Psychic Self-Defense and Cleansing
Before beginning any type of psychic work, it’s important to be grounded on the physical plane and to learn how to psychically protect your mind, body, and spirit when working in the spirit realms and when opening up psychically and reading for people.
When we open up to the spirit realms, we find that there are many planes of existence as well as a variety of spirits and other entities residing in them. As with all things, there is duality, what we call light and dark, and in the spirit world, there are those who are forces of light and those who are forces of dark.
Some people have been taught that if they choose to believe that nothing bad exists, they won’t interact with anything bad when they venture into these planes. I’m all about positive thinking, but having spent all of my life working and interacting with spirits and visiting the spiritual planes, I’ve seen things. From a practical standpoint, it’s like saying that viruses don’t exist because we don’t see them with the naked eye, yet people catch colds every day from coming in contact with them.
As a psychic medium, I’ve seen and felt ghosts and restless spirits my entire life. Through my experiences with the supernatural and in the paranormal realms, I’ve interacted with powerful beings of light, faced beings from the dark side, and seen ghosts from every walk of life.
In my experience, I have seen things that exist that are not interested in expressing love and light, and they do not reside on the higher spiritual planes. There are many different planes in the spirit world, and some of these planes are what are described as the “lower astral planes.” The beings that exist there do not radiate the same positive energy as the beings that come from the higher planes. I can try to pretend that they don’t exist, but there are universal laws that cannot be ignored. The concept that negative entities do not exist is relatively new and potentially dangerous, as it does not prepare people for what can happen when they open up to the other side. As your travel guide to the other side, it’s my duty to share this information with you so that you are able to journey as safely as possible as you explore the spirit realms.
Exercise: Build a Psychic Protection Energy Field
The first step to opening up to your psychic abilities is to review your beliefs, your judgments, your biases, and your fears before delving deeper into becoming a psychic. Should you choose this path, you will need to be open-minded. This is necessary in order to receive information from the other side. You risk blocking information coming into you by attaching your personal biases to it.
Be prepared to see and engage with beings who will challenge your beliefs and what you thought you knew to be true from religious beliefs that you were exposed to in your life. You are on a journey and will be learning the entire time. Just when you think you have figured out how it all works, something new will occur that you never saw coming, and you’ll start all over again trying to figure out how the mysterious spiritual planes truly operate. They are not aligned to our linear, orderly, earthly way of thinking: they flow and fluctuate to different vibrations and patterns that we don’t completely understand.
Additionally, you will work with many different people in your career who have a wide variety of spiritual beliefs. You will best serve and help them if you come from a place of love and compassion rather than judgment.
Next, prepare your emotional field by working through any fears you have about working with spirit. It’s good to have a healthy respect for the other side and to visit with an open heart and respectful attitude. Those who try to demand things from the spirit world quickly find out how this does not go well for them. When you visit the spiritual planes, you’ll quickly find out that you are not in charge. However, when you visit, you must have a strong sense of who you are and a don’t-mess-with-me attitude. Do not travel to these realms when you are dealing with a physical illness that has weakened you or when you are emotionally upset. Only travel when you are grounded and feeling strong and prepared to deal with any experience that may come your way.
The next step is to adopt a ritual of protection that you should do each time before opening the pathways to visiting the spirit world. I always recommend the white-light prayer of protection, which I’ve mentioned previously in several exercises. I recommend doing it daily in order to build up a protective shield around the aura. For all spiritual practices, I begin each session with a protective white-light prayer, shared below. In this practice, you are surrounding yourself and everyone involved in a protective shield of white-light energy. Say the prayer aloud three times while holding your arms up in the shape of a V, which represents the shape of a chalice. Creating this shape gathers and holds the energy that you are bringing in around your body.
White-Light Prayer of Protection
I am surrounded by the pure white light. I am surrounded by the pure white light. I am surrounded by the pure white light. Only good comes to me. Only good comes from me. Only that which is for the highest and best good is made manifest through to me. I ask for divine order, divine guidance, and divine wisdom to come through now. I give thanks. I give thanks. I give thanks.
If you are saying this prayer on a daily basis in order to raise your aura energy, when you have finished the prayer, cross your arms over your chest to make an X shape, which seals the white-light shield.
Once you have relaxed the body and surrounded yourself in this protective energy field of pure white light, you are ready to attune your psychic vibrational field to the higher intuitive planes.
This exercise grounds you to the earth plane while also creating a powerful white-light shield that prepares you to open the veil and visit the spiritual planes.
