An abundance of thanks to: Lisa Reardon and the folks at Chicago Review Press; Mike Skidgell, who provided an expert review of this book—any remaining mistakes of fact are mine; Stewart O’Nan, a source of information and encouragement right from the start; the spectacular librarians at the Connecticut State Library, the Hartford Public Library, and the Connecticut Historical Society; Susan Bloom, the first reader of my manuscript; Courtney (Bonner) Saldana, my first “research assistant”; the Gripers (Elaine Dimopoulos, Jane Kohuth, Kirsty McKay, Sonia Miller, and Jean Stehle Roy) for their tireless enthusiasm in reading my many, many drafts; SCBWI and James Cross Giblin for the Work-In-Progress grant that enabled me to discover the treasure trove at the Connecticut State Library archives; Lisa Paradis for going to the circus with me; and my parents and husband (and basically anyone in earshot) for listening to me ramble about my project. Thank you.