BETWEEN 1569 AND 1603, a painting by the Dutch artist Joris Hoefnagel was seen by the thousands of visitors who streamed through the court of Elizabeth I at Whitehall. They came to admire, to solicit, to petition, to intrigue. Some, it was said, came for love, and others, it was also said, came to murder. All were conscious of the presiding presence of the mysterious and magnificent ruler of England, the nation’s second Queen Regnant, “Great Harry’s” daughter, Elizabeth herself. But when they stood beneath Elizabeth I and the Three Goddesses, what did they see?
This first known allegorical portrait of Elizabeth is a product of the Protestant diaspora of the mid-sixteenth century. Ten years into the queen’s reign, her contentious (and, by Elizabeth herself at least, somewhat resented) position as the figurehead of religious reform across Europe had already transcended her role as monarch of what was then “the small, impoverished island kingdom of England.” The artist was a refugee from the Netherlands, where reformist rebels were locked in conflict with the Catholic power of Spain. In choosing to display Hoefnagel’s picture so prominently, Elizabeth was making a powerful statement about her conception of herself as a ruler, a statement which relied on its viewers’ ability to interpret the classical visual language of the picture. To contemporaries then, “seeing” the picture properly required both an understanding of Elizabeth’s place in the confessional politics of Europe and the capacity to filter that understanding through the “new learning” which had revolutionized European thought over the preceding centuries. Put simply, it is a Renaissance picture, and it depicts a Renaissance prince.
The painting is a rendition of the Judgment of Paris, in which Elizabeth, holding her orb and scepter, faces the three goddesses Juno, Minerva, and Venus. Juno, the Queen of Heaven, holds her hand to the skies, expressing the endorsement of Elizabeth’s judgment by God. The attributes of the three deities—a scepter, a quiver of arrows, and a sheaf of roses—lie on the ground, uniting the rival goddesses in their “defeat” by Elizabeth, who has reconciled their respective qualities of intellect, power, and beauty. Elizabeth is cast in the male role, as Paris, whose award of the prize in the ancient world’s most lethal beauty contest to Venus brought about the Trojan War. One myth surrounding the foundation of the kingdom of Britain attributes it to Aeneas, one of the few inhabitants of Troy who escaped Greek devastation. So history might suggest that Elizabeth/Paris had not only reconciled the qualities of the three goddesses, but in doing so, had followed Aeneas in refounding her nation, battered yet triumphant after a great conflict.
In the twenty-first century, we might perceive something else. Hoefnagel’s canvas is divided into two distinct parts. On the left stands Elizabeth, erect and crowned, stiff in her brocaded gown, her canopy of state just visible behind, enclosed by the forbidding wall of a palace. To the right, the goddesses are posed in a bright, gentle landscape, delicately ethereal, the trees in full leaf, the grass lush. Above them, in the distance, is another palace, not a gloomy defensive fortress but a turreted fantasy, a tower of delight. To my eyes, the distinction in the picture is between the past and the future. Elizabeth I reigned from 1558 to 1603. In those forty-five years, something occurred in England, something which recalibrated ideas about Englishness and nationhood and which left the country a very different place at the end of the period than at the beginning. Elizabeth herself is absolutely central to the manner in which this shift is brought about, yet somehow the ever-burgeoning interest in the queen and her Tudor ancestors—the miniseries, the films, the abundant literature, the documentaries—has had the effect of diminishing her, reducing her to little more than a bewigged farthingale with a mysterious sex life. The young woman confronting the classical goddesses of Hoefnagel’s portrait is a very different creature from the perennially frozen mask of magnificence which conventionally characterizes her reign. In the picture, Elizabeth is in motion, moving from the darkened constrictions of medievalism towards a recognizable world, one informed by the new learning the goddesses embody. She is stepping forward into the light, into the Renaissance, into a princely modernity.