Some people like to call in their spirit guides for protection or wear a sacred and blessed talisman, like a cross or medallion with a sacred symbol placed on it, when they are doing psychic or medium work and when traveling into the spirit realms.
On the spiritual level, it’s not so much which technique you choose but rather that you set the tone before working in the spirit world in order to protect yourself before doing the work. This is spiritual protection that every practitioner takes seriously.
On the physical level, it’s always best to practice your abilities when you are in good health. When you are ill, your defenses are lowered, and psychic work can put too much strain on the body.
On the mental level, it’s wise to be open to the unexpected and unexplained. You may encounter beings and situations that you previously thought were unreal.
On the emotional level, it’s best to practice psychic work when you are in a peaceful state. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be excited and energetic; it means that you are not troubled with other emotional conflicts or dramas that could interfere with you being a clear channel of information.
As I’ve mentioned, it’s always a good idea to begin all spiritual practices and psychic sessions with a protective, white-light prayer. The following white-light orb prayer can also be used to surround a group of people in order to place them into a protective circle and shield of white-light energy. Begin by surrounding your entire body with the white light and then expanding the light so that it surrounds everyone in the circle.
White-Light Orb Prayer
Here we stand at this hour, surrounded by pure white light. Only the highest and best energy is made manifest through to us now. Only good comes through to me. Only good comes through from me. We ask for divine order, divine guidance, and divine wisdom to come through now. I give thanks. I give thanks. I give thanks.
Vulnerability to Psychic Attacks
It’s very rare to be the recipient of a true psychic attack. A psychic attack is when someone who has studied mystical arts decides to send a bolt of energy your way in a negative fashion in order to cause pain. It’s also relatively rare to spend time with an “energy vampire,” someone who sucks and drains energy from others on a conscious level, but it’s good to have this information for the rare times that it occurs. Some of these vampires suck energy from others and aren’t aware that they are doing it, and this is different from someone who is purposely using psychic ability to harm another person.
What happens much more often is that we aren’t properly taught how to ground ourselves before we begin to work in the spiritual realms, nor are we taught how to release residual energy after working in the spirit realms and opening to our psychic abilities. As a result, after we do this work, we can feel drained. This can often be mistaken as a psychic attack coming from someone else, when really we just haven’t learned psychic self-care.
The most common problem is working for too long until we drain our energy. We may do too many psychic readings in one day. As a result, our energy body becomes droopy, and we pick up some emotional residue from the people around us. If you are reading people psychically, it’s important to release that energy and to do an energy cleansing after you spend time doing readings.
Other times you may not be engaging in psychic work at all but were at a party or large gathering where there was a lot of intense emotional energy in one form or another, and you’ve picked it up in your energy fields. This can happen even when you are around people who are arguing or engaged in some type of emotional outburst.
Psychic Energy Vampires
Chances are that you’ve probably encountered a psychic energy vampire in your life at one time or another. When humans take on vampire-like qualities, it is because they have done damage to themselves and cracked open a part of their aura energy field so that their etheric energy is leaking out of the aura. The etheric field of the aura is like the battery that generates energy for us each day. When this field leaks, it’s like a car with a leak in the radiator. We can keep refilling the radiator and getting by, but it gets harder and harder to keep the car going.
The aura has physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers, and we can create cracks and fissures in our aura through periods of high stress, illness, depression, abuse, emotional trauma, abuse of alcohol and drugs, and other experiences.
If we are not able to heal these cracks in the aura (which is done though sufficient rest, time in nature, time to relax and rejuvenate, and removal from stressful situations), the cracks grow larger, and the energy we hold in our aura energy field begins to leak. We are no longer being restored daily by our aura energy, and this affects us emotionally and mentally. We are fatigued and listless and can become depressed and lose our love and passion for life.
When damaged, the aura tries to repair itself as best as it can, but since it is cracked, it has to continually reach out to bring in new energy to keep it going. It’s like a leaky boat; someone has to keep bailing out the water from the hole in the boat to keep it afloat and stop it from sinking. In this case, the damaged aura has to pull in energy from other sources to keep up with the leaking. The closest source is the energy that other people give off through their emotional auric field.
People who are drained of energy reach out to anyone who will give their time and attention. Drained people begin the connection with others by telling their story, their tale of woe, which pulls the listeners in to them. Listeners will naturally feel compassion for these people and attempt to soothe and comfort them, giving off waves of loving, kind, compassionate, and empathetic waves of energy. These waves of energy are absorbed by those in need, which is what occurs with each exchange we have with another person.
