If you have read this far, I really pray that you have been encouraged enough to seek this supernatural life in God for yourself. He doesn’t make it hard. He helps us every step of the way. There are so many experiences and blessings to enjoy when you seek the deep things. Many are hard to describe and many are just strange and wonderful!
For this first encounter I have to revisit my experience with the prophecy and following confirmation of the instruction from the Lord about writing the book “How to See in the Spirit”. As you know, after the Lord told me to write the book He then had Apostle Art McGuire prophesy over me to write the book and then gave me a very specific financial blessing as a confirmation that this instruction was indeed from Him. Now here is the third and final part of this event surrounding the writing of the book.
After receiving that wonderful confirmation from the Lord verifying that the word Apostle McGuire had spoken was from Him, I was content. I knew it was Him and I began the process. However there was still more apparently that the Lord wanted to do. A couple of weeks after the prophecy had been given I awoke one night and I looked around as I often do when I awake, to see what I can see. There was nothing in front of me, but something caught my eye and I craned my neck back to see what it was. There floating above our heads, not far from the headboard was a book. And the book had wings on each side…and the book was looking at me!
This book had two eyes right in the middle and a wing on each side and was just hovering over the bed. It was one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen. Originally I had thought it was a box with eyes, and I described it to my wife Gordana. Gordana in wisdom said “maybe it’s a book ”. Which I realized made a lot more sense in light of the recent events!
Symbol Of Protection
This is yet another reason why I know the angels are ever present to protect us.
Ryan Wyatt was going to be speaking in Ohio at John Belt’s church and I really felt that I should go. The worship was phenomenal and the atmosphere was tangible with God’s presence. I was glad I went. The great thing about going to these types of events is that the atmosphere surrounding the event seems to clothe you or come upon you when you are in it. Kind of like when Saul prophesied when he was in the presence of the prophets.
At the end of the first day I was tired but excited. I slept well and awoke well rested the next morning. However, when I awoke there was a light blue transparent shield hanging in mid- air right next to my head at the side of the bed. It stayed there for only a few seconds before it faded from view. I believe it was divine angelic protection over my sleep .
Taking Back The Land
Sometimes there are places in our homes that just don’t “feel” right. There are rooms that the kids don’t want to go into or you may have weird dreams if you fall asleep there. Such was my daughter Angie’s bedroom at one point. For some strange reason the room just felt different and my daughter experienced some strange dreams and just felt uncomfortable in the room.
I decided that I would let her sleep with my wife in our bed and I would sleep in her room so I could see (or feel) what was going on.
The Lord showed me some very specific stuff in the spirit (courtesy of some outside sources) and led me how to pray. I went to sleep and slept the rest of the night very well. Again, when I awoke I saw the transparent shield by my head again and this time I also saw a field of sparkling lights hovering in place at the foot of the bed. The Lord protects us in these ways even when we are not aware of it.
Incredibly Beautiful Orb
Sometimes things just show up. We aren’t necessarily seeking it but God wants us to have it anyway. One night I suddenly woke up out of a dead sleep and lifted my head up to see what was above me. I knew something was there but didn’t know how I knew. There, right above my head was the most beautiful translucent blue and purple orb I have ever seen. It was about the size of a cantaloupe and it was filled with what looked like a hundred golden specks of light or fire. It was awesome! I stretched out my hand toward it and when I touched it, it went into my hand. The feeling was slightly uncomfortable so I questioned the source in my mind for a brief instant. As I did I heard the words “healing virtue ”. I then realized that I had received an impartation from the Lord .
Can Numbers Float?
I know that I have mentioned it but I will mention it again because it’s important to understand. If you give a few minutes of your late night or early morning to train your eyes to see in the spirit, you will see some amazing sights. Ok, now I can continue.
One morning upon awakening I opened my eyes to see a large red number eight floating about four feet off the ground from the hallway door toward me. I watched it the whole way in amazement as it came closer and closer to me. When it was almost upon me it just disappeared!