NEARLY EVERY BIOGRAPHY of the queen begins from the premise that her rule was in some way anomalous, by virtue of her gender. Often, the fact of Elizabeth’s biological femininity has then been used as a basis from which to interpret nearly every aspect of her governance. In my view, this is simply wrong. Elizabeth herself was happy to play on the conventions of gender when it suited her “weak and feeble” woman’s body to do so, but convention is not fact any more than rhetoric is reality. Arguably, contemporary conceptions of sexual difference were considerably more supple and sophisticated, and far less constricting, than those of the twenty-first century. Practically, Elizabeth’s gender was significant in certain areas—the organization of her household, for example, or her inability to lead her troops in battle, but Elizabeth’s intellectual upbringing, and particularly the influence of the “new learning,” gave her a princely self-image not in the least circumscribed by femininity. Elizabeth saw herself primarily as a prince, in the sense that royalty, in the perceptual model of her times, negated gender. Furthermore, it was as a modern monarch, a “Renaissance prince,” that Elizabeth attempted to govern and refashion her realm. Elizabeth was not, primarily, an exceptional woman; she was an exceptional ruler, and one way in which she became so was to envisage herself, as she once told the Venetian ambassador, as a “prince from a line of princes,” even where those princes were not necessarily male. Elizabeth I may have been the second of England’s Queens Regnant, but she was descended from a tradition of ruling women in both England and Europe.
What, then, were the qualities of a Renaissance prince? How can we recognize one, and how can it be claimed that Elizabeth was one? Definitions of the Renaissance itself are notoriously slippery. Everyone has an idea of what the Renaissance was, but of what exactly it consisted is more fluid, if not downright confusing. As a concept, it exists beyond the world of scholarship and thus defies scholarly attempts to argue it out of existence; however, it is not quite possible, Dr. Johnson–style, to aim a kick at Brunelleschi’s dome in Florence and refute its absence thus. The Renaissance is a nineteenth-century definition of a movement in learning and the arts that may have begun in the tenth century, or the twelfth, or, according to some theories, never have begun at all. Nevertheless, two salient features are broadly accepted. Chronologically, the most acceptable definition of the Renaissance is the period between 1300 and 1600, to which might be added, psychologically, a sense that something was changing, something was happening, and that this “something” was man’s sense of his own place in the universe: “The new man, the modern man, was a man who made himself, who constructed himself, and who was conscious of this creation. This was, precisely, the ‘Renaissance man.’”1 Renaissance, of course, means “rebirth,” and what was reborn during the period in question was not only the classical learning of ancient Greece and Rome, which was being rediscovered across that period, but “a renewed affirmation of the human,” which affected not just works of art (the most popular association of the Renaissance) but politics, medicine, civic life, education, war, architecture, and ultimately religion.2 Humanist learning exploded medieval certainties as thoroughly, and sometimes as destructively, as a bomb. In the fallout, everything looked different. Humanism was not one set of thoughts or ideas which all practicing humanists supported, but, rather, a collective conviction that the study of classical texts provided the opportunity to envisage the world anew. The word humanist was in use in the universities of Italy by the fifteenth century, denoting one who practiced studia humanitatis, that is, grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, and moral philosophy, based on the study of classical authors. The combination of rhetorical training of the bureaucrats of the Italian city-states, which had its roots in Roman custom; Latin grammar from the thirteenth century; and classical Greek literature brought to Europe after the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottomans in 1453 revolutionized European thought between 1300 and 1600. The discovery of Greek and Latin manuscripts, their study and diffusion, and the translation of Greek into more accessible Latin produced a wealth of knowledge which Europe had never seen before. Scholars worked on history and mythology in order to better understand the texts, and produced works not just of literature and history but of mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and biology. Humanism “represented a body of scholarship and literature that was secular, without being scientific, and that occupied a place of its own, independent of, though not opposed to, both theology and the sciences.”3 With the advent of the printing press in 1450, the total change in the intellectual climate effected by human-ism was disseminated, again as never before, by the new possibility of mass production. What united humanists above all was that self-conscious belief that they lived in an age of dramatic progress, of reinvention, of wonder.
