Chapter 13

Sustainability: Taking Inventory of What Is Depleting Your Resources

Webster defines sustainable as referring to “a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.” When I looked it up, I expected the definition to include something like the ability to “keep something going.” But Webster says it much better with a focus on the depletion or damaging of the resource itself.

The lesson: if you are doing something that is using you or your resources in a way that is depleting you or damaging you, you can’t keep it going. The reason? You are not just getting tired; you or your resource is getting depleted. You or your resource is being cannibalized. In short: you will run out. That adds so much to the discussion.

What does this look like in real life? It is what we see when people do not do the necessary endings that their hearts, minds, souls, bodies, and bank balances are telling them over and over that they need to do. As a result, something gets depleted:

• A CEO or boss drives his people toward a strategy that stretches them past their abilities to keep going, so they get depleted and lose heart.

• A business owner pushes herself day and night to get her startup going and begins to get sick more and more.

• A CEO or manager allows a toxic employee to make the culture negative for others, to the point where the entire staff becomes demotivated as time goes on.

• A spouse tries over and over to be accepting and forgiving of an angry or disrespectful mate, and begins to lose heart for the person, the relationship, and for love itself.

• A business initiative has a great start, but costs are greater than planned, and the cash burn grows faster and hotter.

• A business keeps hoping for a profit, and takes on more and more debt, always thinking that the turnaround is coming, even as debt grows.

• In between jobs or with reduced income, an individual or a family continues to live at the same standard of living they had when income was flush.

• A person finds himself totally miscast, in a job, career, or position that has nothing to do with his talents, strengths, or passions.

Think of the results of all of those scenarios, and you will see how profound sustainability really is. In each one, as time goes on, something or someone is getting depleted or damaged. For that reason, sustainability is one of the most important reasons for a necessary ending. If you are doing anything that by definition cannot continue because the source itself is being depleted or damaged, an ending is not only necessary, it is vital and urgent.

In my experience with businesses and individuals, not paying attention to sustainability is one of the most common reasons that they get into trouble, sometimes unrecoverable trouble. Why? Because the assets, be they financial or human, get totally spent. At that point, the people or businesses are out of options, and no good choices remain. Sustainability keeps options alive, and as long as you have options, you have hope. But without the ability to keep going because you or your other assets are gone, you have very limited choices and are forced to accept options that you would not have chosen. Therefore, there are few better contexts to execute endings than in situations that are unsustainable.

What I want you to take away from this discussion is the push to look at some areas of your life and work that may be on an unsustainable path. So let’s look at some questions that might help you honestly assess your situation:

• Are you in an emotional state right now that is not sustainable? I am not talking about just a “hard time” or a time that you would not want to continue forever. Life is full of difficulties, but with proper support and other resources, we can endure them if we have to and if we have a good reason to. What I am referring to is a hard time that is truly not sustainable and often continues for no good reason. Are you in a state that is eating your heart, mind, soul, or energy in such a way that you are headed for some sort of crash or burnout?

• Are you in a physical state right now that is not sustainable? Too much travel? Too little sleep? Too much “on the go”? Too much taxing of your physical system? For a prolonged period of time with no end in sight? Too little exercise? Too much junk food?

• Are you in a state right now in your relationships that is not sustainable? Is there some relationship that is depleting or damaging you? Is there a context in which you feel compromised or forced to adapt to another person’s needs and demands out of fear? Are you in a situation where someone has power over you and is slowly diminishing you?

• Are you in a professional state right now that is not sustainable? In your work, is something going on in the culture or in your relationship with your boss that you cannot continue long-term without some sort of damage to your drive, talents, or passion? This does not include all difficult cultures or bosses, as most people have some period of time in a setting like that, which really builds them or equips them over time, even if it is hard. What I am referring to is something that is not equipping you or causing you to grow but is slowly wearing you down or killing something inside of you.

• Are you in a spiritual state right now that is not sustainable? In your spirit, is something causing you to be diminished? Is hope being deferred in some way that is causing a sickness of spirit? Are you losing a sense of meaning in life? Is something happening that is causing you to feel depleted of a sense of purpose, mission, transcendence, love, or other spiritual dimensions? A diminished belief in humanity or diminished faith? Is your ability to hope being affected?

• Are you in a financial state right now that is not sustainable? In your business or personal finances, are your expenses greater than what’s coming in, with no end in sight? Is the curve between investment and certain returns way out of whack? Do you not know how your real, fixed, non-negotiable expenses are going to be covered in the current path that you are on? Said another way, if something does not change, are you going to run out of money and have no options? If “cash equals options,” are you on a path of diminishing options?

• Are your energy reserves being depleted in a way that is not sustainable? Is there something so draining to your energy that you have to make yourself keep going? Do you have to drag yourself in a particular path continually? Is there a clear drain that is causing that?

• Are you letting your strengths fall into disuse in a way that is not sustainable? Are you on a course where your strengths are not available to you? Are you being cornered, at work or elsewhere, in a way that requires you to be “not you” most of the time? Is the real you slowly going to sleep? Do you fear that it may not be able to be reawakened?

• Do you find yourself in a situation where you are overextended in some way, one that began as an anomaly but now has become a pattern? Many times this happens with a person’s schedule or workload. What they thought was going to be a lot of work or extra hours or effort for a while has now become what is required to keep it all going, as the entity or enterprise has become shaped and formed around exactly that ingredient, all that effort from just one source—you. So what was supposed to be a season has now become a pattern, the new normal.

All of these scenarios are examples in which continuing to spend yourself or other resources diminishes or does damage to you or them. That is not sustainable long-term, which means that you are on a path to an end of something, a part of either you or your business, and not by choice. And that is a fact that you cannot ignore.

Remember that I am not talking about sacrifice or other kinds of proactive decisions that a person makes to go forward in something that costs them. We all do that, and it is an important requirement for maturity. We choose difficult paths for good reasons. What I am talking about is a passive and negative state that you find yourself in over time, a state with no benefits and nothing but diminishing returns. That is not sustainable.

So remember to watch out for those situations in life or in business that diminish you or your assets over time. That should be an alarm to move immediately to stop the outflow, reorganize, bring in some sort of help, make a change, or do some kind of ending, which is more than necessary. It is vital in the truest sense of the word. It does not mean that you have to end anything in the “big picture,” but it does mean that you have to end at least the dynamic that is unsustainable. For example, I talked earlier about a spouse in an unsustainable position with an addict husband. She did not end her marriage, but she did end the dynamic that was destroying her and their relationship, one that was unsustainable.

So take inventory, and look at what is net negative in any of the life categories. If it is not leading somewhere that will end up reversing the negative outflow, plan an ending. I suggest also that you ask yourself where you are in the timeline of sustainability. Just as a business has to know its cash position and when it will run out, you have to know that in all of the above dimensions as well. Try this: ask yourself whether you are in the first, second, or third trimester of when you are going to run out and be fully depleted. Let that be a guide to exactly how urgent urgent has to be. Then get moving. Everything depends on it.