- Absolute truth, 114
- Afflictive state, 21, 22
- Afflictive thoughts, 78–81
- Agency, self-attribution of, 166
- Alert presence, 73
- All-discriminating wisdom, 102
- Alpha activity, 59, 60
- Altruism, 49, 54–56
- Altruistic love, 8, 9, 13, 30, 68
- Amygdala, 50
- Anger, 8–10, 13, 18
- Anterior cingulate cortex, 54, 258
- Anterior insula, 213, 258
- Attachment, love versus, 82–84
- Attention
- cognitive control and, 25–32
- consciousness and, 222, 223, 228
- dual functions of, 245, 246
- rumination and open presence and, 36–39
- Attentional blink, 32–36, 184
- Attenuating circumstances, 185–188, 196
- Attraction, 146, 147
- Autism, 65, 66
- Automatized skills, 19–21, 40, 41
- Autonomous nervous system, 175
- Aversive brain states, 62
- Awareness
- levels of, 223
- pure, 6–8, 126, 127, 213, 214, 225–230, 234, 235, 243, 246
- self-illuminating, 223
- Balance, emotional, 17
- Ballotta, Adrianna, 191, 192
- Bare awareness, 37
- Basal ganglia, 41
- Basic cognition, 6
- Beck, Aaron, 87
- Behavior, future, 172, 173
- Being No One (Metzinger), 145
- Bender, Professor, 252, 253
- Benevolence, 30
- Bhavana, 30
- Binocular rivalry, 27, 28
- Biofeedback, 57–60
- Bitbol, Michel, 164, 237, 238
- Bodhisattva, 53, 54, 68, 69, 84
- Boyd, Robert, 98
- Brain
- architecture of, 162–164, 167–173, 187, 231, 236, 260
- coherence and, 50–56
- development of, 15, 31
- lack of center of command in, 156–158
- plasticity of, 14, 178, 229, 235
- Brefczynski, Julie, 21
- Burnout, 50
- Bystander effect, 71
- Cartesian center, 156
- Cartesian dualism, 220, 239
- Causality, interdependence and, 114–117
- Cerebellum, 41
- Cerebral cortex, 31
- Chalmers, David, 232, 237–239
- Change
- capacity for, 4
- gradual and lasting, 11–13
- neuronal, 15–17
- potential for, 190, 191
- rehabilitation and, 191–195
- responsibility for, 177–182
- Change blindness, 75
- Childhood amnesia, 97
- Children, teaching of, 23, 24
- Choice, range of, 182–185
- Cingulate cortex, 50
- Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, 191, 192
- Cognitive and behavioral therapy, 4, 78, 87, 154
- Cognitive control, 25–32
- Cognitive delusion, 104–110
- Cohen, Jonathan, 250
- Cohen, M. A., 239
- Coherence, 180, 228, 229, 240–242
- Coincidences, 250, 251
- Collective experience, 131
- Compassion, 20, 39, 48–56, 63–68, 85, 194–196, 229
- Compassion fatigue, 50
- Condon, Paul, 71
- Confidence, 22, 57
- Conflict resolution, 79, 80
- Connectivity, 14, 15
- Consciousness
- altered states of, 245
- aspects of, 219, 220
- “coarse”/“gross” aspect of, 225, 259, 260
- content of, 258–261
- continuum of the luminous fundamental, 220
- dynamic nature of, 7
- levels of, 230–246
- nature of, 211–225
- self and, 140, 141
- “subtle” aspect of, 225
- workspace of, 75, 76, 171, 172, 223, 244–246
- Constructivism, 112, 113, 117, 129
- Continuous performance task, 19
- Continuum of the luminous fundamental consciousness
- Contrast enhancement, 67
- Conventional self, 141
- Correct relative truth, 114
- Cortical areas, 231, 242
