More Psychic Abilities
and Practices
After reading about the intuitive abilities in the previous chapters, you may have realized that you have had experiences that relate to some of the descriptions of psychic abilities, such as both clairvoyance and clairaudience. Typically, we all have more than one type of psychic ability. The trick is to learn which ones you are the most aligned with and then work to develop those abilities to their strongest level.
Beyond the list of the clair abilities, there are other types of psychic abilities and practices you can engage in. Let’s explore each of these types and see which resonate with you most strongly. Each one will give you a clue about which techniques you will be most comfortable working with.
Reading Auras
To read the aura is to have the ability to see and sense the aura energy fields around the body, which include the physical energy field, the mental energy field, the emotional energy field, and the spiritual energy field. Some people see the aura and the colors surrounding each field with their physical eye, and others sense the aura through their third eye, which can also reveal colors and shapes.
The aura has been described throughout history by people in a wide variety of spiritual traditions. Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Buddhism, and other traditions describe the aura as the luminous radiation of energy surrounding a person, portrayed through the seven colors of the rainbow. The colors change, contract, and expand around the person to reflect their physical expressions, mental expressions, emotional expressions, spiritual expressions, actions, thoughts, and feelings.
Many artists have depicted the aura of spiritually advanced people by painting a gold halo around their head or an oval-shaped, glowing, white light surrounding their physical body.
Reading the aura can indicate the health and vitality of a person in their physical body. The size and color of the aura can also reflect their mental capacities, their emotional well-being, and their spiritual evolution and journey. When I read the aura of a person, I see the colors, shapes, and sizes of each of these energy fields.
Each aura is unique to each person, similar to fingerprints. The aura never stays exactly the same: it shifts and moves according to the person’s emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Auras, just like physical bodies, change in size and health according to which layers are being used the most.
For example, when I see the aura of a scientist, I notice that the mental aura layer is very wide, open, and often yellow in color, as yellow reflects logical thought and intellect. The mental layer of a scientist’s aura is often much larger than the emotional layer, which scientists do not access as often since they use the logical side of the brain for their daily work. In contrast, the emotional and spiritual layers of artists are much more pronounced, as they work with creative emotional energy in order to produce their works of art.
The colors in the aura change constantly according to the person’s moods, thoughts, and feelings. We often describe what we are sensing in a person’s energy field of the aura when we say a person is green with envy, feels blue, or has a sunny disposition. Many people express what they are sensing in the aura without knowing they are doing so when they describe seeing the pink glow of a pregnant woman or refer to someone as having a dark cloud around them when they are having a lot of bad luck. We intuitively sense the energy in the aura, even when we can’t see it with the physical eye.
Reading Akashic Records
Someone who has the ability to travel through the various spiritual planes in order to reach the spiritual realm is described as “accessing the akashic records.” These records hold every thought, word, action, deed, emotion, and experience that each person has in each of their lifetimes, storing them in what has been described as a book-like container. The records for each soul are kept from lifetime to lifetime and contain the full essence and expression of each soul.
These energy imprints remain attached to the soul through each lifetime and shape each soul’s destiny, karma, and life purpose. The records explain who you are and why you are here in this lifetime. They define the challenges you are facing, the relationships you engage in, and the primary motivations and desires that you are attracted to on the mind, body, and spirit levels.
The ancient Egyptians referred to these records when saying that each time you die, your soul is placed on one end of a scale and a feather is placed on the other. The weight of both sides of the scale is then measured. If your soul is lighter than the feather, congratulations! You have experienced and mastered all that you needed to do here on the earth plane and do not have to return again for another lifetime. Your soul advances to the higher spirit realms, and you begin a new journey into different realms of experience. If your soul is heavier than the feather, then you must return again to Earth for another lifetime to learn more.
The Eastern teachings of karma refer to this same experience. If the soul is heavy with the burdens of karma, then it continues on the wheel of life and rebirth. It returns again for another lifetime to learn what it needs to learn and to experience what the soul has created in its human incarnation, both good and bad. When we have worked through all of the karma we’ve created and experienced all that we needed to do, we then advance to the other side and have new options for manifesting as our next incarnation, not on the earth plane but in other planes of existence. Some souls do choose to reincarnate again on the earth plane—not because they have to but rather because they want to come back and help humanity in some way.