The “new learning” was more than an intellectual and artistic movement: it transformed not only the way people thought but the way they lived. Technological advances in warfare meant that towns looked physically different, and the way in which they were governed changed, too. The period saw feudalism give way to capitalism, and with this a fundamental shift in the methods and practice of authority from which emerged the nation-state. The very nature of power was being altered. Rulers were becoming liberated from the constraints of medieval social structure; they were able to consolidate their power through the deployment of standing armies, more effective taxation, and a professionalized “civil servant” class. As the influence of both nobility and Church diminished, rulers centralized power through their courts and began, notably, to engage with “mercantilist” politics designed to stimulate economic growth while depriving potential enemies of resources. To arrive at a definition of a Renaissance prince would thus require a blending of these two elements. The term could encompass, but not be limited to, patronage of the arts, of the new learning, within the period, but also an appreciation of this fresh concept of the state. The morphology of this state was first articulated by Machiavelli, whose works The Prince and the Discourses were in circulation in manuscript from 1513, though they were not published until 1532.4 In 1559, the Vatican placed Machiavelli’s works on its list of prohibited books, where they remained until the twentieth century. Even now, the name Machiavelli is suggestive of duplicity and cynicism, of ruthless self-interest and the notorious moral catch-all of the “ends justifying the means” (as though anything other than the ends might be proposed to justify them). Five centuries’ worth of prejudice has its roots among Machiavelli’s sixteenth-century readers—by 1590, Machiavelli had become a stock stage villain, a byword for manipulation and general tricksiness. Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta claims the Florentine writer as the reincarnation of the Duc de Guise, whom Elizabeth I once described as her “greatest enemy,” while the next year, Shakespeare referred to that “notorious Machiavel” in Henry VI, Part I. Machiavelli’s ideas represent the collision of two conflicting ideologies, two very distinct ways of looking at the world, an opposition which has its source in the developments of the new learning. Yet why did Machiavelli’s first readers find these ideas as shocking and disturbing as they found them compelling? And why should they be so essential to a definition of a Renaissance prince?
The Prince is often understood as a “mirror book” for rulers (the term refers to the instruction manuals which proliferated during the Renaissance, giving advice on everything from religious observation to table manners), a how-to manual for the contemporary ruler. Recent scholarship posits it as something more, a constitutional tract produced as a consequence of “the change from feudalism to the princely state.”5 Contrary to the stereotype, Machiavelli’s works are more than an ABC for the forward-thinking tyrant; they are a philosophical reaction to the radical changes in the form and practice of governance which his age witnessed. Throughout the 1490s, Machiavelli had seen his own beloved city of Florence descend from a notionally free republic to a theocracy to a city under alien occupation by the French to a ducal state governed by Lorenzo de Medici, the dedicatee of The Prince. The overarching preoccupation of that work and the Discourses is if and how a state which has been corrupted can regain and maintain its liberty. For Machiavelli, the ruler’s primary duty was the preservation of the state at any cost. This was also one of the principal concerns of Elizabeth I and her ministers throughout her reign; indeed, arguably, it was the creation and secure maintenance of England as a state which was that reign’s object.
In many ways, Elizabeth was much less a Renaissance figure than her father. She was, unlike Henry VIII, no artistic innovator. She built no palaces, patronized few significant painters, kept an appropriate but not by the standards of the time astonishing court. Her artistic legacy is not startling, though by no means is it so impoverished as might first appear. Yet she did accomplish that primary objective, the securing of her state, in the wake of her father’s revolutionary break from Rome and the brief, bloody restoration of Catholicism during the reign of her older sister, Mary. Whether or not Elizabeth was a strong or a weak ruler; whether she guided the nation successfully through the upheavals of religious and legal reform, or created a cruel religious antagonism which continued for centuries; whether she left England as a strong nation with a new sense of a united identity, or an exhausted and bankrupt country desperate for change, it is in this that Elizabeth remains unique, not only because she survived to govern at all but because she did so sui generis, in a way which had never been seen before.
WHAT ELIZABETH DID was to negotiate her way between two differing and incompatible ideologies, which we might call “chivalric kingship” and “statecraft,” leaving England a markedly different place on her death in 1603 from her accession in 1558. It is the conflict between these two ways of thinking which is the connective current of Shakespeare’s history plays, and which is resolved, in Henry VIII, by Elizabeth herself.
