Richard Bandler Licensing Agreement

The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming is set up for the purpose of exerting quality control over those training programmes, services and materials claiming to represent the model of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). The seal below indicates Society Certification and is usually advertised by Society-approved trainers. When you purchase NLP products and seminars, ask to see this seal. This is your guarantee of quality.

It is common experience for many people when they are introduced to NLP and first begin to learn the technology, to be cautious and concerned with the possible uses and misuses.

As a protection for you and for those around you, the Society of NLP now requires participants to sign a licensing agreement which guarantees that those certified in this technology will use it with the highest integrity.

It is also a way to ensure that all the training you attend is of the highest quality and that your trainers are updated and current with the constant evolution of the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Design Human Engineering, etc.

For a list of recommendations, go to:

The Society of NLP

NLP™ Seminars Group International

PO Box 424

Hopatcong, NJ 07843


Tel: (973) 770-3600


Copyright 1994 The Society of NLP™ and Richard Bandler.