The akashic records hold all of this information, and karmic imprints in a person’s energy field can be seen in the aura. The imprints attract certain people and experiences so that the person can work out their karma in each lifetime. A karmic imprint might indicate, for example, a situation in a previous lifetime in which your personal power was taken away from you in a relationship and, for whatever reason, you were unable at that time to reestablish it. This type of power struggle situation may repeat itself in the next lifetime, with the same person again or with a person with similar attributes, giving you another opportunity to face this situation and regain your personal power.
Psychics who can access the akashic records can help people understand why certain experiences like these are playing out in their lives due to karma from a past life. With this information, they can better understand the experience from a soul perspective and learn the lesson so that they do not have to repeat the experience again.
As we are shifting from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, we are experiencing stronger levels of psychic ability with which we can connect with our higher self. One of the most interesting side effects of this advancing age and point in time is that the veil between the earth plane and the spiritual planes is rapidly thinning, which allows us to connect our past, present, and future selves into a simultaneous conscious understanding. Science explains this as moving from the third dimension into the fourth and fifth dimensions. The fourth dimension, for example, marks how time is perceived on the earth plane. This allows us to work through the karma from previous lifetimes while creating a greater number of life experiences within this lifetime.
The good news is that we are not alone in this process. Our spirit guides have been working with us in one of the most important evolutionary shifts in our consciousness on the earth plane. When we understand what is occurring to us on a body, mind, and spirit level and communicate with our spirit guides, we can accelerate this process in a state of grace and conscious magnification of our psychic abilities.
As a person with psychic ability, you can learn how to visit places in the spirit realms, such as the plane of the akashic records, through astral travel.
We are always connected to the akashic records through the cords in our aura, so we can connect with this dimension by focusing our auric fields to this spiritual vibration. This is what I teach my students about the akashic records and the connection through the aura. (I go into how these cords connect in my book The Awakened Aura.)
When I read the aura of a person, I see what karmic markers have followed their soul from the akashic records. These markers are imprinted into the aura, containing information from their past-life experiences.
At a person’s birth, they are activated and send out a beacon of energy that attracts energy in order to bring a certain experience to the person in this lifetime. An example of this is attracting certain people into your life in order to create friendships, relationships, and, at times, unpleasant circumstances. The saying “People come into your life for a reason, season, or lifetime” can be directly related to these karmic markers: they send out this signal until a particular person of the right energy is drawn into your life and you play out this experience.
Once the karmic experience and life lesson are completed, the energy is played out and the people move on and away from each other. Other relationships last longer, such as the relationship with direct family members, but this is not a guarantee of a lifetime connection either. Many people are born into certain families to have experiences and to finish out karmic markers from previous lifetimes. When this is done, they feel less of a connection to their parents or siblings and have the urge to move away and to create a new life without as much direct energy and interaction with their family.
To describe the akashic records and what goes on in these realms would take a book of its own to write. What I’d like to do here is share with you an exercise that I teach to my psychic students on how to access the akashic records when reading for a client.
Exercise: How to Access the Akashic Records
To begin, surround yourself and your client in the white-light prayer of protection (see chapter 8, “Psychic Self-Defense and Cleansing). Once you have filled the room with this pure white light, ask your client for their permission to visit their personal akashic records. Explain to them that you will be looking at their personal records and not at anyone else’s private records, for that is against the psychic code of ethics. Explain that you are not going to pry into their friend’s or lover’s records, for example.
Once you have received permission from your client to view their records, take their hands into your hands for a moment and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out, while focusing on the energy of your client. Then reach out to your spirit guide and make known your desire to visit the akashic records.
You can now sit back, letting go of your client’s hands. With your eyes closed, see the white light and your spirit guide there in the space with you. In front of you both is a white elevator. Push the up button to call the elevator. Once the door opens, step inside with your guide. Inside the elevator, push the button labeled “AR” for akashic records. With your guide’s help, seal the elevator doors with white light and state aloud that these doors will not open on any other level, nor is anyone else allowed to open the doors until you arrive at your designated location at the spiritual plane where the akashic records are kept. This prevents any other entity from the astral planes attaching itself to you and from the doors being opened to any other planes that are not as protected or safe.
