Ethan watched the boys and girls line up across the platform of the church. Matron had told everyone to smile at the people when they came in, but even Louis, who was the most cheerful boy Ethan knew, wore a terrible scowl.
“I guess I wouldn’t feel like smiling if I was up there,” Ethan said to Matron. “I’m glad I’m sitting down here by you.”
Matron patted his knee. “They’re frightened right now, I’m sure. It will be better when the folks begin to talk to them.”
From the other side of Matron, Alice leaned around to speak to her brother. “I’m going to miss Betsy something awful. Are you going to miss Bert?”
Ethan didn’t look at Alice. “Yeah. But maybe no one will take them today.”
Matron Daly’s heart ached for the children as she listened to them sing and recite for the strangers. She hugged Will, who sat on her lap, and glanced at Simon. He had chosen to sit on the end of the front pew to watch the activity with wide-open eyes. He’d begged to sing with the others, but they couldn’t run the risk of someone choosing him and being disappointed because he wasn’t available.
Matron and Charles Glover had talked about how difficult this time would be.
“I worry about the ones like Arthur,” Matron said. “How will a boy who hasn’t spent a day in school feel about being confined in a building? He’ll be laughed at and teased because he can’t read or write. Will he be able to live like that?”
“It is hard,” Charles had agreed. “I trust each one of these children to the Lord as I let them go. I’ve found that most of the older boys do very well when they find that someone is willing to teach them a trade and treat them as a family member. We have to remember, Matron, that these children are survivors. If they couldn’t make it almost anywhere, they wouldn’t be here today.”
Now the program was over, and the people started to discuss the children.
“Mercy! I hope those children can do other things better than they sing!” This comment came from a woman named Cora Tyler.
Her daughter, Nita, yawned. “I’m sure you don’t have to carry a tune to be able to scrub a floor. Just look for a strong girl who seems to be halfway intelligent.”
“That tall girl on the end might be all right,” Mrs. Tyler decided.
“That’s Shala,” Ethan whispered to Matron. “That lady won’t want her!”
Matron Daly nodded and smiled to herself. Ethan was right. This woman might get more intelligence than she could deal with if she took Shala. The girl wouldn’t be a slave for anyone.
The good people of Liberty started to walk past the rows of children, ready to select new members for their families. Cora Tyler approached the end of the line with determination. She stopped before Shala and stared at the name tag fastened to the girl’s white pinafore.
Pointing her finger in that direction, she demanded, “What kind of name is that?”
Shala’s mouth dropped open in surprise. Then sparks of fire appeared in her eyes. “It’s Irish, ma’am. I’m Shala O’Brien.”
“Ridiculous name. But we can always change that. I suppose you know how to cook and clean, don’t you? Can you sew?”
Shala smiled brightly, and Matron, watching her, knew that Mrs. Tyler had reason to beware.
“Oh yes, ma’am. I’m a wonderful worker. I’m very quick, and I never do a job halfway. You won’t have any reason to complain about me. I can do anything you ask.”
Mrs. Tyler was looking more pleased by the moment. “Well. This sounds just fine, doesn’t it, Nita? We’ll take you. Come along, Sha—whatever your name is.”
Shala bobbed a little curtsy. “Thank you, ma’am, but I would like to know if you pay by the day or by the job. Do most ladies of Liberty hire a girl, so I’ll have lots of work?”
This time it was Cora Tyler’s mouth that dropped open. “Pay? Who said anything about pay? I’m going to adopt you!”
Shala managed to look disappointed. “You are? I thought you wanted me to come and work for you. I’m old enough to hire out, and I’m saving to go to normal school and become a teacher. I probably won’t do, will I?”
Nita laughed out loud at her mother’s obvious discomfort. “I guess you’ve met your match this time, Mama. I think you should take her. We’d get along fine.”
Cora Tyler glared at her daughter and marched toward the door. “Cheeky girl,” she muttered. “Just what you’d expect of an orphan.”
Ethan watched in puzzlement as Matron suddenly bent to retie Will’s shoes, and Mr. Pritchard was forced to leave for water to ease a coughing fit. Wasn’t anyone going to speak to Shala about being sassy? Sometimes it was hard to understand grown folks.
He turned his attention to the boys and girls lined up in front of him. Little Ruby, who came from Chicago, had grown weary. Now she sat on the edge of the platform with one foot placed on top of the other and her chin resting on her knees. With her arms wrapped around her legs, she appeared to be almost asleep. Ethan noticed, however, that her eyes were wide open, and Ruby didn’t miss anything that was happening.
The people who walked by glanced at the top of her head, then went on. Ethan was about to point this out to Matron when the Reverend Jared Burke and his wife, Jenna, sat on either side of the little girl.
“Hello. What’s your name?” Jenna Burke asked the little girl softly.
Ruby sat up straight and revealed her name tag.
“Ruby. What a lovely name! Do you know that a ruby is something precious?”
The child shook her head and watched Rev. Jared Burke carefully from under long eyelashes.
“We’re looking for someone precious to take home with us. Would you like to be the one?” Rev. Burke asked.
For the first time the little girl spoke. “Really?”
“Really.” He smiled. “Are you all by yourself?”
“No. There’s Pete.”
“Is Pete your brother?” Jenna asked.
The girl nodded and pointed to a ten-year-old who stood with the other boys. He was watching his little sister. When Jenna rose and walked toward him, Pete stiffened and stood as straight as he could. His face was pale, but he met Jenna’s gaze directly.
“Hello, Pete.”
“Hello, ma’am.” He studied her. “You goin’ to take my little sister?”
“We’d like to. Would that be all right with you?”
Pete nodded. “Yes, ma’am. You look kind. She’s a good girl, but she don’t know much about living in a house. We ain’t had one lately.”
“How old are you, Pete?”
“Ten. But I’m almost eleven, I think.”
He doesn’t look any older than the girl, Jenna thought. They both need some good food. She smiled at him. “Would you like to come with Ruby and live with us?”
Pete looked around as though he wasn’t sure she had spoken to him. “Me? You want me, too?”
“We certainly do.” She extended her hand toward his. “Come and meet your new papa.”
Ethan warmed with pleasure as the Burkes each took a child and went to talk with Agent Glover. When the new family left the church together a few minutes later, Ethan noticed that Matron was brushing away a tear.