The history plays, which begin in the thirteenth century with King John and end in the sixteenth with Henry VIII, represent a chronicle of the passing of the medieval world and its replacement by a new order. Shakespeare’s “notably nostalgic” portrayal of Henry VIII’s reign is haunted by another prince, the most famous of them all—Machiavelli.6 As the culmination of the history cycle, the play contrasts two political systems, the medieval and the modern, or the Christian and the Machiavellian. It was the incompatibility of the latter which Machiavelli’s contemporaries found so shocking.
What Machiavelli did was to “call the bluff on the belief . . . that all genuine value systems are compatible.”7 The medieval model, that of “chivalric kingship,” posited that a Christian ruler could govern honorably, according to the tenets of the Church, and that there was no essential conflict between justice and expediency. This is not to say that the medieval monarch did not lie, cheat, and murder (Elizabeth’s own ancestors are ample proof), but that when they did so, their actions were seen as deviations from a code and judged accordingly. Machiavelli did not advocate immorality in the pursuit of gain, but he did argue that apparently immoral actions could, according to circumstance, be ethical. This was not a novel conundrum—it was discussed by many of the classical authors that humanist scholarship was rediscovering. Cicero and Quintilian—writers with whom Elizabeth I was familiar—discussed the idea that “political success demands morally obnoxious acts from anyone seriously engaged in politics,” while the Stoics claimed that there could be no conflict between honestum and utile, the impulse towards truth and necessity, a view which many humanists maintained.8 This was the stance taken, for example, by Roger Ascham, Elizabeth’s own tutor, whose disapproval of Machiavelli was expressed in his call for a return to the “days of yore,” an idealized past when the true and the good were less problematically aligned.9 What Shakespeare recognized, and what Henry contends within the play, is that the Renaissance had brought about challenges for rulers for which this traditional model proved inadequate.
Europe was changing. The superstructure of the Church, which had imposed its hierarchy over the remnants of feudal government, was diminished in authority; indeed, in England that authority was out of favor. The princely state was emerging as the foundation of a very different political order, which required a different set of imperatives for government and which seemed inimical to the older idea of honorable or chivalric kingship. What the Christian ethic could not allow was the “doubleness” of Machiavellian thinking, that a ruler might say one thing and do another. Both Protestant and Catholic writers associated Machiavelli with mendacity, even with the “father of lies,” Satan himself.
Yet as James I, Elizabeth’s “heir” as referenced in Henry VIII, had it, “a king can never without secrecy do great things.” The Renaissance prince needed The Prince.
WHILE THERE is no direct evidence that Elizabeth herself owned a copy or read The Prince, it is impossible that she could have been ignorant of its ideas, which had been current in England for some time when she succeeded to the throne. Richard Morison, secretary to her father’s minister Thomas Cromwell, who was in Italy until 1536, has been credited with using Machiavellian doctrines.10 Elizabeth’s ministers Francis Walsingham, William Cecil, and Nicholas Bacon all read Machiavelli; Sir Christopher Hatton owned a copy; and in 1560, a translation of Machiavelli’s The Art of War was dedicated to Elizabeth, a dedication repeatedly included in later editions. “Given [Elizabeth’s] extensive humanist education, her fluency in Italian and her life-long interest in philosophy, it is highly probable that she was, like most of her councilors, familiar with Machiavelli’s ideas.”11
Elizabeth was very much a Renaissance ruler in that, like her father before her, she invested a good deal in her self-presentation as a scholar-king. She wrote and translated throughout her life, not only her own speeches, on which she worked closely with a secretary before handing them to her minister William Cecil for checking, but also letters in French, Italian, Greek, and Latin as well as poems and prayers. One couplet references Machiavelli directly:
Never think you Fortune can bear the sway,
Where virtue’s force can cause her to obey.