Once the elevator has arrived at the akashic records level, the doors will open, and you will step inside a very large, cavernous area. Many people describe hearing lots of voices and seeing many people walking around. I describe it as an enormous hotel lobby, with elevators going up higher than the eye can see. When I visit, I see the lobby and go to “check in,” like one would do at the front desk of a five-star hotel. My spirit guide waits here in the lobby until I’m finished reading the records.
At check in, I give my name and announce that I have a reservation to view the akashic records of my client and state their name. I then ask for permission to do so if it is for the client’s highest and best good for me to see the records, as it is important to ensure that seeing this information will be a positive, helpful, and life-affirming experience for the client. Within a few moments, someone appears to take me to the Hall of Records.
I’ve had fascinating visits during my travels to the akashic records. I’ve attended a grand council meeting with beings of all types in attendance, like a giant congressional meeting. This room held hundreds of beings, and the buzz felt like a beehive as people in spirit talked amongst themselves and then listened to the speakers presenting at the meeting.
I’ve met beings of many different types in various parts of this place, which go way beyond just the Hall of Records. I’ve been in areas where healings were taking place, where studies and research were ongoing, and where beings of light gathered to make plans and discuss the future. There is always something new and interesting happening at this place. I don’t know how far it reaches, as I’m only allowed access to some locations. Many times I don’t even know that I’m going to receive permission to see something new; it seems to happen spontaneously. A guide to the records will say, “Come see this,” and show me something spectacular.
When on business, though, in the sense of coming to gather specific information for your client, you’ll want to stay focused and ask to be taken to a room where you can view your client’s akashic information.
Typically when I am on this mission, I am led down a very long hallway and then brought into a small room where I am seated at a desk. The guide typically waves a hand over what I see as a white wall, and volumes of books appear, containing information about my particular client.
I should state at this point that this is how the records appear to me. I do not mean to say that this is the actual state that the information is actually contained in. The appearance of a private room with a desk and books that I can look through, I think, is created for me. These guides sense that this is a comfortable way for me to view and access the information. I’m sure for someone else it would be presented in a way that is most comfortable for them.
As the books appear on shelves on this wall, I state to the guide that I am looking for specific information for my client pertaining to the questions that they have asked me in the reading. This may be a question like “Why can’t I ever find a good man?” or “Why do I have bad luck in love?” or “Why is it that every time I get close to success, it slips through my fingers?” So I ask the guide to pull the book from this lifetime and to pull any books from previous lifetimes that will explain why this problem is occurring in the client’s life.
The reason I ask the guide to pull this information is twofold. The guide knows all the information contained in these volumes and can instantly tune in to the information needed, saving time. According to the code of ethics of the akashic records, I am there to view a client’s records only to help them answer their question, not to pour through all of their personal information.
Once I receive the volumes with the information needed, I open each book, asking the pages to turn to the specific page where the information needed is located. As the pages turn and I read the information, the books then project a video screen in front of me. I see the experiences that are written in the book played out before me like a mini-movie. I see the client in this lifetime and the situations that played out for them. Then I see their past lives, in which they were with these same people, and how the situation unfolded in previous lifetimes. As I view these mini-movies, I see which experiences created karmic markers that have been brought forward into this lifetime. These markers are not punishments but rather simply part of the universal law of cause and effect.
In the spiritual layers of the auric field, I see these karmic imprints and destiny markers that highlight how and why we came back into being here on the earth plane. They highlight what experiences we are drawing to us in order to learn and grow further as spiritual beings. These markers are the universe’s way of helping us learn and grow in order to fulfill our highest and best destiny.
When I can see how this karmic marker was first created, I can explain the situation to my client, who can then understand why this experience continues to repeat in their lifetime. This gives them the opportunity to make a change and resolve this situation once and for all so that it won’t follow them into a new lifetime.
On the flip side, after reviewing these akashic records, I may find that there is not a past-life karmic marker attached to the situation that my client finds challenging in their life. In these cases, it is something that is being created in their current lifetime. Many of these imprints stored in the auric layers have been placed there in our subconscious through what we were taught to be “truth” in our childhood. These include limiting beliefs about our health, our capacity for wealth, how relationships work, and how the world works in general.
