
Timo Aarrevaara is a Professor of Public Management at the University of Lapland, and has professional experience in public administration as well as in research and teaching. Aarrevaara has participated in and conducted several evaluating and auditing projects, and acted as the principal investigator of a number of projects in higher education, including “The changing academic profession survey in Finland” (CAP), “The changing academic profession: the impact of globalisation, diversification and institutional reorganisation on academic work and employment conditions in Finland” (EUROAC-FIN), and Public Engagement Innovations for Horizon 2020 (PE2020, pilot initiatives). Professor Aarrevaara has strong international higher education research links, and is a co-editor of Springer’s The Changing Academy Series and author or co-author of several papers and book chapters.

Mohammad F. Ahammad is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Strategy and International Business at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Previously he was a Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, UK. Professor Ahammad is a researcher in the field of global strategy, international business, and human resource management. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Sheffield. He has published his research studies in Human Resource Management (US, Wiley), International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Business Review, International Marketing Review, International Studies of Management & Organization, European Journal of International Management, and others. Professor Ahammad has served as a guest editor for special issues at the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, International Studies of Management & Organizations, and Thunderbird International Business Review. His current projects include: strategic agility, organizational ambidexterity, pre-acquisition evaluation, negotiations, post-acquisition integration issues, and cross-border acquisition performance.

Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School, Tallinn, Estonia.

Tiiu Allikmäe, Estonian Business School, Tallinn, Estonia.

Florian Bauer is a Professor in the Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism, University of Innsbruck, and Department of Management and Law, MCI Management Centre, Innsbruck, Austria.

Agyenim Boateng is Professor of Finance and Banking in the Department of Finance, Accounting, and Risk at Glasgow Caledonian University, UK.

Fang Lee Cooke, Monash University, Australia.

Sir Cary L. Cooper is 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK. Professor Cooper is the author/editor of over 140 books on occupational stress, industrial and organizational psychology, and over 500 scholarly articles. He is currently founding editor of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, editor-in-chief of the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management and co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. He served as a guest editor for special issues at the Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and others. Professor Cooper’s work has been published in such journals as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Executive, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, British Journal of Management, Management Learning, Management International Review, and others. He is an Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society and former Chair of the Academy of Social Sciences. Professor Cooper is President of the British Academy of Management, one of the first UK-based Fellows of the (American) Academy of Management, and President of the CIPD. In 2001, he was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. In June 2014, he was awarded a knighthood for services to social science.

Christoph Dörrenbächer, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany.

Tiit Elenurm, Estonian Business School, Tallinn, Estonia.

Fabian Jintae Froese, University of Goettingen, Germany.

Lars Geschwind is Associate Professor in Engineering Education Policy and Management, Research Leader and Director of Doctoral Studies at the School of Education and Communication in Engineering Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He holds a PhD in History from Uppsala University and is affiliated to the Research Unit for Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy (STEP) at the same university. His main research interests are higher education policy, institutional governance, academic leadership, and management and academic work. He is currently leading a number of projects focusing on change processes in higher education institutions, including e.g. governance and steering, quality assurance, academic careers, and partnership with industry. Most studies include a comparative component and a historical perspective. He has recently published and co-edited a book (Springer 2016) and a peer-reviewed journal (European Journal of Higher Education) on the topic mergers in higher education.

Steffen Robert Giessner, Department of Organization and Personnel Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands.

Keith W. Glaister is Professor of International Business at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK.

Paulina Junni, Department of Strategy and Logistics, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.

David Kroon, VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Ian P. L. Kwan, School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Navarra, Spain.

George Lordofos is Principal Lecturer and Head in the School of Strategy, Leeds Business School, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.

Anna Lupina-Wegener, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland, Switzerland.

Kurt Matzler, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.

Luiz Montanheiro, Management School, University of Sheffield, UK.