I wondered what it could mean. I remembered reading somewhere that the number eight meant new beginnings but I didn’t want to accept that only because that was my previous understanding. After two days of thinking about it I heard “why don’t you ask me” in my spirit. I felt it was the Holy Spirit talking to me. So I asked Him and He said “it means new beginnings ”. Ha! Ok I believed it now. Later in the evening at home I was telling my family about the experience with the red number eight and my daughter immediately said “that means new beginnings !” I said “how in the world would you know that?” And she responded “We just learned that at school!
Cool! I love confirmation! And new beginnings!
I have also seen a number three floating toward me in like manner but I didn’t have a clear understanding of what the significance of it was. But it lets me know that God is involved and that’s the most important thing. However, it’s really nice to see evidence of His involvement and that’s why I again encourage you to look so you may see! In Brenda McDonald’s book “Dream Meanings Dictionary” she says the number three represents the Trinity and a strong three fold cord bond. I’ll take it !
Living Creatures
One night past midnight I happened to open my eyes. I wasn’t trying to see anything but had a brief glance of a subtle shift of some kind in the atmosphere of some kind to my right. I watched that area for about forty-five seconds and the sight then became more clear. At first as I began to focus, it looked like a horse’s head. But then it became clear that it was some other type of creature who was definitely not a horse but whose head was shaped like a horse’s head. As this being became aware that I could see him he began to move and flew past me as he flew away. He was approximately thirty feet long and moved as if he was swimming through water.
I had no fear whatsoever and no sense that this being was anything demonic. I believe that he was some sort of living creature and was there just watching over us like the angels do!
If you pursue spiritual sight or the supernatural things of God you may experience things like this. You don’t have to be in fear though. The Holy Spirit will bear witness of what is of Him and what is not. Listen for God’s voice and you can navigate the supernatural realms fearlessly!
For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. ( 2 Timothy 1:7 )
One Starry Night
One night I was lying in bed and staring up at the ceiling before going to sleep. As I laid there suddenly I became aware that I was not seeing the bedroom ceiling but was seeing the stars instead! I said to myself “but I’m inside the house, how am I seeing stars?” A voice spoke in my spirit and said “because you are seeing in the spirit
A Brief Testimony
Only this very evening as I am writing this, I became very excited to hear a testimony of someone who had read my book “How to See in the Spirit”. They said that they had done some of the “exercises” to help increase spiritual sight and while lying in bed they had also seen the stars above them rather than the ceiling! Thank You Jesus!
Swirling Lights And Colors
One of the most common things I experience in my room at night or in the morning when I look to see what I can see is movement of light in various shapes and various ways. It’s not an overwhelming light but rather very subtle and you have to look for it and then it gradually becomes more apparent. Also colors changing before my eyes, almost like spiritual clouds that move into different colors or morph into different colors, one after the other. Usually the colors I see are different shades of blue and purple and sometimes a very striking green color as well.
I have learned a lot from Ian Clayton about angels and he says that these shifting colors we see are actually angels called Cashmillion Angels. (I’m not sure if I spelled their name correctly)
Since vague swirling lights and colors seem to be a common thing for me, I would guess that they will be for you as well if you are engaging this gift of sight. Enjoy their presence.
The Fire Of God
One of the most awesome things I have experienced while in prayer or while waiting on the Lord is the manifestation of fire next to me, around me or coming down upon me. I believe this is a sanctification sent from God to allow us to carry or move in greater things. Ask God for His fire .
Most of the handful of times that I have experienced this, I have actually been asking the Lord to sanctify me. I have prayed for His cleansing fire to come upon me and make me clean and while praying that I will also envision in my mind, angels dumping buckets of fire over my head or my being covered in fire.
One night while praying this way a pillar of fire appeared behind my chair and at first I only slowly leaned my head back into it. After I realized it would not hurt me I began leaning my head back into the fire then bringing it out, over and over. I know it did something significant for me. This is also something I would encourage you to ask for as well.