- Cortical control systems, 41
- Creativity, 61, 62, 206
- Cultural evolution, 89, 95–99, 179–182, 236, 237, 240
- Dalai Lama, 47, 53, 54, 63, 144, 149–152, 201, 202, 238, 239
- Davidson, Richard, 21, 26, 29, 33, 45, 49, 168
- Decision making process, 161–177, 183, 184
- Declarative memory, 40
- Deliberation, 167, 168, 172, 173, 182
- Delusions, 104–110
- Dennett, D., 239
- Depression, 4
- Desbordes, Gaëlle, 71
- Determinism, 207, 208
- Devi, Lugdi, 255
- Devi, Shanti, 253–255
- Deviations, horrendous, 195–197
- Ding an sich, 93
- Dissociation of personality, 7, 8
- Distortion and, 111, 112
- Distraction, 39–41, 121
- Doctor, looking with eyes of, 188–191
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 258
- Dreams, 43, 48
- Drugs, 59
- Dualism, 220, 221
- Dwelling in nondual awareness
- Education, 179, 237
- Ego, 139, 143, 144, 148–153
- Ego bubble, 151–153
- Ego grasping, 143, 148–150
- Egolessness, 151–153
- Einstein, Albert, 107, 115, 120
- Ekman, Paul, 35–37, 79, 86, 151
- Embodied mind, 224
- Emotional nuances, 18
- Emotional regulation, 173, 174
- Emotions, 9–13, 65, 66, 81, 82, 133, 134
- Empathy, 35, 36, 50
- Empathy fatigue, 50
- “Emperor of the mind
- Enaction, 224
- Engrams, 45, 46, 64, 173, 186
- Enrichment, outer and inner, 13–15
- Epigenetics, 89, 95–98, 164, 167, 170, 186, 194, 217, 236, 237, 259, 260
- Epileptic seizures, 44, 45, 258, 259
- Episodic memory, 40
- Erroneous relative truth, 114
- Ethics, 128, 129, 134
- Events, 105
- Evers, Kathinka, 169
- Evolution, 92–97
- Facial expressions, 35, 36, 65, 66
- Fearlessness, 86
- Feedback, 57–63
- Field, Brent, 28
- First-person experience/perspective, 10, 11, 103, 123–126, 212–218
- Flower power people, 83
- Forensic psychiatrists, 161, 162
- Forgiveness, 197–200
- Fredrickson, Barbara, 50, 82, 85
- Freedom, 146, 147, 183, 233
- Free will, 167, 182–185, 203–206
- Freud, Sigmund, 2
- Frontal lobe, 41
- Fulfillment, 53–56
- Fundamental luminous nature of mind, 5, 6
- Future, 207–210
- Future behavior, 172, 173
- Gamma activation, 48, 49, 60
- Gamma frequency band, 26–29
- Gandhi, 135, 155, 254
- Gilbert, Paul, 147
- God, concept of, 159
- Gödel, Kurt, 221
- Gold nugget, 5, 188, 189
- Gom, 30
- Guilt, 182, 183, 202
- Gut feelings, 76, 77, 177
- Habit, 173
- Hate/hatred, 190, 197–200
- Hauser, Kaspar, 5
- H.M., 142, 143
- Human rights, 88
- Husserl, Edmund, 164, 238
- Ice example, 119, 120
- Idiot, The (Dostoyevsky), 258
- Idling state, 63
- Ignorance, 67, 102, 209
- Illusions, 104–107, 118
- Improvement, desire for, 2, 3
- Innate knowledge, 98
- Inner conflicts, 53–57
- Inner eye, 129, 133
- Inner peace, 84–87
- Inner strength, 137, 138
- Insula, 50
- Interdependence, 114–117, 208, 220, 221
- Internal chatter, 38, 39, 60, 61
- Introspection, refining tools of, 121, 122
- Intuition, 77, 93, 120
- Invalid cognition, 101
- James, William, 1
- Joy of Living, The (Rinpoche), 24
- Justice, 161, 162, 184, 192, 193, 202, 203, 225
- Juvenile offenders, 192, 193
- Kahneman, Daniel, 77
- Kant, Immanuel, 93, 175