The central premise of The Prince is the perennial conflict between virtu and Fortune. A ruler, Machiavelli suggests, can control fate through the exercise of virtu. Virtu is not the same thing as virtue, that is, adhering to high moral standards. Virtu, derived from the Latin virtus, in turn from the root vir, “man,” can be understood as a combination of qualities—courage, fortitude, and ingenuity among them—but it differs from virtue, goodness, by the “goals achieved and the results of achieving them.” The ultimate goal for the prince is to “govern Fortune,” which can only be achieved by applying moral flexibility to political expediency. “Only if men could properly discern the demands of the times and adjust their behavior accordingly” is this possible. Different behavior, in different contexts, can achieve the same result.
Elizabeth I has been described as “one of the most perfect incarnations of the Machiavellian prince.”12 The need to adapt to circumstance, to bow to necessity in order to better control it, was a lesson Elizabeth learned early, and upon which her literal, as well as political, survival may well have depended. The contrast between her reputation and that of her disastrously dogmatic sister Mary is a case in point, while her execution of Mary Stuart, which cost her a good deal of personal struggle, represents perhaps the best example of Machiavellian statecraft over “chivalric kingship.” Knightly ideals, which had, in principle at least, underpinned an older form of politics, had no place in a new ideological age where political assassination was construed as an instrument of divine will.
That Elizabeth was influenced by Machiavelli is not exactly news, but in the conflict between Fortune and virtu referenced in the couplet, she does something else. The poem was written to Walter Ralegh, in response to the latter’s own complaint that, in the best language of courtly discourse, “Fortune hath taken away my love.” The poem is dated to around 1589, at the cusp of Ralegh’s influence before it began to decline in the face of Elizabeth’s promotion of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. Four years later, Elizabeth was to translate one of the most important works of medieval thought, Boethius’s The Consolation of Philosophy, and her response to Ralegh’s verse reads like a rehearsal of the dialogue in Boethius between Philosophy and Fortune, but also as a recasting of the gendered categories of Machiavelli’s virtu and Fortune.
In The Consolation, Boethius suggested that only God could overcome Fortune, whose power is limited to the sublunary, or material, world. Elizabeth’s verse advice to Ralegh plays with the conventions of courtly love but also positions the queen as God’s representative. Ralegh’s plea is couched in the conventional courtly terms—he is the swooning knight, she the inconstant mistress. Elizabeth’s answer switches the roles. She portrays herself as Philosophy, or virtu, appropriating the “male” role to herself, while Ralegh is encouraged to recover his “courtly masculinity” (which by implication is compromised). In directing Ralegh towards virtu, she also implies that she has power over Fortune, enhancing her own divine status as God’s representative on earth. Where Elizabeth was truly a Renaissance prince, then, a creature of her times, is in this refashioning of her own right to govern within a new political order which is nevertheless justified by her arrogation of divine power to herself.
PERHAPS THE STARTING point of the trajectory which was to carry the young woman of the Three Goddesses portrait into the Renaissance was her signature. When Elizabeth Tudor learned to write, she did so as a princess. Her first letters, formed under the tutelage of William Grindal, who taught her between 1544 and 1546, are notable for the clarity of their neat italic hand. Italic script spoke of classical education, associating its user with the erudite tradition of “new learning” so prized by European elites. Yet, “though prestigious in some contexts . . . [it] seems to have been viewed by some in the later part of the Tudor period as a childish, womanish, second hand skill.”13 When Elizabeth came into her crown in 1558, one of the first things she did to signify her new status as queen was to adopt what she called her “skrating” hand, the runaway script which sprawls across her correspondence like a dancing spider. Like Hamlet, Elizabeth held it “a baseness to write fair and laboured much / How to forget that learning.”14 No longer a polite young lady, eager to please with her accomplishments, the young queen bestowed more attention than any of her Tudor predecessors on her signature, creating a swooping, intricate flourish derived from the huge ampersand displayed in the bottom right corner of her childhood writing manual, Palatino’s Il libro nuovo. Notably, neither of the sample “R’s” the queen melded in her signature were influenced by Palatino’s model of the word Regina; significantly, they are modelled on the letters which begin reverendissimo and rarissimo, that is, in the masculine rather than the feminine form. Elizabeth’s signature is a tiny, poignant window into the mind of a young woman whose path to the throne had been so perilous as to make its completion almost incredible. It is also a measure of her apparently serene certainty of her own destiny. Teenage girls practice signatures, signing themselves into imagined futures with the crush of the week: Elizabeth wrote her future as a monarch. And she chose to do so not as a princess but as a prince.