When we become conscious of these limiting beliefs and awaken to the possibility that we have the ability to change them, we can rewrite our current “life book of truths,” as I call it. We can revise our thoughts and feelings, creating a new belief system. These new conscious thoughts and emotional connections create new imprints in the mental and emotional layers of our aura. As they expand outward, they attract new experiences to us as well as flow inward all the way into our cells, rewriting who we are, what we believe, and what we can become.
When it’s a case of current lifetime belief patterns, it’s much easier to focus on creating new thought patterns and beliefs and reach our desired outcome in a small amount of time. When we understand how to do this, we are reprogramming ourselves at the cellular level. This then interacts with our aura body and resets our internal programming. This can be life altering, to say the least.
Once I’ve identified where the information is coming from, whether it is a past-life karmic marker or a new creation coming from this lifetime of experience, I close the book and thank the akashic record guide for their assistance.
I am then escorted back to the entrance, unless for some reason the guide feels the need to show me something else along the way, which has happened on some amazing occasions!
Back at the hotel lobby of the akashic plane, the records guide hands me back over to my spirit guide who traveled here with me. My guide and I push the down elevator button and walk into the elevator. We follow the same procedure of sealing the doors and stating that no being may enter the elevator while we are traveling nor will the doors open at any other level than our intended destination, the earth plane, whose button is marked “EP.”
When the elevator doors open, I am back in the room in my office with my client. I then relay to them what I saw in the akashic records. We discuss how my client can best take this information and use it to change the patterns that continue to appear in life. This information is very helpful because it allows people to understand the experience from a bigger-picture, multiple-lifetime view, which then allows them not to take the current problem so personally in their current situation. They can see that it is something that has been playing out for a while and that once they resolve their inner conflict, they will no longer attract these situations to their life. The karmic marker will dissolve and disappear once it is no longer needed to attract that particular situation.
I find this type of consulting work to be some of the most rewarding and life-enhancing work that I do.
Basically, mediumship is the ability to communicate with people who have passed on from their earthly body. The people can be in ghost form as earthbound spirits who have not crossed over to the spirit world, or they may be in soul form, having crossed over to the other side, and are attempting to communicate and deliver a message to loved ones on earth. Mediums can communicate with and see those in ghost and spirit form as well as communicate with spirit guides, angelic forms, and other entities.
There are a variety of mediumship techniques. In one display, a medium brings the spirit into the room and has them communicate with noises like tapping or playing musical instruments during a séance. There are mediums who go into a trance and allow the spirit to communicate through to them. Others allow the entity to speak directly through them in what is described as “direct voice,” and some prefer to channel, in which a medium opens a direct line to the spirit world and communicates directly with the spirits in their plane, then delivers this information to people they are working with.
Another form of mediumship ability is automatic writing. With this ability, the person goes into a trance-like, meditative state to communicate with spirit and is then able to write what is being communicated to them through spirit. Mediums often are not consciously thinking of the words but rather are a conduit through which the words of another being are translated. Some people have performed automatic writing in languages that were unknown to them personally.
Automatic writing was previously accomplished by placing a pen or pencil in the person’s hand in front of a pad of paper. The person would go into their trance state and begin to write. Many people now report that they are able to do automatic writing on a keyboard on the computer in the same fashion.
Examples of automatic writing are not as common these days. In the early 1900s, many people would experiment with this type of ability, sitting at a desk and asking spirits if they would like to communicate with them. They would describe feeling a spirit around them who would often guide their hand to write across a piece of paper. The most popular example of automatic writing uses the Ouija board, which doesn’t write down anything at all. Instead, people place their hands on the planchette, and a spirit moves it from letter to letter to spell out a message.
As with all psychic practices, psychic self-defense measures should be used along with psychic training in order to protect yourself and avoid encouraging or inviting spirits or entities from the lower astral planes who do not have your best interests in mind when they are communicating. This is not a beginner-level type of activity.
Mother’s Intuition
Mother’s intuition is another example of a premonition. The mother receives information, often in a dream in which she physically feels the sensation and pain of the danger involved. There are countless stories of wartime mothers who dream of their sons and daughters in danger and sense their death before the military gives the mothers the official news.
My studies and work on the aura indicate that mother’s intuition is so strong due to the psychic and physical cords that connect when the mother carries the child in her body for nine months, forging these psychic ties that bind them together throughout the lifetime. Mothers who adopt children also create these connective cords through the heart chakra as the bond is created and generated from their love of their children.
