


Ethics, Protocol,
and Responsibilities
with Readings

I teach people around the world how to tap into their psychic abilities, and I always begin with this tip: Listen to your intuition, trust in the process, and have the courage and fortitude to find the reading style that is right for you.

Create a list of guidelines based on the wisdom of your experience from your readings, and write your own psychic handbook in this way. My handbook is focused on always asking for the highest and best guidance from the other side when delivering information, so that it is only helpful and never hurtful for the person I am sharing information with.

The guidelines I put into place are the reason my psychic work has flourished over the years. It is greatly based on creating trust and building a strong connection with my clients. They trust that I am honest and direct with them. If they book me for a consultation and I need to tell them something difficult, they trust that I will deliver this information to them as compassionately as possible. They know that when I share this knowledge, I will also provide helpful tips on how they can take this challenging information and turn it into an opportunity to grow.

I’ve also shared that there are times when I don’t feel that I can offer the best service to a client, and when a time like this occurs, I recommend them to another professional who I think can best meet their needs.

This creates a strong relationship built on trust and respect. In this line of work, it is integral that we build this strong foundation, as we all work to bring a sense of professionalism, decorum, and legitimacy to the work that we do in this field.

It’s also important to protect yourself by setting boundaries, which you will do when you create a list of rules and guidelines that you follow as a psychic. Many psychics follow protocols similar to those used by therapists. They don’t get too personally involved with their clients on an emotional, personal, or relationship level. They also set firm boundaries for the amount of time that they will read and are not available at all times.

You are sharing information with people that can have a life-altering effect upon them. Always remember this so that you never flippantly share information in a casual or callous way. This work is meant to be shared with the highest amount of respect and with the understanding that you are sharing information that can have a long-term effect on the person at the mind, body, and spirit level.

Personal Ethics

There are also personal ethical questions that you should ask yourself regarding your psychic ability. Here are some examples:

Should I share the information that I am seeing
with this person?

You are stepping into a new realm of responsibility as a person with psychic ability. The information that you see can potentially negatively affect a person’s life. Many people look for a psychic reading when they are at low points in their lives and things are not going well, so it’s very important to be gentle and kind when relaying information in these types of readings. This requires careful consideration before just blurting out information to them, as it could have a profound effect on them for the rest of their lives.

I remember chatting with a person who had only had one psychic reading in their life in their early twenties. This psychic had told them that something terrible would happen to them if they got married, so they had been avoiding getting into a serious relationship for years. When I asked them more about the reading, I was able to show them that this prediction was not the case. The psychic had been referring only to the person they had been dating at the time of the reading, not about dating anyone anytime in the future.

When sharing psychic information with people, make sure you are very clear about what it is that you are seeing and, if possible, explain the timelines and how changing your thoughts can change the future. It’s also very important to explain that nothing that you see is carved in stone as the exact future. Always explain that each person has free will and that free will is the strongest energy out there. No matter what potential outcome you are seeing psychically, explain that free will is always stronger and can change the outcome.

Is the information that this person is asking me about for the highest and best good?

A person may ask you for a reading that is actually all about another person in their life. Maybe they are attracted to a person who is in a relationship, and they want to know if this person will leave their partner and be with them. They are in essence asking you to read the thoughts and intentions of this other person. You will need to decide what your code of ethics is in sharing information of this kind. Most psychics won’t read the thoughts of the other person: this creates karma for them, and nothing is worth that price. It’s one thing to read for a person who asks you to do so, but it’s something completely different to pry into another person’s energy fields without their permission.

When asked this question in a reading, the psychic will usually tap into the energy fields of the person asking the question to see if the other person’s energy has been engaging with the client’s for a long period of time. If the psychic sees that the energy is not very strong and intermingled with this person, that gives clues that a strong relationship is not building between the two people. This way, the psychic has not pried into the other person’s life and is just reading which people are invested energetically and long term with the person asking the question.

Are there questions that I shouldn’t answer ever?

As you develop your abilities and grow stronger with them, you will see more and more about each person you connect with on a psychic level. You’ll receive a wide range of questions and some may surprise you. Some people will ask you if you see the date of their death. Most psychics will not give this information to a person for a variety of reasons, one of the biggest being that predicting time is very, very difficult to do. What is seen timewise in the spirit world does not accurately translate to earth-plane time. Almost every psychic will tell you this. Time is the most difficult thing to predict with any sense of accuracy. Most psychics get a sense of timelines, such as if something is coming soon, in the next six months, or in the next two years, or that it’s further away or will happen later in life. For this reason and for other moral and ethical reasons, most psychics will not share information regarding such a deeply personal question as time of death.

Another question to avoid answering is one related to a person’s health. You are not a medical professional and should never give medical advice. If you see something that looks out of order with the person’s physical health, suggest getting a full checkup by a doctor. Anything else that you might say could affect their thoughts and beliefs about their health, which could be scary and greatly affect them in a negative way.

Do I want to be a psychic reader?

At first, it’s best to work on just honing your abilities to discover what you are comfortable with doing and what you enjoy. Opening up to your psychic abilities is a bit like opening Pandora’s box. Once it’s been opened, it never fully closes again. If you decide that you don’t like knowing things psychically, you can block it out for the most part and not have feelings that are as strong, but you’ll still be in touch with your intuition. If you decide that you like exploring your psychic side, you may decide one day to take it a step further and turn it into a career. There are many different career paths in which you can incorporate your psychic ability beyond what you may imagine of just reading for people. People use their psychic abilities in the financial world, in real estate, to build their chosen career, as entrepreneurs building their business, in therapy and life coaching, in healing modalities, and in teaching. Being in tune with your psychic ability just provides more creative options in your life along with a deeper understanding into seeing how the world works.
