To be merely wounded during a crime and get mentioned in the Los Angeles Times is rare. On many an occasion, Lyons had told an editor about a wounding he had heard on the police scanner or learned from making a cop call. The editor’s reaction was usually, “Let me know if he dies.”
There were basically four ways to get in the paper with just a wound.
If the victim was some type of celebrity, such as a rapper or athlete of middle to major note, he or she would get in. Hollywood movie or television stars do not get shot. They are never around real violence.
If a student is wounded on a high school campus, even just grazed in the finger, most likely that will make the paper unless it happens at Manual Arts, Jordan, Fremont, Jefferson, Locke, Washington, Crenshaw, Dorsey, Gardena, Compton, Carson, Roosevelt, Garfield, Centennial, Morningside, Inglewood, or Banning high schools. At those schools, the wound would have to be more than a nick.
If the wounding occurs at a major venue—say the Grove, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Rodeo Drive, Disneyland, Santa Monica Pier, Beverly Center, places like that—it gets major play for sure.
About the only way for a commoner to make it in the paper with just a wound is when that victim is a real hard-luck, against-all-odds success story.
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Debra Sady Griffen was a classic example of the “I’m gonna make it, come hell or high water” story. Two years ago, in three weeks’ time, her parents were killed on Crenshaw near Imperial Highway by a drunk driver; her older sister, Denise, drank herself to a Smirnoff death; and her older brother, Darnell, was shot to death by a seventeen-year-old Nutty Blocc Compton Crip because he had on a maroon t-shirt.
Rather than melt into the city’s sidewalks, Debra Sady, then twenty-two, was fervently determined to make something of her life. She worked hard. Before her night shift as a stock clerk at the Food4Less on Slauson and Western, she attended bus-driving school. Her goal was, after two months on the bus gig, to move out of her apartment on Brynhurst Avenue, a mid-size city’s worth of urban nightmares squished into six narrow blocks.
The day before she was to start driving kids to school for Laidlaw Bus Company, Debra went to her cousin’s house in Lynwood, a suburb on the relatively right side of the Alameda tracks. To her tearful surprise, a dozen family members and friends had gathered to celebrate her graduation and her new job. It was one of the great times of her life. Never had Debra Sady felt prouder, never had she felt more in love with life.
About the time Debra was singing along to Junior Walker and the All Stars’s “What Does It Take (To Win Your Love),” there was a shooting several miles to the west near the Harbor Freeway.
The Hotel Mary on Vermont near 75th had recently undergone a $680 renovation that included a new mop and bucket, a rug cleaning, a Bissell vacuum cleaner, and painting of the front awnings green, and the front and side walls hot pink, a popular color in these parts. It was called a hotel, but it was just a flophouse where the rooms rent for eighty-five dollars a week, the air never moved, and the hallways reeked like a Figueroa Street whore who hasn’t paid her hot water bill since summer began.
In a second-floor room, a drug deal had gone wrong. A Seven-Four Hoover Criminal had been shot in the shoulder and robbed of his stash, about three hundred dollars in rocks. The wounded twenty-year-old recognized his assailant, a rival from the Rollin Sixties Crips, their decades-long mortal enemies. As his homies drove him to the hospital, he told them who the shooter was. No one waited for the paramedics on the Southside of L.A. In the emergency room of Harbor/UCLA Medical Center on Carson Street in Torrance, police questioned the victim, who told them he had no idea who had shot him and that it wasn’t much of a shooting anyway.
As police interviewed the wounded man, three of his boys from Hoover, a gang admired for their quick payback shootings, were already searching for the shooter. They knew him to be staying with a cousin on Brynhurst Avenue in Hyde Park. Hoovers also had good intel. About fifteen minutes earlier, Debra Sady had gotten her hugs and well-wishes and said her goodbyes and was headed back to her apartment complex on Brynhurst.
In Southwest Los Angeles, in the area west of Crenshaw and both south and north of Slauson Avenue, amidst the fragrant cloud of Woody’s BBQ, is the neighborhood of Hyde Park.
If you took a corner boy from, say, 25th and Diamond in North Philly, he’d drool over the neat two- and three-bedroom Spanish tile-roofed homes with their sweet-smelling red Mister Lincoln rosebushes and Purple Queen bougainvillea that line the streets.
But, that corner boy would be surprised to learn that this neighborhood was the domain of one of the deadliest black street gangs in the United States—The Rollin Sixties Crips, often both affectionately and dreadfully referred to as “Six-Oh.” As in “’Dem niggas from Six-Oh just shot your grandma.”
The guts of Six-Oh turf is Brynhurst Avenue, a place to be caught dead. The blocks along Brynhurst are lined with cramped two-story apartment buildings and courtyard bungalows. Many of the twelve-hundred-strong Rollin Sixties lived on Brynhurst, thugs with names like Tiny Creepy, Hammerhands, Felony Fred, Scatterbrain, Papa Loc, Peedee Wac, and Wild Cat.
As Debra Sady drove her blue-green 2001 Nissan Sentra toward her Brynhurst rental, she was singing still, now to Marvin and Tammy’s “Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing.”
The real thing would start tomorrow for Debra Sady: a bus driving job with real benefits and a 401K savings plan. Seconds after she turned off 63rd Street and onto Brynhurst, so did a carload of Hoover Criminals looking to avenge. As she exited her Sentra, carrying a plate of smothered pork chops from her cousin’s house, down rolled the window of a brown Ford Bronco driven by one Lyles Davis aka “Tiny Trouble.” Another Hoover screamed “Hoo-va” and speed triggered a Glock 19 at the suspected shooter of their homie. Near him were two other men, two women, and two boys, one of them doing circles in a blue on red Big Wheel. Before the “va” came out of his mouth, targets were running for cover. None of them, including the target, were hit. Not unusual. If gang members were good shots, L.A. would have one of the highest homicide rates in the world.
But, as Debra Sady stepped from her Nissan, she heard the shots and a bullet struck her back, just piercing a kidney. The plate of pork chops went flying as she reeled for two spastic steps before tumbling to the concrete driveway of her apartment complex. The plate of food shattered near her head. Debra Sady lay oozing blood and dreams.