All the information given here is as accurate as we can make it at the time we have published this book. Just remember people change jobs all the time, volunteer opportunities may be already booked for the time you want, new duties may be added or changed, and the hours required may change, and sometimes the park may add or take away amenities for the volunteer sites and positions. As with anything in life you will need to verify it for yourself by contacting the parks you would like to spend some time volunteering in directly. Ask lots of questions and if you can visit the park as a guest before volunteering, even better. If not, you can always look online and read reviews from your fellow campers, watch videos on YouTube and ask questions in the Workamper forums and group pages on websites and social media sites.

Yes, some of this information is already on our website and available for free but most of it is not. We have tried to create a comprehensive resource with this book so that anyone who is willing to commit their time, energy and expertise when volunteering will have the most pertinent information available to schedule volunteer assignments all year long. Our various national, state and county parks depend on volunteers and we want you to know what you are getting into before you look for these assignments.