
Chapter Twenty One


K yle climbed out of the tunnel and on to the pavement. His instinct

was to run but he couldn’t help but look around. There was no traffic

on the usually busy road and the pavement was empty apart from a

few stray plastic bags.

‘Hello? Anyone?’

The sun was just starting to set behind the hospital and the temperature started to drop, making the goose-pimples rise up on his arm. Just as he was about to run a large hand appeared on his shoulder. Kyle also jumped out of his skin. ‘What the fu...get off me’.

‘You look a bit lost’ came the voice behind him.

Kyle turned around and saw a police officer stood there. ‘Um, not really, just thought I would go for a bit of walk; nice evening and all that’.

‘You look a bit lost to me. Where do you live? I’ll give you a lift home’ said the officer, not releasing his grip from Kyle’s shoulder. ‘Just anywhere near the High St will be fine; I’m staying with friends at the moment. I’m happy to walk though’ said Kyle as he tried to move away.

‘No need to walk. It’s not that safe around here so I’ll give you a ride, come on’.

Kyle tried to run but the officer had a tight grip on his shoulder as he walked him to the police car. He hadn’t even noticed the car turn up and also thought it odd that the officer was wearing sunglasses as it was getting dark.

‘Get in and put your seat belt on’ said the officer as he shoved Kyle in to the back, slamming the door behind him. Kyle tried the door but it was locked.


‘Do you need the toilet?’ asked the officer, putting on his seat belt. ‘Eh?’

‘You mentioned a shit. Do you need to use the toilet?’

Kyle looked at the officer who was staring straight ahead at the empty road.

‘Um, yeah, I could do with using it actually, I’m touching cloth back here’ said Kyle, thinking of a way out.

‘There is no cloth in here, the seats are leather. Wait one moment; I will drive you to a toilet first’.

Kyle was thrown back in to his seat as the officer buried the throttle as the car lurched forward, coming to an abrupt halt three hundred yards later outside a public toilet. The officer opened his door and pulled him out.

‘Go and use the toilet and I will wait here for you’.

‘It’s kind of you wait, but I’m more than happy to walk myself home’. The officer took off his glasses, revealing his eyes that had been sewn over.

‘Holy fuck’ said Kyle as he fell backwards.

‘Go and use the toilet and I will wait here’ snapped the officer as he put his sunglasses back on.

Kyle nodded and ran in to cubicle, locking the door behind him.

‘Shit, shit, shit’.

‘He pulled back the lock and looked around the toilet for an escape route. There was a small window at the top of the wall. He gave it a shove but it was rusted shut.

‘What are you doing in there?’ came the officer’s voice from outside. ‘I’m trying to flush the toilet; I’ve left a bit of a large clanger in here’ replied Kyle as he keep pushing the window. ‘You have two minutes before we leave’.

‘Ok’ said Kyle as he gave the window another shove, which popped the whole thing on to the grass below.

Kyle climbed through and managed to get as far as his backside

before he got stuck.

‘Bollocks. Come on, move’.

Kyle could hear the main door being opened as he grabbed the ground and pulled with all his energy as he legs came flying past him, sending him in to a roll. As he was rolling he saw the officers head pop out the window as he aimed his gun at him. Kyle closed his eyes.

‘So, do you have plan or what?’

Frank laughed.

‘Why is that so funny?’asked Carl as he straightened out his leg splint.

‘How is your leg?’ asked Graham.

‘It’s ok; I think I’ve just blocked out the pain now’. Frank picked up the laser and tapped it on his head. ‘I have a plan. Thought you were going to escape?’ ‘No, I want to kill these alien bastards’.

‘Fair enough, I can’t argue with that’ said Graham.

‘What’s the plan then?’

‘Well, it seems that Graham has gained some extra strength. They tried to bring him in to the collective, but it didn’t quite work out how they expected’.

‘Shit, like what?’ asked Carl looking at Graham.

‘Put it this way, I went to open the door of the room they had me in and I pulled the whole door away from the frame’.

‘That’s awesome. So we can just smash the fuck out of them then?’ ‘Not quite. We need to get aboard the ship as that is where the control centre is. Your friend Kyle managed to kill the leader when they captured us both, but the nerve centre for the whole operation will be on the ship. Destroy that, and we have a chance’ said Frank, still stroking the laser.

‘I’d feel a lot more comfortable if you put the laser down’ said Graham.

Frank tutted and placed the laser by his leg.

‘So we get Graham to smash up the alien ship then? Simple’ said Carl.

‘I don’t think it will be as easy as that. We also don’t know how many people they have already brought in to the collective. Did you see anybody else when you came here?’

‘Nope, they must have gone back to the ship or something’.

‘Right, let’s make our way there now and see if there is any way in.

Stay behind me until we know it’s safe’.

Kyle opened his eyes and saw the end of a gun. Behind the gun was the police officer.

‘Shit, thought I might have been in heaven’.

‘You are going to be a part of something much bigger than heaven’ replied the officer.

‘I’m not being part of your bloody cult; you may as well just shoot me know and get it over with’.

‘What use would you be dead? You are far more use to us as part of the collective. It’s a shame that you won’t join us voluntarily’ said the officer as he fired a shot in to Kyle’s leg.

‘Ow! You fucking bastard!’ screamed Kyle as he grabbed his leg. The officer put his gun back in the holster and pulled Kyle by his arm back towards the car.

Kyle had his other hand on his leg trying to stem the bleeding.

‘I’m fucking bleeding here you asshole’.

The officer ignored him as he dropped Kyle on the ground and went to open the back door. Kyle spotted his chance and grabbed the keys from him, shoving him on to the ground in the process. He hobbled to the driver’s door, got in and locked the doors.

‘Open the car, now’ said the officer banging on the window.

Kyle managed to start the car and put it in gear, wincing in pain as he

pressed the pedal. He released the clutch and sped off back towards

the hospital. There was a smash as the back window shattered,

followed by more gun shots. Kyle swung the car around and drove

full pelt towards the officer.

‘Keep shooting you bastard’.

The officer kept shooting at the car as Kyle kept the accelerator pressed to the floor. The officer didn’t move as the car slammed in to

him, sending him twenty foot in to the air. Kyle stopped the car as his body landed on the tarmac and exploded.

‘Fuck’ said Kyle as he watched the pool of blood expand.

He put the car in reverse and headed back to the hospital.