Special thanks to Fred Wilson who suggested the title and who has also composed some wicked mazes in his time. Also, thanks to Hannon Russell and his crew for recognizing an original idea and putting it all together.
K stands for King
Q stands for Queen
R stands for Rook
B stands for Bishop
N stands for Knight
P stands for Pawn, although in practice it is rarely used.
- the dash means moves to
x means captures
/ the slash indicates pawn promotion
0-0 means castles kingside
0-0-0 means castles queenside
+ stands for check
# or mate stands for checkmate
1-0 means White wins
0-1 means Black wins
½-½ means tie game, a draw
! indicates a strong move
!! indicates an excellent, brilliant move
!? indicates an interesting, but unclear move
? is a bad or questionable move
?? is a serious blunder