Green Darner, Anax junius
Order: Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies)
Size: Up to 3"
Habitat: Ponds, streams, wetlands
Range: Throughout the contiguous United States
The Green Darner is a large dragonfly, similar to the Blue-eyed Darner with its large compound eyes, long and thin abdomen, and four broad, transparent wings that are held outspread while at rest. The thorax is green, and the abdomen is blue (in males) or violet-gray (in females). The eyes are milky brown, and the front of the head has concentric light and dark marks. Most of the day they fly swiftly, catching flying insects. The nymphs are quite large (13⁄4” long), aquatic, dark brown and green, and feed on aquatic invertebrates, small fish, and tadpoles. After several molts, the nymph crawls ashore and sheds its final skin to emerge as an adult. The adult male is illustrated.