This is a normal thing to do, to extend love and care and sympathy. We are energy beings, composed of light energy, and in each moment, we exude energy with our thoughts, words, actions, and deeds. Each moment here on earth, we are constantly creating and exuding energy into everything we do. This expression of energy—thought energy, emotional energy, and active energy—is felt in ripples by all around us.
It’s natural to be sympathetic, to listen to a person in pain and in need of assistance, and to offer compassion. This is a good thing, a healing thing, and it is appreciated. When you interact with people who are sad, grieving, or in pain and need someone to talk to, you go through the experience with them. They express their pain and emotions and perhaps even have a good cry. The result is restorative for them. They appreciate your time and are lifted by the experience, as it is helping them work out what they are feeling. As a result, they feel better and get better with some time. This is a good and helpful experience for all involved.
The interaction does not end the same with an energy vampire. The difference between this normal interaction and one with an energy vampire is that the energy given to the person seemingly in need is never enough nor reciprocated.
People with cracked auras never seem to get better or out of this bad mood. No matter when you see them, their tale is a tale of woe, even when the troubled times have passed them by. You see them months later and ask how they are doing, and it is always something depressing and energy depleting. “How are you?” you may ask, and they immediately recite their sad story, with new details added along the way. Something went wrong in life, and they begin to spin the tale, wrapping you in this web of sadness and pulling you in.
When you are able to detach yourself from the conversation, you become aware that you feel drained, as if the life had been sucked out of you. This occurs because an energy vampire’s energy field is trying to replace the energy that is so desperately leaking from their auric field. You can never give enough energy to help these people, however. They must stop the leaking from within and repair the damage to their aura themselves.
People with leaky auras will need to get help from someone who is trained to assist them through this negative cycle. This professional can assist them in turning their thoughts around to generate positive energy and life-affirming thoughts and emotions. For most people, this change occurs through therapy or spiritual counseling.
When You May Have Encountered an Energy Vampire
• If you see or sense auras, you’ll see the dark gray cloud around energy vampires and the absence of white light energy in their auric fields. You’ll also feel the sucking energy pulling at you.
• When you speak with one, you’ll sense your upbeat energy immediately fading away, and if you speak to one for more than a minute or two, you walk away feeling exhausted and drained of energy. You’ll be tired and want to go to sleep.
• Every time you speak to this person, they always have a sad story about something that is going wrong in their life, and they’ll want to dump this story on you in great detail.
• The longer a person has a damaged aura and needs to drain energy from other sources, the more aggressive they can become in stirring up energy. Some energy vampires will create conflict, drama, and gossip, in order to stir up the emotional fields of others. Because people get upset when they hear the gossip or get pulled into an argument, the energy they leak is like an all-you-can-eat emotional energy buffet, which benefits the energy vampire.
• Most energy vampires have no clue what they are doing and would be shocked to learn that they are draining energy from others. They are in a depressed state and are unaware of what is going on with their aura and energy bodies.
Intentional Energy Vampire Attacks
There are some people who have studied and trained to psychically drain energy and do so for very dark purposes. At all costs, stay away from these people. They will attempt to lure you in with what they are doing and will explain that they will share this power with you. This is part of the appeal that draws some people in, yet they find that they are now caught in this person’s snare and that it is extremely difficult to remove themselves from this situation. These attackers are predators and have little regard for others.
When encountering an energy vampire, it’s important to put up your white-light energy shield until you can remove yourself from the situation. Having said that, it’s not good to leave this shield up all the time, as it keeps you from drawing in positive energy during this time. Do not stay around this person for long periods of time, as keeping the shield up for protection can drain you as well.
When putting up your white-light energy field to protect from an energy vampire, say this protective mantra:
I am filled with the pure white light.
My shield is strong; you cannot fight.
Release this hold; it slips away.
White light protects me, here to stay.
If you follow the exercises in this book, they will help keep your energy bodies charged and filled with white light, which will nourish you and keep you from feeling drained when doing psychic work. The white-light energy exercises also keep your aura fully charged and make it very difficult for a psychic energy vampire to penetrate.
Handling Uncomfortable
Psychic Experiences
Sometimes a more defensive stance is needed when you’re under a psychic attack or caught somewhere a lot of negative energy is flying around. I recommend the following four techniques for dealing with this energy and uncomfortable psychic experiences.
Mirror of Reflection
Turn your white-light shield that surrounds your body into a reflecting mirror so that all of the energy directed toward you is now reflected back to the sender.
