Biting Midges, Culicoides spp.
Order: Diptera (Flies)
Size: Up to 1⁄8"
Habitat: Wetlands, ponds, streams
Range: Throughout North America
Also known as “punkies” or “no-see-ums” because of their tiny size, biting midges gather in swarms and annoy campers and anglers with their cumulative, irritating bites. Unlike true midges, they hold their wings across the back instead of outstretched when at rest. The body resembles a small, compact mosquito, with a bulbous abdomen that swells during feeding and a small head that is positioned lower than the thorax. They are colored grayish to pale green, with light and dark patterned wings. The larvae are pale and wormlike, and live in or near water or other moist environments. Adults feed on nectar or vertebrate blood, or attack other insects.