Angel I know You’re There
You know the angels are around us even when we don’t see them. He has given His angels charge over us and they obey the Lord. We still like to see them though. It is an encouragement to see God’s angels. It’s a real blessing and uplifting experience. I will let the angels know sometimes (more than sometimes) that I want to see them or some evidence of them and sometimes they will respond.
I have told them on occasion “angel please just take your sword and poke it through the veil so I can see it for a second ”, and sometimes they have done that. I wonder sometimes what they think about those types of requests. Do they laugh and shake their heads or do they understand our need to feel connected to the things of Heaven? Only a few days ago I woke up in the night and right next to the bed I saw a sword hilt and part of the blade. I wonder if it’s the same angel that I’m always asking to poke his sword through the veil for me. Maybe he just beat me to the punch!
Be sensitive to the fact that the angels are around you. Not just with your sight but with your other senses as well. How many times have you been praying and felt a cool breeze on your face? See? That’s the angel refreshing you as you pray .
Angelic Energy
My wife Gordana and I had gone to the hospital one evening to visit and pray for someone and were walking through the hallways to the elevator. As we got the a corner in the hallway, we both felt a very real, very tangible force field of some sort that we walked right through. It appeared to be several feet wide and a couple of feet thick. I asked her “did you feel that?!” She indeed had. We walked back and forth through it several times before it was no longer there!
Along that same line, one night about nine pm I went for an hour long prayer walk around the neighborhood. Towards the end of my walk, my prayer became more intense and I was asking the Lord to do something extreme. I really didn’t care what the Lord would do, I just wanted it to be extreme. When I was about two blocks from home, I began to hear a humming that gradually got louder. I also began to feel some sort of energy on or around me. It felt like the atmosphere around me was vibrating.
Even though I had been praying for God to do something extreme, as this began to happen I found myself looking around to see if there was some electric transformer nearby that I hadn’t seen before. As I did this the experience faded within seconds. It’s really funny how we can have the most supernatural events happen and we still try to rationalize them and explain them by natural means. I really think that we (I) need to look to the supernatural explanation first, and then if that’s not it we can explore natural explanations. It would probably keep wonderful manifestations of God from slipping away from us.
The Gold Dust Phenomenon
Is anybody else provoked to jealousy by Joshua Mills? I know I sure am. The first time I had heard about people being covered in gold dust I thought it was really cool. The first time I had seen it I was stunned .
Seeing Joshua getting covered in more and more gold dust as he worshipped or preached only made me cry out “I want that!”
My wife’s friend Kim has kind of mentored us in things supernatural over the last few years. Taking us to conferences and giving us “meaty” things of God to chew on. Kim was also prophesied over by Bonnie Chavda, given a mantle and told that she would minister in the glory like Ruth Ward Heflin. For those of you who may not know, Ruth was pretty much the “original” one to experience the gold dust when she preached. (Or at least the one we know about)
When Kim began to come over for fellowship, many times we would see little flecks of gold dust appear on her face as she talked about the Lord. Sometimes it was quite a lot! Eventually it began to spread just a little. One time my wife also had three little flecks of gold on her and I had one little dot of gold on me.
The last time I got any gold on me seemed very much random as I was not doing anything spiritual, I was just getting a cup of coffee. I was standing at the sink when my wife said “you have a little piece of gold on your face ”, and she pointed to it. Then she called our daughter over to see it and as they were looking at it, it disappeared!
Signs and wonders. Little signs that make you wonder.
Heaven’s Bible Highlighter
My wife Gordana was given an intercessor’s mantle by the Lord back in 2011 at a Bill Johnson / Randy Clark conference. Since that time she has experienced the most extreme and awesome manifestations of God’s power. One of the little things that the Lord does for her now is to highlight scriptures as she reads the Bible. As she reads along, many times a little diamond or sapphire or ruby will appear and lay on a verse. Sometimes for just a moment, sometimes more .
Many times the entire page will be covered in gemstones as she reads. She will ask us “Can you see them?!