Use your psychic ability to locate the energy ripple coming from the person who is attempting to harm you. Once you have connected with their energy, visualize the white light around you turning into a mirrored reflection. Mix the color silver into your white-light shield. Then direct the mirror in front of the energy blast that you are receiving so that it sends the energy back to the sender. This typically stops the attack quickly because the sender receives a blast of energy. This is a taste of their own medicine, as the negative energy they were creating is sent back threefold to them.
This mirror shield is a defensive, protective act, used to protect yourself when someone knows what they are doing and are intentionally sending direct negative energy to harm you via psychic attack. This person means malice toward you and you are taking self-defensive action to put a stop to it.
In a less aggressive psychic attack, you can ask the mirror not to direct the energy blast back to the person but rather to reflect back to the person the emotional and empathic understanding of the damage they are doing with their harmful words and actions. In this reflection, they will not feel the anger they are projecting but rather the emotional and physical pain that is being caused by their act.
In this example, the person is spewing negative energy outward. You may be the target of their anger for one reason or another, but the person is not a trained dark arts psychic attacker. The attacker is just expressing anger, and you are on the receiving end of this negative energy.
In this case, allowing them to see through the mirror image of the pain they are causing to another person, as well as the harm it does to them to be in anger, can awaken their subconscious to stop sending this energy. This can potentially help them consider making better choices in the future about living in anger or letting things go before stirring up ugly anger energy inside themselves.
Protective Shields
You can ward a talisman to wear or keep on your body, like a necklace or crystal kept in your pocket. The best crystal for this type of work is a hematite or a quartz crystal, which can be charged with white-light energy along with the command to repel all energy that is not coming from the highest and best good.
When you feel energy being directed toward you, touch this item and locate the ripple of energy coming from the blast. Send the energy rippling back from where it came.
At the same time, this connects your talisman with the energy as it continues to be directed your way. The energy directed at you is now tethered to this talisman item. As a result, your talisman may take the direct hit from this attack. You will feel it if this happens, as you will no longer sense any energy from the talisman: it will appear to be “dead.” It is now void of energy because it has been damaged by absorbing the blow from the attack.
When this occurs, it is time to retire the talisman and create a new one.
Make the Sign of the Cross
In the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, the cross was used as the symbol of the ankh. There are many styles of the cross, the Celtic cross being another one, which has been used by ancient cultures for protection.
The cross represents the body. The piece running top to bottom is the trunk of the body. The rounded area as seen on the ankh is the head, and it runs down through the spine to the feet. The horizontal section represents the arms extended outward from the torso, opening the heart chakra.
In Catholicism, the sign of the cross is made on the body, touching the third eye area, then touching the heart chakra area, and then opening the left and right sides of the body. Making the sign of the cross over the body in this fashion creates a protective field of light opening this portal from the higher realms. When doing the hand gestures to make the sign of the cross, say a prayer of your choosing to engage with the angels and higher deities on the other side in order to activate this protection.
In situations where the greatest protection is needed, the four archangels can be called in, focusing on Archangel Michael to protect you at this time. This is not something that should be done lightly or at the slightest offense. Archangels should be treated with the highest respect and not called in to help with small offenses. This is to protect you in the most serious of matters only.
Once you activate the sign of the cross and ask for protective help, see the cross expanding in front of your body, growing larger and larger until it covers your entire body and you are glowing with the white light in the shape of the cross. The cross begins to glow with a white-hot light, and the archangels are surrounding you at the four directions—north, south, east, and west. At this point you are filled with the pure white-light energy of the cross, which repels negative energy sent your way.
Less Direct Interactions
Sometimes you don’t want to be in a defensive mode. In some cases, mirroring back the energy just further angers people directing it at you. When they refuel and build up their energy again, they are just going to want to send more angry energy at you. Here are three ways you can diffuse this energy indirectly.
Put Them on Ice
Take a photo of the person, write their name on the back of the photo, and put it in a ziplock bag. Fill the bag with water, surround the bag in a field of white light, mix a cool blue color into the white-light shield, and then place the bag into the freezer. In essence, you are freezing their energy and cooling down the negative energy being directed at you.
Build Up Your Auric Field
Say the pure white-light prayer and add a bit of red and orange into the white-light shield. Ask your guides to surround you with powerful positive energy so that the energy directed at you is burned away before it can directly affect you.
This is creating a force field that blocks the attacks from affecting your energy bodies. Think of it as a bug zapper that zaps the negative energy before it even reaches you.
Create an Invisible Shield
In a negative environment, like at a party or family event, where angry energy is flying around everywhere and you can’t leave it right away, creating an invisible shield can help you ride through the emotional storm.