- Karma, 197
- Kaufman, Scott Barry, 61, 62
- Knowing, capacity of, 5
- Knowledge
- acquisition of, 96–100
- sources of, 91, 92
- valid cognition of, 100–104
- Kosslyn, Stephen, 1, 2
- Lack of awareness, 102
- Laplace, Pierre, 207
- Laureys, Steven, 246, 257
- Learning
- capacity for, 1
- consolidating through sleep, 42–48
- neuronal network and, 96, 97
- process of, 228
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 211
- Levenson, Robert, 37, 79
- Light, 6
- Linear dynamics, 99, 100
- Linearity, 208, 209
- Linear thinking, 60, 61
- Logic, 164
- Lomax, Eric, 199, 200
- Love
- altruistic, 8, 9, 13, 30, 68
- attachment versus, 82–84
- as supreme emotion, 85
- Luminosity, 5–6
- Luminous awareness, 4
- Lutz, Antoine, 21, 26, 32, 45, 49
- Mandela, Nelson, 178, 179
- Marshall, Barry, 204
- Masking, 166
- Matter/consciousness duality, 220, 221
- McVeigh, Timothy, 198
- Meditation
- action and, 67–71
- awareness during, 12
- brain activity during, 29–35, 60
- cognitive control and, 23
- compassion and, 48–55
- as mind training, 13–16
- practice and, 41
- procedural learning and, 20
- rumination versus, 36–39, 153–155
- side effects of, 77–82
- signs of successful, 156
- transformation from, 1, 4
- Memory
- amnesia and, 142, 143
- capacity of, 64–66
- childhood amnesia and, 97
- sleep and, 42–47
- working, 75, 172
- Memory system, 40
- Mental distortions, 25
- Mental events, 18
- Mental fabrications, 38, 39, 109
- Mental projections, 145
- Mesoscopic range, 92–94
- Meta-awareness, 171, 216, 230, 236, 244
- Metacognition, 118, 119
- Metarepresentations, 232, 235
- Metzinger, Thomas, 145
- Microexpressions, 35, 36
- Milarepa, 68
- Miller, Brenda, 142
- Mind
- embodied, 224
- empirical approach to, 2
- most fundamental nature of, 6
- Mind and Life meeting, 35
- Mindfulness, 39–41, 154, 179
- Mind training
- change and, 178, 179
- decision making process and, 169, 175
- feedback and, 57–63
- limits of, 63–67
- role of, 87–89
- Mirror, 6
- Mirror self-recognition test, 223
- Moony face experiment, 28
- Motivation, 135
- Nagel, Thomas, 104
- Names, 140
- Narcissists, 148, 149
- Nath, Kedar, 254
- Nature, as baseline, 2
- Nazis, 195, 196
- Near-death experiences (NDEs), 246, 256–258
- Neff, Kristin, 147
- Neocortical structures, 41
- Neuronal changes, 94–100
- Neuronal connections, 64
- Neuronal processes, 162–170, 173, 180, 206, 213, 216, 219, 228, 229, 232–236, 259
- Neuronal responses, 66, 67
- Neuroplasticity (brain plasticity), 14, 178, 229, 235
- Neutral state, 63
- Nihilism, 116
- Nondual consciousness, 230
- Nondual self-illuminating awareness, 7, 8
- Nonlinear dynamics, 99, 100, 209
- No-self, 144, 145
- Note by Genes Alone (Boyd and Richerson), 98
- Objectivity, 111–113, 134
- Oklahoma City bombing, 198
- Ontological dualism, 156–158
- Open presence, 38, 39, 49
- Original sin, 188
- Oscillatory activity, 26–29, 226–228
- Outcomes, severity of, 184
- Padmasambhava, Guru, 210
- Pain, 215
- Parapsychological phenomena, 246–250, 251–258