I purposely have not shared very much about my families’ testimony or the things that they have experienced because at some point I would like them to share these things for themselves and in their own words. It is really a blessing to watch the Lord bless my family and I am looking forward to that time.
A Beautiful Crystal Goblet
One morning recently I woke up and just kind of laid there talking to my wife who was already up and getting ready for work. As I laid there on my side with my face turned toward the middle of the room, suddenly a small hole or portal opened before me in the atmosphere quite close to my face.
My reaction was “what is that?” As I lay there looking at this portal, suddenly a hand reached through holding a beautiful crystal goblet putting it close to my face as if handing it to me. I didn’t immediately know what to do. How do you accept something from the spirit realm when you are not in the spirit but the natural? I heard in my spirit…by faith. So I took it by faith and drank it. When you receive things of God by faith you will be blessed.
Fragrances of Heaven
The spiritual sense of smell is a real blessing. You can smell unclean things of the enemy which help you know what’s going on or how to pray and you can smell the beautiful fragrances of Heaven. One evening back the early months of 2013, I was working at the computer when my wife called to me. “It smells like flowers in here” . She was down the hallway in the kitchen area. I went in there and sure enough there was a fragrance in there of flowers. (as I am typing this it is manifesting again )
We tried to investigate the source but could not find one. The smell seemed to be around her but not on her. We soon verified this as she decided to come into the room where I had been and the fragrance followed her. We soon realized that this beautiful fragrance would follow her as she went through the house. After about an hour it was gone.
One Sunday morning as we were on our way to church we were asking the Lord to manifest the smell of the “oil of the Holy Spirit” and almost immediately we smelled a strong smell of oil that actually smelled to me like cooking oil.
Another time as I was driving I was singing along with DC Talk’s ‘In The Light” when I suddenly smelled a strong vanilla or caramel smell. It was quite strange but quite nice.
God’s Power To Heal
Our God is a healing God. It is His nature to bring restoration to the lives of the sick and broken. I am so very happy for that! I had injured my rotator cuff several years ago and the pain during the day, I could live with, but at night it was hard to get a good night’s sleep. I had to lay on my stomach with my arm at a very weird angle for me to be able to sleep. If I happened to move during the night, as I often did, I would wake up from the pain. It ranged from dull to sharp and everything in between.
I had been sleeping that way for two years . I needed healing. At the Ryan Wyatt event we went to in Ohio, there was a time of prayer in which Ryan called for people who needed healing to raise their hands and then those around them should pray for them. Well, I had raised my hand and there were about four people around me that first prayed for me. The couple to my right, Ken and Linda from Flint Michigan both laid hands on me and prayed as well as others.
I remember that Linda would pray and then ask me to check if I was healed yet. She wasn’t giving up .
She had done it several times and I just closed my eyes and felt everyone’s hands of my shoulders. When only one hand remained I thought it was probably Linda’s since she was the most aggressive toward my healing. But when I opened my eyes to see who it was, it was no one. No one in the natural was touching me. I was completely healed.
Is It Really That Simple?
A man I had only known for a week or so had badly injured his foot. He had smashed it in an accident and now had nerve damage. He had been going to therapy but was in great pain. I had been talking with him about prayer and the power of God to heal and he knew something of God’s power because he had experienced it before.
I said “let me pray for your foot ” and he said ok. I don’t think he actually expected me to do it right then and there, but I just knelt down and laid my hand on his foot and commanded his foot to be healed and the nerves to be made new in Jesus’ name. Just like Todd White! Actually I thought about Todd White when I was doing it, that’s why I mentioned him. As I prayed he said “there’s something moving in my foot. It feels like electricity going through my foot.” I said check it out. He began moving and walking on it and checking it and he was amazed. He looked at me seriously and said “Is it really that simple? ” I said “Yes, it is ”.
Orbs, Oil, And David Hogan
We all love (missionary to Mexico) David Hogan in our house. We watch him on Youtube on a regular basis and many of the programs we watch we have seen many times. One evening Gordana and Angie and I were all seated by the computer watching a really spectacular teaching and message by David Hogan. After the message they went into a time of worship and we all lifted our hands in worship just like the folks on the monitor .