What you do is build up the white-light protective shield around you, but rather than turning it into a mirror and bouncing the energy around or directing it back to the sender, which would further inflame the anger in the room, instead turn your white-light field into a thick, white mist around you.
The mist gets so thick and foggy around you that you begin to blend into the background. Your features are not as prominent, and other people in the room cannot easily detect your energy imprint. In this sense, you are becoming invisible in the room and will not be targeted by others when the verbal attacks and emotional insults are flying. This is only a temporary solution until you can remove yourself from the situation.
To do this, you must slow down your energy, breathe calmly, and sit quietly. Don’t move around, and, most importantly, you have to relax your emotional field. Don’t take in what others are saying; don’t focus on their words and emotions. See yourself as a boat sitting on a calm lake as the misty fog rolls in around you. There you are sitting quietly on the boat on a very calm lake, floating in the mist.
Cleansing Energy Residue
from Your Aura Energy Bodies
After experiencing a psychic attack or to cleanse your aura bodies after doing many readings or being around a group of people, you may wish to clear any residual energy that you have taken on in your aura energy bodies and restore your auric fields. This is always a good practice; it helps ensure that the energy that remains floating in your fields belongs only to you and that you are not affected by other energy that may have become attached to you throughout the day.
The easiest way to clear the energy from your aura is to take a bath sprinkled with some sea salt, which will help restore your aura and remove the negative effects. Salt absorbs the negative energy from your auric body and washes it away in the water. Take a bath and soak in the water for a few minutes, and then turn on the shower to remove any remaining sticky energetic residue from your body. While in the bath, visualize a pure white light tinged with electric blue that is scanning your body. Any energy that does not belong to you is removed from your auric bodies and you are restored and revitalized.
After your bath, dress in a white cotton gown or T-shirt. The white color absorbs new energy coming from the spirit planes as you sleep, and cotton is a natural fiber, which does not inhibit energy absorption like synthetic fibers can.
You can also dip your talisman and crystals in salt water that you have blessed with the white light in order to cleanse them. A quick dip is all that you will want, as some crystals do not do well in salt water. Check to see which crystals and gemstones can be in salt water for a moment before choosing one as your talisman, as you’ll want to cleanse them on occasion. Allow the talisman to dry overnight, under moonlight shining through a window if possible. When you’re ready the next day, it’s time to recharge your talisman and crystals with white-light energy and a positive statement of what you wish them to be charged with, such as protective energy.
I also highly recommend placing Himalayan salt lamps in the office and home, especially in the bedroom where you sleep. The salt lamps create negative ions, which refresh and restore the aura energy bodies and create protective and soothing energy, which also help restore the auric fields.
Now that you’ve cleansed your aura, it’s a good time to recharge your energy body with positive energy.
Exercise: After-Shower Ritual
to Psychically Recharge Your Energy Body
Begin by surrounding yourself in the pure white light. Say aloud in a strong commanding voice, “Divine order: This pure water renews me. Divine light: The rays of the sun nourish me. Divine energy: I am filled with white light as I journey forward.”
Touch your forehead and say, “Divine wisdom: Let my mind open to the truth.”
Touch your lips and say, “Divine communication: Let my lips speak the truth.”
Touch your heart area and say, “Divine love: Let my heart seek the ways of pure love, now and always.”
Touch each palm and say, “Divine touch: Let my hands be gifted to work in healing ways.”
Touch each foot and say, “Divine journey: Let my feet ever walk upon the sacred path.”
You’ve now done an energy reset on your body and have cleared your auric pathways. You should feel pretty good!
Cleansing Energy in the Home
You will want to energetically cleanse your home often if you conduct readings in your home and even after having groups of people in your home for parties and functions. There is such a thing as “energy buildup,” and the more open you become psychically, the more you will pick up on this energy clutter and find that you don’t want it clogging up your home.
As an energy reader, I see others’ auras and also feel the aura energy in buildings and homes. As we emit energy on a daily basis, this energy is projected outward through what we say and do.
Words have great power. They can be used to hurt, heal, soothe, and destroy. Words are a form of energy, and energy does not die; it just changes form.
All things are made of energy. When we speak, our words have power, and if they are spoken forcefully in an excited or angry way through our auric emotional field, the power is increased tenfold.
