agony.

Tips to work up your bottom

Remember these important guidelines-so you never face the terrible hip joint pain.

Saving the ‘mighty muscle’: Psoas

Psoas or call it a mighty muscle, by sitting for long periods puts it in a perpetually shortened state and your muscle stay like this known as  shortened state, even when you head out for a run. And that is where you are at risk, especially if you are above 50. Whether it is your shoulder or your teeth or hip flexor muscles, when they ache, no matter how small or big, it doesn’t hurts.