Angie felt something strange on one of her hands and realized that she had oil on her palm. Supernatural oil appeared during the worship. Gordana who sees fairly openly in the spirit realm, also saw two orbs of light floating around us. It was a very good day.
Thick Dark Clouds
This particular trip into the realm of the Kingdom was a great learning experience of many levels. One night I awoke to find myself moving through the spirit realm. I was flying through a type of semi cloudy atmosphere. With a vast expanse in front of me. I became aware that in the distance was a huge grouping(s) of thick dark clouds with all kinds of light moving within them. The lights ranged from beautiful colorful orbs of light of every size to flashes of light and other lights and colors within the clouds that I can’t quite describe to you.
I approached these clouds, closer and closer until I was almost upon them, then I found myself in them. I was suddenly in a very large open place, very light and peaceful. I walked down a wide promenade of sorts. There were benches around where you could sit and little tables as well. I was aware somehow that this was some area of Heaven. I continued to walk along in wonder, enjoying the sights as I went.
Not far from me I saw a black man seated at a table and I got an idea to ask him a question. Knowing that I was in Heaven, I got the idea to ask him if he knew a certain person that had recently died, and if they had made it to Heaven.
The person I asked about had lived a very wicked life most of his life. Chasing after lusts of the flesh and worldly pursuits openly seemingly without shame or remorse. I felt almost certain he was most likely not in Heaven even though towards the end of his life he began to appear to act differently .
The man at the table said “Oh yes. I know him. He’s up here in an area called special blessings” .
I was shocked to be honest. And then he told me where it was and how to get there.
This trip into the heavenly realm made me very aware that God is more merciful than we can imagine. The Lord had somehow brought this man to repentance. I then knew that virtually anyone can be saved.
Even More Lightning still!
The Lord knows I love His lightning. I tell Him every time I see lightning how much I appreciate it and how beautiful it is. I will stand outside under the eaves of our house during rainstorms so I can watch the lightning without my view being impeded. I have no fear of it, only awe and wonder. I firmly believe there is a spiritual reason behind it and it is then manifested in the natural realm That’s why I also ask the Lord to let some of that angelic blessing (of their presence) come upon our home.
One evening a couple of years ago my son Matt came in the house and said “dad you have got to come and see this! ” I followed Matt outside to a very surreal manifestation of lightening going on. The weather was nice and there was lots of cloud cover but no rain whatsoever. Matt suggested we get lawn chairs and set them up in the drive way so that we could enjoy this “lightning show”.
We got the lawn chairs out and parked them in the middle of the driveway where the view was best. My wife Gordana thought we were nuts. For almost two hours we sat there and watched thousands of lightning bolts reach across the sky. There was no break between them. The lightning came in waves over our house, with as many as fifteen to twenty “fingers” of lightning reaching over our house at one time .
This “hand” of lightning reached over us so many times and so close, I believe that God was telling us something.
There was lightning in the far distance, in the near distance and right over us continually for the entire time. It was the most awesome display I have ever seen in the natural realm. It really inspired us to think about how awesome our God is.
The reason I am talking about this “natural” display is because many times God speaks to us in the natural things around us. Whether it is a rainstorm or a time we keep noticing on the clock or an offhanded remark someone says that seems to fit seamlessly into our lives and situations. We have to keep an awareness about us if we really want to see all God has for us.
This Belongs To You
I am passionate that people learn about what is available in God. That is the purpose behind this book and also my previous book, How to See in the Spirit. I know that once people really get a revelation of how real God is and how much He loves them, it will cause everything to make sense. People will find that they have a divine purpose that is more awesome and satisfying than anything they have ever dreamed of.
These testimonies in this book are a tool of sorts to inspire you to look deeper than you ever have. This is all for you, every bit of it. There is nothing that God has done for me that He won’t do for you too. This is my desire for you.