With this in mind, how important are our words? Imagine what we are all creating energetically in our aura on a daily basis with our thoughts and words. As these words are released and spoken aloud to others, try to visualize what they do to other people’s auras on a daily basis. Words can cut and slice and tear into a person. They can hurt and they can heal. When we blast at another person in anger with our words, we think we are hurting them, but we are also hurting ourselves because that energy blast of anger remains in our auric field as well. We, along with everyone else who hears those words, are hit with collateral damage
Words have a sticky substance in their energy field when their energy is projected. This was a grand design, created so that as we emote what we feel, we are creating. We are creators, and every word we speak creates or destroys. If we look at the Christian creation story, it says that in the beginning, Earth was created with a word—that’s some inspirational manifesting power.
This is why when we chant, when we pray, when we speak, and when we bless something with our words, it has great power to prosper, to heal, or to wound. The sticky energy of each word attaches itself to our aura and to the auras of others when we speak to them. This is why if we have been told something negative about ourselves since our childhood that was repeated to us often, it is difficult to detach from this energy. It has built up over time into a sticky mass that takes time and effort to remove.
The energy of words also attaches to the room and area where we speak these words. The more time we spend in a room, the more energy builds up there. This is how psychics and empaths pick up energy from antiques and jewelry that have been in a house or worn by a person for a long time. They contain an energy imprint of that lifetime that includes the thoughts and words of the people living in these homes or wearing these items.
Now that we are aware of the creation of sticky energy that can build up in our home, imagine if you could shine a light on the walls in your home or a client’s home that would reveal every word and every argument that has occurred in this home and got stuck on the walls. How does it feel?
Visualize yourself visiting a beautiful temple or church or other peaceful building, how does it feel in those rooms? What if you were in New York and could stand on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange? How would the energy feel in there?
When in your home or your client’s home, ask yourself what kind of energy has been created there. It is possible in most cases to remove old and negative energy from a home and restore the home with new energy.
Exercise: Eight Steps to Consciously Cleansing
and Psychically Changing the Energy in a Home
There are certain times of the year when a cleansing of this nature is even more powerful. The solstices and equinoxes are the most powerful times to do this type of cleansing and clearing. Psychically cleanse and recharge your home with powerful positive energy using these eight steps. These cleansing techniques are also helpful to cleanse and clear the energy when moving into a new home or after an argument or stressful situation has occurred in the home.
Step 1: Be Aware of Words in the Home
Be aware of the words you speak in your home. Your home is your temple and should be treated with love and respect. The temple of your home protects your family from the elements, provides comfort and shelter, and brings the family together to share in many activities. Consciously cleansing the home will clear the air, and using your words with conscious thought will have a positive impact on the entire family.
Step 2: Speak Kind Words
Speak loving words of encouragement, kindness, and compassion. When engaged in an argument, catch yourself. Count to ten and ask yourself what you are about to release energetically into your home and toward the people you love. Ask yourself before you speak, “Are my words kind, and are they necessary?” If they are necessary, then choose to be as kind as you can in stating them. Remain aware that what is created daily in the sacred temple of your home nurtures you and your family day and night.
Step 3: Cleanse with a Ritual
Create a cleansing ritual using white sage to smudge and purify each room. (Check with your local metaphysical store for instructions on how to properly and safely smudge with sage.) To begin, say a prayer of protection while lighting a white candle. As you move through each room with the sage, speak a prayer or mantra to bless each room and open the windows to release the old energy outdoors.
Then sprinkle a few drops of blessed water in the corner of each room. If you are Catholic, you can ask for some holy water from your local church. You can also create blessed water yourself. Gather the purest water you can find, be it from a local spring, waterfall, or bottled artesian water. Pour the water into the container you will be using, then add a sprinkle of sea salt into the water. Place your hands over the container of water and say a prayer of your choosing that states that this water is blessed with the highest white-light energy and purity. Depending upon your religious beliefs, you can ask a particular deity to help bless this water. The intention and energy that you send is what is most important, rather than having exact words to state.
A great way to then sprinkle the blessed water in the corner of each room is to dip a sprig of fresh mint or rosemary into a small bowl of water and gently shake the sprig over the area in each corner.
If you still feel residual energy in the room, take a broom and sweep the floors. As you sweep with the broom, visualize the energy in the room being swept away and removed. Continue sweeping this energy until you reach the front door. Open the door and sweep the energy outside, visualizing it dissipating quickly into tiny droplets that soon dissolve. These particles are carried away in the wind where they break apart even further and fall to the earth.
