
Chapter Eleven


‘G raham? Are you awake ? I’ve made a nice pot of tea’.

Harry looked out of the kitchen window and saw a pile of red on Graham’s car. Straining his neck he noticed the word ‘wanker’ written across the roof in red paint. Across the boot was painted ‘slap head’. Harry tutted under his breath and carried the pot of tea in to the bedroom. Graham was sat at the end of the bed. ‘Everything ok?’

‘I’ve not slept a wink all night. All I can think about is the dodgy way those nurses and doctors were acting. Something’s not right Harry, and I’m going to find out’.

‘Let’s go to the hospital this morning and get some answers. Would you mind if we got the bus in?’

‘The bus? Those bastards threatened you on there, why do you want to go back on it? No, I’ll drive us, don’t worry’ replied Graham putting a shirt on.

‘I really don’t mind, might be good to face my fears anyway’ said Harry as he tried to stand in front of the kitchen window.

‘Don’t be silly, not having you put in any danger...hey, what’s that on my car?’

Harry moved away from the window as Graham strained his neck to see his graffiti-covered car.

‘That bastard. I’m going to kill him’.

‘Hold on, we don’t want any more trouble’ said Harry trying to calm him down.

Graham was already halfway down the stairs with a can of lighter fluid in his hand.

‘I’m going to sort this once and for all’.

Harry thought about calling the police but decided to follow Graham out in to the car park.

‘This’ll teach him’ said Graham as he liberally covered Derek’s scooter with lighter fluid.

‘Get away from my scooter you bastard’ came a scream from above. Harry looked up and saw Derek in his flat window with a big of apples in his hand.

‘Let’s go back up and have a nice cup of tea, the kettles probably still warm’ said Harry keeping his eye on Derek. Graham ignored him.

‘I guess you’re responsible for this on my car?’ shouted Graham. ‘Maybe. It’s what you deserve for driving in to me’ shouted back Derek.

‘Well maybe you should learn to park properly and lose some weight’.

‘I’m disabled you discriminatory bastard’.

‘Are you heck, you’re just fucking fat’.

Harry ducked down behind the car as a hail of large red apples came flying down towards them, bouncing off the car bonnet.

‘Right, that’s it’ said Graham as he pulled out a lighter and lit the fluid, sending the mobility scooter up in flames.

Harry tried to put the fire out with his jacket but was pushed back when the battery caught alight, sending a waft of flames towards him. ‘I’m calling the police, don’t you move’ came Derek’s voice through the smoke.

‘I think we should get the bus’ said Graham running towards the road. Harry tutted and followed him, leaving behind the fully ablaze scooter.



‘I s there confirmation from the hospital yet?’ ‘No. We are expecting a call within the hour’.

The first man got up and walked around the sparsely furnished office, stopping at a whiteboard with four faces on it. ‘And the boys?’

The second man took off his glasses and typed something in to the screen in front of him.

‘They are still in the vicinity. They have been talking about their payments’.

The first man sat back down in his chair and sipped coffee from a silver mug, pausing to stroke his narrow chin.

‘Are they now? It seems they have forgotten who is doing who a favour. Maybe they need a little reminder’.

‘Do you want me send someone over to them?’

The first man sat back in the chair and looked at his screen. It showed two figures sat in a room rolling cigarettes.

‘Not yet. Call them and inform them that job has now extended and we need two more people. If they argue, then you know what to do’. The second man nodded as he typed something else on to his screen. The buzz of the phone ringing made him stop what he was doing. ‘Hello? Right, we will be over straight away’.

‘Who was that?’

‘That was the hospital. It’s been confirmed’.

Kyle lit a cigarette and took a long drag on it, blowing rings of smoke towards the ceiling of the Smythe’s lounge. Carl was about to light one when his phone rang.

‘Shit. Hello? Yeah, we’re still here. Right, what about our money?’ Kyle was perched on the edge of his seat gesturing to be told what’s being said.

Carl switched the phone off and threw it across the room. ‘Whoa, what did you do that for? Who was it?’ ‘Who do you think?’ snapped Carl.

‘Are they paying us then?’

Carl got up and tipped the TV over, smashing the screen. He kicked the coffee table, sending it flying in to the wall. ‘Fucks sake, stop it will you?’

Carl walked out in to the kitchen and lit his cigarette. Kyle stepped over the smashed table and followed him. ‘I guess they’re not paying us then?’ ‘Not until we finish the job’ hissed Carl.

‘We have though, haven’t we?’

‘Not according to them. They want two more people’. Kyle sat on the kitchen table and pulled out a joint. ‘Two more? Shit. Do you know who?’

‘Yep. It’s not going to be easy either, especially with the police already on to us. Once we do it, then we’ll get paid’. ‘How much time do we have?’ said Kyle lighting his joint.

‘We’ve got two days to finish the job. If we don’t do it, well, you can probably guess’.

Kyle started pacing around the kitchen.

‘What do we have to do then?’

‘We need to give them the old guy that lived here and the twat from the shop we broke in to’ replied Carl.

‘We can’t go back there; the police will find us easily. I don’t think it’s safe to stay in here either’.

‘Stop whining like a baby. We just find a way to do it, then we get our money, then we are out of here, ok?’

Kyle stopped pacing around the kitchen and sat back down.

‘How are we going to get both of them to the hospital without being seen? We can’t break in again; our faces are all over the news’. Carl stubbed his joint out on the kitchen top and looked at Kyle. ‘I don’t know yet, but we need to think of something quick’.