- Parietal lobe, 41
- Past lives, 246, 253–256
- Penrose, Roger, 233
- Perception, 75, 100–103
- Pessimism, 126, 127
- Petitmengin, Claire, 123
- Phenomenologists, 211–214
- Pheromones, 74
- Physician and cure example
- Play, 173
- Poincaré, Henri, 111
- Popper, Karl, 208
- Postmeditation periods, 70, 71
- Precise phase synchrony, 28
- Prefrontal cortex, 23
- “Present moment,” 209, 228
- Procedural learning, 20, 40, 41
- Procedural memory, 40, 41
- Psychoanalysis, 2–4, 153, 154
- Psychology, Western, 1, 2
- Punishment, 191–197, 202
- Pure awareness, 6–8, 126, 127, 213, 214, 225–230, 234, 235, 243
- Puzzling experiences, 246–253
- Reality
- constructing and deconstructing, 117–121
- correct understanding of, 130
- individual, 110, 111
- objective, 111–114
- perception of, 91–96
- Reconciliation, 199–202
- Refractory period, 171
- Rehabilitation, 191–195
- Relative truth, 114
- Relativity theory, 94, 120
- Reportability, 223
- Repulsion, 146, 147
- Responsibility, 173, 174, 185–188
- Revenge, 110, 184, 191–193, 198–200
- Richerson, Peter, 98
- Rinpoche, Mingyur, 24
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 5
- Rumination, 4, 5, 37–39, 54, 56, 61, 153–156
- Samsara, 188, 189, 220
- Samskara, 105
- Sartre, Jean-Paul, 151
- Schopenhauer, Arthur, 146, 182
- Science, 91, 92, 131
- Second-person experience/perspective, 123–126, 212
- Self
- autonomous, 138, 139
- investigating, 137–159
- mirror self-recognition test and, 223, 224
- responsibility-bearing, 200–203
- strong, 137, 138
- weak, 147–151
- Self-centeredness, 22, 56, 68, 144, 145, 153
- Self-compassion, 147
- Self-illuminating awareness, 223
- Self-preservation, 143, 144
- Senses, perception and, 92, 93
- Sickness, 188–190
- Skills
- acquisition of, 40, 41
- effortless, 18–21
- Slagter, Heleen, 32
- Sleep
- consolidating learning through, 42–48
- deprivation of, 44, 45
- meditation before, 41
- movement during, 47, 48
- patterns of, 42
- Social norms, 88, 89, 179, 180, 183, 184, 187, 188
- Social realities, 224, 225
- Solution state, 226
- Split-brain patients, 166
- Startle reflex, 37–39
- Stevenson, Ian, 253
- Stress, pregnancy and, 95
- Subconscious processing, 75–77
- Subjective experience, 91
- Sublime path, 94
- Suffering, 7, 8, 13, 17, 39, 40, 67, 104, 110, 113, 127–130
- Symbolic coding, 240–242
- Tagore, Rabindranath, 131
- Takashi, Nagase, 199, 200
- Tammet, Daniel, 66
- Taylor, Charles, 176
- Teacher, role of, 132
- Telepathy, 251–253
- Telescope example, 121
- Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 77
- Third-person experience/perspective, 103, 123–126, 212–214, 217, 263
- Thoughts, 8
- Tononi, Giulio, 45
- Treisman, Anne, 28, 32
- Trinh Xuan Thuan, 207, 208
- Truth, 114
- Ultimate logic, 101
- Unconscious, nature of, 73–77
- Undetermined state, 63
- Valid cognition, 101, 115
- Values, 130, 179, 180, 187
- Van Lommel, Pim, 256, 257
- Varela, Francisco, 26–28, 123, 176, 219, 224, 261
- Visual cortex, 26–28
- Wilde, Oscar, 177
- Working memory, 75
- World, relating to, 21, 22