Step 4: Paint the Walls
Paint the walls in a room in which you would like to completely change the energy. Ask for intuitive guidance to choose the color most needed in this room. Play uplifting music and as you paint, say aloud a word that you would like the room to energetically align with, such as love, peace, or grace. Lightly paint the word on the wall, while saying it aloud three times. (Be sure to quickly paint over the word before it dries, otherwise what you have written will bleed through when the paint dries.) If you are painting several rooms, create special words for each room. Abundance fits well in the dining room, peace fits in a child’s room, love fits in the master bedroom, and divine order sets the intention for the entire home. If you are unable to paint your home, use a feather duster and dust the walls while focusing energy and intention on seeing the walls cleared of old energy residue.
To create a long-lasting energetic boost in your room, purchase ground quartz (sold in the paint department of home renovation stores), specially ground for paint. Hold the bag of quartz in your hands and send the desired thought into the quartz. Then mix it into the paint. This will reflect your thoughts and energy and create a beautiful sheen on the walls.
To go a step further for the ultimate in psychic protection in your home using paint, paint the ceiling of your front porch or entryway in a color called “haint blue.” This light blue-green color has been used by psychics and mediums for hundreds of years and is reported to keep dark spirits away. The word “haint” is an old term meaning spirits who exist on the earth plane who do not wish anyone well by their presence. If you live in or have visited the southern part of the United States, you have most likely seen this blue-green paint on a porch or two. Many families continue the tradition without knowing the original meaning behind the color because it has always been done in their family home.
Step 5: Freshen Your Home
Add fresh flowers to bring in positive energy. Declare your home a sacred temple and keep it clutter-free. Clutter creates a detrimental effect on the energy of the room and the people who inhabit the space.
Step 6: Add Your Intention
Apply decorative lettering to the wall of any room or a piece of art that states the intention of what you wish to manifest in the home. There is a wide variety of wall decal quotes readily available in stores and online, or you can create a custom phrase of your own. With an uplifting phrase as a visual accent, it will be even easier to remember the new intentions that you are creating for your family and the sacred space you call home.
Step 7: Ring a Purifying Bell
Ring a Tibetan Buddhist bell daily to clear the energy in the home. When needed, use the dorje or striker on the bell to clear negative energy. The bell vibrates with a pure tone that radiates throughout the home, clearing negative energy and purifying the space. After ringing the bell, state your intention that the energy will now be filled in the home. Here’s an example: “This home is filled with love and light. Our home is filled with peace and joy. Divine energy and love radiate through this home.”
Step 8: Light a Salt Lamp
Add a Himalayan salt lamp to your home. The salt lamp exudes negative ions, which are similar to the ions created at the beach when the waves hit the shore, from a waterfall, or during a thunderstorm when lightning clears the air and moves stagnant, polluted energy. These ions generate positive energy and make you feel more relaxed and happy.
Cleansing Negative Energy from Items
Now that you’ve learned how to cleanse and remove negative energy from your energy bodies and from your home, you can also use this information to cleanse any item that may need it. It’s fair to say, though, that some items can have such a toxic energy buildup that it is impossible to fully cleanse them, and it may be a better choice to let them go.
If you’re an empath or a psychic with the ability of psychometry, you know exactly what I’m talking about here. As you further develop your psychic sensitivities, you may find that items you didn’t notice energetically before now don’t feel as comforting to you.
You may also find yourself wanting to redecorate and to add new inspirational items to your decor as well as finding items that you are ready to release and let go from your home. When going through these items, you may want to consider charging crystals and talismans to reflect positive energy in your home and to use with your psychic work.
Exercise: Charging Talismans and Crystals
Now that you understand the power of words as well as the energy and intention that can be emotionally released in each word, you understand the damage words can do when released in anger. You also understand the healing that words can do when released in love with a powerful healing intention.
Words are at their most powerful when used in a positive way, when they are focused on a prayer or positive affirmation that is said aloud while being expressed emotionally at the heart chakra level.
To take this positive energy activation a step further, use crystals and charge them with powerful, positive statements of energy and intention.
Gather a clear quartz crystal and place it in your right hand. In the body, the left side is the receiving side for energy, and the right side is the sending side. You are sending energy outward into the crystal, so you will want to hold it in the right hand.
Focus your thoughts and emotions on the exact intention that you want to manifest and create. Then direct that energy into the crystal as you clearly and strongly state aloud three times what you intend to create. This charges the clear quartz with energy. If it’s a small crystal, you can carry the crystal with you as a touchstone (a stone that is charged and activated for a specific purpose) and reminder of what you are in the process of manifesting.