Laila Nordstrand Berg has a PhD in Public Policy and Administration. She is working as a researcher and project coordinator at the University of Agder, Norway, where she is participating in projects comparing health and higher education in different countries. Laila’s interests are related to the intersection between public policy and administration, organizational studies, reforms, and management in the sectors.

Rómulo Pinheiro is Professor of Public Policy and Administration and Head of the Research Group in Governance and Leadership in the Public Sector (GOLEP) at the University of Agder, Norway. He is also a Senior Researcher and Project Leader at Agderforskning, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Tampere, Finland. Rómulo’s research interests are located at the intersection of the fields of public policy and administration, organizational studies, regional science and innovation studies, and higher education studies. He has published extensively on the changing nature of higher education systems and institutions, including being a guest editor for several special issues (European Journal of Higher Education, Public Administration Review, Science and Public Policy, Tertiary Education and Management). He has also co-edited a number of volumes on topics such as higher education and regional development (Routledge, 2012), mergers in higher education (Springer, 2016), higher education in the BRICS countries (Springer, 2015), and comparing the fields of health care and higher education (Emerald, 2016).

Riikka M. Sarala is an Associate Professor of International Business at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA. She completed her Ph.D. degree at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland. In addition, she completed part of her Ph.D. studies at Columbia University, New York City, USA, and at EM Lyon, France. Her research focuses on how organizations increase their flexibility through mergers and acquisitions, knowledge transfer, ambidexterity, and HR practices. She has published articles in the Journal of Management, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Academy of Management Perspectives, British Journal of Management, and others. She is an associate editor of the Journal of Management Studies and a member of the editorial board of the British Journal of Management. Professor Sarala has received several awards, including the Academy of Management Global Forum Best Symposium Award, Strategic Management Society Runner-up Award for Best Student, and Bryan School Research Excellence Award. She has served as a guest editor for special issues at the Journal of Management Studies, Group and Organization Management, and Human Resource Management Review.

Marina Schmitz, University of Goettingen, Germany.

Lars Schweizer, UBS-Endowed Chair for Strategic Management, Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany.

Elizabeth Solberg, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.

Andreas Strobl is Assistant Professor in the Department of Strategic Management, Marketing, and Tourism, University of Innsbruck, Austria.

Shlomo Y. Tarba is an Associate Professor (Reader) in Business Strategy and Head of the Department of Strategy and International Business at the Business School, University of Birmingham, UK, and a Visiting Professor at Recanati Business School, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. He received his Ph.D. degree in Strategic Management from Ben-Gurion University and Master’s in Biotechnology degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. His research interests include strategic agility, organizational ambidexterity and innovation, and mergers and acquisitions. Professor Tarba is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Management, Human Resource Management (US, Wiley), and Journal of World Business. He has served as a guest editor for special issues at the Journal of Organizational Behavior (US, Wiley), Human Resource Management (US, Wiley), and Management International Review. His research papers have been published or are forthcoming in such journals as the Journal of Management (SAGE), Academy of Management Perspectives, California Management Review, British Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Management International Review, International Business Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, International Studies of Management and Organization, Thunderbird International Business Review, and others. One of his papers was selected for and published in the Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management (USA) in 2006. Professor Tarba’s two recent co-authored books are A Comprehensive Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing the Critical Success Factors across Every Stage of the M&A Process (Pearson and Financial Times Press, 2014) and Mergers, Acquisitions, and Strategic Alliances: Understanding the Process (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011). His consulting experience includes biotechnological and telecom companies, as well as such industry associations as the Israeli Rubber and Plastic Industry Association and the US–Israel Chamber of Commerce.

Dag Olaf Torjesen is Associate Professor at the University of Agder, Norway. He is an expert on the health care sector and has published and consulted widely in the area, including comparative studies within the Nordic regions.

Rolf van Dick, Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany.

Riina Varts, Estonian Business School, Tallinn, Estonia.

Winno V. Wangenheim, WHU–Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany.

Natalie Witzmann, Edinburgh Napier University, UK.

Sut I Wong, Department of Communication and Culture, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.