Debian Testing (also called Wheezy) uses GNOME 3 as its default desktop, so our focus now is to get the SDK installed. Same as Fedora, Debian Testing uses the Add/Remove Software tool to do the package management. So let's get started by running the tool:
The Add/Remove Software tool is a mark-and-install package management tool. It means that before doing any real installation, we are given a chance to select the packages we want to install. The installation is postponed until the time we provide confirmation by pressing the Apply button. With this installation style, we can keep browsing the packages without getting bothered by the installation process.
The SDK packages come in many development packages. The development packages contain the header and all the supporting files required during compilation and linking. It is not necessary for them to be installed when we just need to run the applications linked to a library.
Here is a map of the Debian packages and GNOME components described in the architecture section. Let's type the names of the packages into the search box and mark them for installation.
Subsystem |
Package names |
Core libraries |
User interface libraries |
Multimedia libraries |
Data storage |
Tools and basic development packages |