You can also use four large-sized quartz crystals and charge them with energy. The more concise, simple, and focused the manifestation, the better. Examples might include “Enhance the energy in this room so that as I sleep I am filled with healing, soothing, peaceful energy” or “Enhance the energy in my office so that creative ideas flow easily to me” or “Fill this crystal or talisman with the pure white light of protection.” The crystals should only be charged with loving, positive affirmations that help create an energy field that is stimulating and conducive to positive growth. Once you have charged these crystals, place one of the four stones at each corner of the room so that they create an energy grid throughout the room, generating this energy and intention. A good stone size to use is one that fills most of the palm of your hand when you hold it.
Crystals are great to use for charging. You can also use this technique to charge a talisman or any object. Enhance that charge even more by attaching a quartz crystal to the talisman that you wish to charge with energy.
Grounding and Releasing Energy
after Working in the Spirit Realms
When I was young, my mother referred to me as a “spirit walker.” What she meant by this was that I had the unique ability to remain grounded on the earth plane while stepping through the veil to be in the spirit realms.
This ability is one that I’ve worked to develop further in this lifetime for many reasons. One of the most important is that I want to show that people with psychic ability can function very well in the physical world and have a normal life while also being psychic.
I think it’s important to be in balance in this way. If you can’t handle the physical world, it’s difficult to be of help to others or to clearly define what you see in the spirit world.
During a recent radio interview, the host commented that he was impressed by how I have demonstrated this unique ability to remain balanced in both worlds, so much so that I teach classes on entrepreneur intuition and how to build a brand and grow your business to people with psychic ability. I love teaching how to be balanced in both realms so that psychics can build their businesses and live the life of their dreams, doing what they love to do using their psychic abilities.
This is no different from anyone else with a special talent. Everyone has to learn how to balance their energy so that they can achieve their personal best. All artistic and creative types go through this process when they find the way to tune in to their creative side and let the art come out but then aren’t sure what to do next to get the art to the people to enjoy it.
To succeed, they must find a way to ground their energy when they are done with the creative project so that they can also function well in the logical, earthly world.
Those who haven’t been trained to ground back into the physical plane after visiting the spiritual planes are often left to their own devices. That can lead to some unhealthy practices as they struggle to find a way to feel connected back to the earth plane again. The following are some examples of how to ground your energy.
Stand Barefoot on the Grass
The chakras in the soles of your feet will immediately reach out to the earth and root you back to the earth plane. Walking in sand will do this as well, and if you need to remove some sticky energy, sand is a great absorber of energy.
If stuck indoors, remove your shoes and wiggle your toes.
Then stand up and raise your arms in the air. Instead of reaching up to pull in more energy, gently lower your arms, breathe deeply, and lower the energy around you, closing the field. Then cross your arms over your chest, making the shape of an X in order to seal the energy in.
Have a Quick Bite to Eat
The act of mindful eating brings you back into your body as you focus on chewing the food. The digestion in the stomach also grounds you back into your body through this process. Fruits and chocolate are very helpful to grounding. It’s different for each person. I know some psychics who eat the biggest steak they can find in order to ground themselves back into their bodies after a big day of doing readings.
Hold a Touchstone
Crystals are very powerful tools for connecting with the other side. Some crystals, though, can help us tap back into our physical selves and bring us back to center. You can program a quartz crystal to do this act when you hold it in your hand, or you may be drawn to a specific type of crystal or gemstone that you activate to do this work. A stone that has been charged or activated for a specific purpose like this is called a “touchstone.”
Even a stone (nongemstone) that fits nicely in the palm of your hand can be charged into a touchstone that grounds you and brings you back to yourself. Gemstones are the most popular, though. The ones that are most frequently used include black tourmaline, hematite, and amethyst.
Take a Shower or a Sea-Salt Bath
Standing in the water connects you back to the physical plane and removes any residue that may have gathered around you. If you’ve been doing psychic work and need help to remove energy residue from another person, taking a bath with some sea salt will cleanse your aura and ground you. You can also take a shower, use a salt scrub, and visualize the energy residue floating away down the drain.
Close the Energy Loop
Did you always wonder why it felt like your mother had eyes in the back of her head? It’s because she did, and so do you. The occipital nerves are located in the back of your skull near the neck, and this is a highly sensitive area where we sense things psychically. Place your hand over the back of your head over this area to stop energy from flowing in and then take your other hand and cover it over your third eye chakra area to stop energy from flowing out and upward.
Keep your hands over these two areas for thirty seconds. This will close the energy flow, allowing you to reset your energy and ground your body without the outside influences and energy swirling around you.