Couples who are intimate and spend many years living together also create these loving cords that connect and form a strong pathway and network. This allows for intuitive information between the two people to pass back and forth more readily.
We also create cords that connect us with our friends. The more time we spend with them, the more these cords connect us emotionally to our friends. As a result, their opinions and suggestions have a stronger influence on us. This is another example of how Mom was right—we should choose our friends wisely, as we are judged and influenced by the company we keep.
The aura offers us an early warning system about people and events. Mothers seem to be the most adept at this ability. I think it’s because once a person becomes a mother, the protective instinct activates in high gear, so the warning system is always on and monitoring every situation for any danger in order to protect the child. We all experience these physical and metaphysical reactions daily in our lives, like when we meet a person and have an initial reaction to them of like or dislike, which is why we have been told that first impressions are the most true.
The problem begins when we stop listening to the intuition that warned us early on. Once we become familiar with the person, their charms and influence sway our opinion, and we disregard or ignore the evidence before us. In retrospect, we can see that our initial feeling was the most true, before we were swept away by their sweet talk. Our mother, who is not swayed by this person’s energy, sees clearly into this person and tries to warn us, but too often we don’t listen, having already succumbed to their charms. If you’re a mother with children of your own, you are already seeing this from a mother’s viewpoint and understand all too well.
Science is now discovering what wise woman philosophy about intuition has been saying all along: there is a brain in the stomach that processes input on the emotional and mental levels. We would be wise to listen to our gut feelings and those butterflies in our stomach.
By this time, I hope it’s becoming clear how psychic you always have been and that those dreams, hunches, gut feelings, prickly feelings on the back of your neck, and inner voice have been guiding you all along.
Armed with this information, you can pay more attention to your higher self, who has been with you all this time helping you on your journey.
Postcognition and Precognition
Postcognition is a type of claircognizant experience in which the person has a “knowing” or dream about something that happened in the past of which they were not previously aware. This could be something secret or hidden that happened to a person in their past and is now being revealed to them, or it could originate even further back in time in their own past-life experience or one belonging to someone they know. An example of a person using postcognition is a psychic detective who is able to tune in and see what happened in the past in regard to a crime and is able to provide information and clues to solve the crime.
Those who have an experience of postcognition’s counterpart ability, precognition, become aware of an event in the future with no practical, logical explanation for how they got this information.
This experience is typically a revelation to the person that they possess psychic abilities that could be developed further. An example of precognition is a dream that comes true, which is also described as a premonition.
Precognition is, in short, what psychics do, using their honed skills of ESP and at times engaging in the use of tools like tarot cards, runes, astrology, crystal gazing, and others.
The biggest difference between precognition and a premonition is that premonitions are usually felt physically by people as well. People who have premonitions wake up with their heart pounding from a terrifying dream warning them of danger to come, or they experience a physical pain in the body warning them of an external problem.
These types of symptoms can also happen with general precognition, but not always. When psychics read for people, they can see the person’s future and warn them of the danger ahead without feeling it on a physical level.
Precognitive information can be received by a psychic and shared with clients around the world, many of whom they may never interact with except to deliver that information to them in person or over the phone or computer.
In contrast, a premonition is usually based around the individual who has it or around people the indiviual is very connected with, such as loved ones, family, and friends. Premonitions on a larger scale are usually about natural disasters, like hurricanes or earthquakes, or tragedies, like airplane crashes, which will be felt in the global consciousness. The premonition picks up on the waves of emotional effect that a major disaster of this magnitude will produce.
Another major difference between a premonition and precognition is that the majority of premonitions occur within a short period of time. Typically, most reported premonitions occur within twenty-four hours to one week, with a few rare premonitions indicating a longer time frame. Interestingly, premonitions appear to be set in stone, as if it is destiny or fate that this event will occur and cannot be avoided.
Precognition, on the other hand, can predict the future years and decades in advance, offering an advanced look at what the future may hold for an individual or group, but this can be readily changed through free will. In contrast, people who have a premonition are rarely able to stop the event they are predicting. However, sometimes they receive the premonition in order to completely avoid taking part in the event, thus saving their own lives. An example is changing travel plans and avoiding the accident that is destined to occur, and this goes into the concept of it not being “their time.”
