So much to do
If I’m going to defeat you.
—Screaming Ferret
(Punk band, est. 2011, Tucson, AZ)
I MADE MY FIRST BLOG POST AS a high schooler that night before I went to bed.
So I’ve been in high school for twelve whole hours, and I’ve already discovered there’s a ton I have to do to ensure I have the best first year of high school that ever was had by a high schooler. I’m sure there will be a million more goals to come because here are twenty after only the first day:
1. Three thousand kids. I figure I can make friends with about 10 percent of them by the end of the year. Maybe even fifteen percent.
2. Go to a school dance. I’ve never been to one because they always play the “Y.M.C.A.”
3. Come up with a way of handling the “Y.M.C.A.” at the school dance. Do I do it with my feet? My ears? My eyebrows? Maybe I’ll just go to the bathroom while it plays.
4. New locker. It only took me about five months to master my last one, so I figure I can master my new one in no more than four months.
5. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, develop a crush on anyone. Crushes are rampant in high school but not for me. Bachelorette for life.
6. Come up with a better blog name. I had to change the name of this blog back to Aven’s Random Thoughts, which is like the worst name for a blog ever.
7. Learn how to jump Chili so I can put on the greatest performance ever at the Stagecoach Pass Autumn Horse Spectacular! starring the death-defying Aven and Chili. Okay, that’s not the actual name of the show. Some people thought a more boring name would be better. Anyway, check the Stagecoach Pass website for details about the Autumn Horse Show and mark your calendars, people!
8. Master the topknot. Mine looks more like a top-trashcan.
9. Start a petition to put air conditioning on the buses. Because who wouldn’t sign that? Also, if I manage to make this happen, I’ll be well on my way to accomplishing goal #1.
10. Start a petition for outdoor misters as well. They should be standard in every single outdoor area in the entire city. No, they should be the law.
11. Write the Arizona State Senate about this mister situation.
12. Grow two more inches so I can reach A1 on the vending machine. That’s the button for Cheetos. It’s a bonus that I’d also be able to reach A2. That’s the button for Milk Duds. I don’t, in fact, like Milk Duds, but I also don’t like them taunting me.
13. Improve my makeup skills. Lip gloss is supposed to stay on the lips, Aven. On the lips.
14. Buy some pencils because, yeah . . . I just forgot.
15. Pick a costume for Comic Con. It must be the exact correct balance of fearsome and awesome.
16. Get my friends to stop hating people (especially cute boys) who maybe could become new friends; but I can’t be friends with them because my friend hates them. This is called high school politics.
17. Branch out a little bit with my lunch food choices. Like, instead of smooth peanut butter with strawberry jelly, maybe try chunky peanut butter with grape jelly. Or I could get really wild and try almond butter with orange jelly.
18. Adjust to the new cafeteria.
19. Stop worrying about other people looking at me while I’m busy adjusting to the new cafeteria.
20. Be much more blasé.