Elizabeth’s decision to reinvent her signature shows us two things. First, that she was comfortable enough within the rarefied atmosphere of humanist learning to play with it, to appropriate it to her own ends, and second, in a gesture which foregrounds her much later manipulation of the Machiavellian concept of virtu in her exchange with Ralegh, that those ends involved a dissolution of gender categories.
Throughout her reign, Elizabeth was to exploit the fluidity of gender categories which, in the perceptual paradigm of her age, surrounded those few exceptional individuals who enjoyed the status of sovereign rulers. This fluidity was represented in language. Elizabeth I referred to herself as a “prince,” as did her kinswoman and fellow Queen Regnant Mary Stuart. Sovereign monarchs were “male,” even when they were female. Perhaps the best analogy is with languages where nouns are gendered: a thing, a table or a book, say, is categorized by an article as male or female. Perhaps the use of the word which most sums up Elizabeth’s character is her glorious riposte to Robert Cecil, “The word must is not used to princes.” Also significant to sovereign status was the distinction between the “body natural” and the “body politic” of a prince. In Elizabeth’s case, these potential biological dualities were central to her authority, which she sought to enforce through a mystic virginity, which confirmed her not only as a head of state but as the quasi-divine figurehead of a new religion.
Elizabeth’s realization of this role is demonstrated visually in one of the best-known images of her as queen, the Armada Portrait of 1588. It is curious that the cultural legacy of Elizabeth I’s personal rule has been described as being “of the word, not the eye.” No monarch before or since has so effectively stamped an age with his image. Elizabeth constructed her appearance with a precision which might in contemporary terms be called “branding”—the consistent details of red hair, ivory skin, ornate ruff, and elaborately jeweled costume rendering her instantly recognizable. The Armada Portrait, the zenith of Elizabeth’s age, at least so far as propaganda was concerned, fulfils all the iconographic elements which so effectively annealed her image to her reign. The most intact of three versions, in addition to as many as six derivatives, the portrait is nevertheless novel in that it takes a horizontal rather than a vertical perspective, “as though some new and spectacular format had to be invented to match the magnitude of the event.”15 Elizabeth’s hand rests upon a globe, after the manner of a Roman emperor; above it is set the Crown Imperial, equating the status of the Tudors with that of the Holy Roman Empire. Between the columns behind the queen we see the English fireships advancing into the Spanish fleet on the left, and on the right, the enemy’s battered, ignominious retreat to the cruel Scottish coast—images of shipwreck, it should be noted, were at the time used to imply heresy. There is no doubt that the Spanish are being punished by the same God who delivered victory to the queen. All we see of Elizabeth is her face, poised and smooth beneath her pearl-dressed wig, and the long pale hands of which she was proud all her life. Her gown, with its huge puffed sleeves, bows, embroidery, and jewels, is less a garment than a treasure trove, an insistent display of wealth and wonder. This is in no way a representation of a human being; rather, the portrait captures a point of apotheosis, of the translation from monarch to immortal. The atypical perspective of the painting, whereby the chairs and tables which surround the queen are observed simultaneously from differing viewpoints, reinforces the gesture of her hand set upon the globe; this is a ruler who commands not just guns and ships, merchants and soldiers, even, it is implied, storms and sun, but time and space themselves.
Here, then, are three moments where we might engage imaginatively with Elizabeth—the assiduous student of the new learning, swirling out her future with her quill; the young queen, stepping forward into the sunlight of a dawning age; and the triumphant sovereign, her humanity excised beneath a gorgeous canvas of authority. It is in the gaps between these moments that Elizabeth created herself. In seeing her as a Renaissance prince, this book is just one way of looking at how she did so.