This is the ability to transfer thoughts and emotions from your mind to another being and communicate with them in this form. There is no physical speech or sound involved: recipients hear or see the thoughts in their head as the psychic communicates. Telepathic communication can be done between two people, groups of people, people and animals, people and elementals, people and those in spirit (including spirit guides), people and aliens, and many other types of entities.
Some of the most famous studies of telepathy have been done by researchers who studied twins. It appears that twins share a deep connection and ability to communicate telepathically that allows for them to communicate with each other through transferring their thoughts and feelings without having to express them outwardly in speech, facial expressions, or mannerisms. Twins are able to do this consciously, and at other times they communicate or experience the connection unconsciously, such as one twin feeling the other’s physical pain, even when each is located in a different part of the world.
Many psychics are drawn to doing telepathic work as they learn to develop their ability to project their thoughts outward through the mental auric field. The most popular psychic work to develop in this field is animal communication. In this line of psychic work, psychics first read the animal, picking up on what is bothering them. Then in order to communicate with the animal, they send telepathic pictures and visions to the animal so that they understand what is happening to them. This is necessary to do with animals, since they do not communicate in the same way using language. Using a series of telepathic transmissions through pictures and visions, the animal psychic can help the animal understand that a family member has passed away or that there is a need for the family to move to a new home, or the psychic can explain a physical illness the animal is experiencing and thus the need to have a vet perform surgery or other medical procedures for their well-being.
Whether or not you want to work as an animal psychic, if you have a pet, this technique can be very useful to learn. For example, when I travel, my dog gets very nervous. He knows the day before I am leaving that I am going to travel, even though I have not given any outward signs of travel. I have not pulled out my suitcase or begun to pack or given any signs that I am planning on going anywhere. It appears that he is so in tune with my thoughts that he has psychically picked up on the fact that I am leaving home. A great amount of research has been done on this type of psychic ability of pets, and one of the greatest resources is Rupert Sheldrake’s book Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals.
In order to help my dog understand that I am indeed leaving the home for several days, I telepathically communicate to him so that he understands that I am leaving and that I intend to return within a certain time span. The best way I have found to deliver this message to him is to show him a time frame that he understands. I send him the telepathic mental image of me leaving through the front door with my suitcase. Then I show him the passage of time through the image of daylight, the sun coming up, the sunset, a night passing, and then the sun back up for the second day. I continue the sequence for the number of days I’ll be gone, and then before the sun goes down on the day I’ll be back, I send him the image of me walking back through the front door with my suitcase. This gives him a measured span of time marked by the number of times it is daylight and evening before I return, which is how animals mark the passage of time.
Exercise: Consult Your Spirit Guide
and Achieve Your Potential
Now that you have an idea of the types of psi abilities that are possible, how do you determine which ones are best for you? Here’s a meditation exercise that can help you find your calling:
Surround yourself in a protective bubble of pure white light. Take three deep breaths in and out, relaxing your body and opening your mind into a meditative state.
In this relaxed state, picture yourself meeting a spirit guide from the other side. This is one of your spirit guides, whose purpose is to help you get in touch with your psychic gifts.
See the guide in your meditation and ask for a reading.
The spirit guide will ask, “What is your question?” Say that you would like to know which of the psychic abilities would be best for you to learn and develop. Then ask aloud, “Which three psychic abilities are the best for me to achieve my highest and best potential?”
Then picture your guide giving a reading to you and offering this information. Maybe they are reading tarot cards and the three cards they turn over list the psi abilities best suited for you. Maybe your guide just speaks to you telepathically and lists which three are the best for you to explore at this time.
If meditation is difficult for you and you find it difficult to connect directly with your spirit guides, try this method instead: before you go to bed that evening, ask your guides to show you this information in your dreams or to show you signs during the day that point to specific examples of the types of psi ability that you should use.
The next day pay attention to your surroundings. Maybe you are in a store and see tarot cards where they have never been sold before. Maybe a book drops out in front of you with information on psi ability, a commercial on TV hints at a word that relates to one of these abilities, or a particular website pops up and gives a hint.
Your guides will find a variety of ways to help get the information to you. It’s important to remember that you have to ask for their assistance before they can give it to you.