I’d like to thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contributions to the book, either in the form of providing interviews, furnishing material, editing, offering feedback, or emotional support: Robert Abzug, Walter Anderson, the Archives of the History of American Psychology in Akron, Price Cobbs, Eleanor Criswell, George Dickey, Jennifer Percy Dowd, Jackie Doyle, Mallory Farrugia, Richard Farson, Bonnie Foster, Tom Greening, Shirley Grogan, the Harvard Archives, John Heider, the Humanistic Psychology Archives in Santa Barbara, Jeffrey Kripal, Stanley Krippner, George Leonard, John Levy, Kerry Moustakas, Nina Murray, Maureen O’Hara, Joanne and Tim Oppenheimer, Rebecca Paauwe, Donadrian Rice, Frank Richardson, Natalie Rogers, Robert Shilkret, Eugene Taylor, Deborah Von Husen, and Art Warmouth.
I’d also like to thank my toughest critic and most tireless supporter, Daniel Oppenheimer, for his patience and love, as well as his enduring commitment to the project, and my editor, Cal Morgan, for being excited about the project from the start, and for being the kind of careful editor who’s hard to find these days.