Bugs and Slugs by Region

Throughout the United States

American Cockroach

American House Spider

Banded Garden Spider

Black Swallowtail

Black Widow

Bold Jumping Spider

Boxelder Bug

Brown Dog Tick


Cabbage Butterfly

Carolina Wolf Spider

Common Black Ground Beetle

Eight-spotted Forester

European Earwig

Fire Ant

Goldenrod Crab Spider

Grass Spiders

Gray Hairstreak

Green Darner

Green Stink Bug

Harlequin Bug

Indian-Meal Moth

Isabella Tiger Moth


Morning Glory Plume Moth

Mourning Cloak

Orange Sulfur

Painted Lady

Pipevine Swallowtail

Polyphemus Moth

Red Admiral

Red Velvet Mite

Southern Dogface


Three-lined Potato Beetle

Violet Tail

White-lined Sphinx

Western United States

Banana Slugs

Blue-eyed Darner

Garden Tiger Moth

Jerusalem Cricket

Mordant Scorpion

Pacific Coast Termite

Pacific Mole Crab

Sheep Moth

Ten-lined June Beetle

Variable Checkerspot

Variegated Meadowhawk

Eastern United States

American Copper

Black Carpenter Ant

Cecropia Moth


Convergent Ladybird Beetle

Dogbane Tiger Moth

Double-toothed Prominent

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Eight-spotted Forester

Eyed Click Beetle

Hummingbird Clearwing

Northern Walkingstick

Praying Mantis

Pyralis Firefly

Reddish-brown Stag Beetle

Red-spotted Purple

Regal Moth

Rosy Maple Moth

Striped Daddy Long-legs

Central United States

Northern Walkingstick

Grand Western Cicada

American Copper


Pyralis Firefly

Garden Tiger Moth

Black Carpenter Ant

Brown Recluse

Striped Daddy Long-legs

Southern United States


Fire Ant

Pipevine Swallowtail

Southern Dogface

Southwestern United States

California Trapdoor Spider

Cecropia Moth

Desert Tarantula

Grand Western Cicada

Southeastern United States

Brown Recluse

Eastern Lubber Grasshopper

Regal Moth

Sweet Potato Weevil

Northern United States

American Cooper

Biting Midges

Brown Dog Tick

Bumble Bees

Cave Cricket


Common Black Ground Beetle

Crane Flies

Deer Flies

Dog Flea


European Earwig

Field Crickets

Fork-tailed Bush Katydid

Freshwater Leech

Garden Snail

Green Lacewings

Green Peach Aphid

Honey Bees

Horse Flies

Leopard Slug

Little Black Ant


Meadow Slug



Red Velvet Mite


Three-lined Potato Beetle

Western Yellowjacket

Northwestern United States

Banana Slug

Black Slug

Garden Tiger Moth

Mordant Scorpion

Pacific Mole Crab

Praying Mantis

Sheep Moth

Northeastern United States

Garden Tiger Moth